Reviewer Rating Profile

Vice Admiral Locke Setzer (#4541)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 350
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
I love a good TIE Fighter mission, but this is not the way...
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
It's a nice big battle and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The only knock I have on it is that it's really on you to disable the Dreadnaught yourself.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
Missile Boat make things go boom. It can be done in about 60 seconds, so it'll appear to a certain part of the population. But there's some real technical marks I have to ding it for - the worst being the flight groups with no orders.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
It's definitely something of a challenge, and that Carrack Cruiser will absolutely make a run for it if you're not careful.
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
It's not a bad mission, although I don't know that it works, conceptually. It's not really a race so much as a competition (who can destroy the most shuttles!) with a transport as the finish line that can leave quite quickly. It doesn't really matter who destroys the most shuttles though, so ultimately the story doesn't exactly work, but it's still a perfectly fun mission to fly.
Reviewed: 2024-05-20
I have to drop it a point for what I believe is a soft lock (if the ESC is disabled and you stop the Rebels from capturing it, the mission will never be able to complete), but otherwise it's a pretty solid dogfight mixed in with protecting a ship with some real stakes.
Reviewed: 2024-05-19
Reviewed: 2024-05-19
I rather enjoyed it, but the story features joint operations between the Challenge and the Immortal, so I admit there may be some bias at play. Found it to be a fun series of mission though
Reviewed: 2024-05-17
Reviewed: 2024-05-17
It's nine pretty solid missions. Story was interesting at first, although it seemed to peter out in the end with more musings about the incredibleness of the TIE Defender (fair) than anything else. I had fun though!
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
I love a good TIE Fighter mission and this is a good one. The homicidal container transports might be a touch too much, but otherwise it's well balanced and challenging without being overbearing.

Definitely recommend helping Omega knock down the freighter's shields though - faster that capture starts, the better off you'll be.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
I enjoyed this one, particularly for its creativity. I'm not a huge fan of requiring a pilot to call for reinforcements to win a mission, but other than that it's a fun one with some neat twists.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Pretty challenging but well designed Missile Boat mission - definitely not something you see every day.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
Fairly standard, straight forward battle - nothing major to condemn it (other than the backdrop bug - make sure to turn off backdrops for mission #3)
Reviewed: 2024-05-14
Fly a TIE and fight a bunch of Z-95s and later X-Wings, then help laser down some bases (that admittedly won't fire back). It's not a great mission, but I have to drop it a point for how easy it is to fail it - when you hit mission complete, you MUST head back home, and you don't have a lot of time to do it - failing to do so will fail the mission. There is not what I would consider adequate warning to the player about this, which I found that to be incredibly cruel, dropping it a point below what I would otherwise score.
Reviewed: 2024-05-14
A pair of pirate CRSes vs. the Challenge, the Interdictor Fairchild, and a flight of Tornado Squadron. Fairly standard mission, although your experience may vary greatly depending on your difficulty level...
Reviewed: 2024-05-14
Reviewed: 2024-05-14
Definitely an easy one, mostly because you have numerical and technical superiority...
Reviewed: 2024-05-14
Reviewed: 2024-05-14
I'll be the stick in the mud and say this one crosses the line for me on mission creation content rules. Did the easy mission, thought it was okay otherwise
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
A pretty straightforward inspection mission with the option to stick around for more points. I wish there was a biiiit more to it, but I appreciate that it doesn't complete until after you return from your inspection mission, adding a bit of jeopardy if you decide to stick around to take on more.
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
It's a phenomenal conclusion (for now...) to a series that has just been an absolute delight, from start to finish. Suitably epic, with perhaps just a bit more difficulty here than the previous entries (appropriate for a finale), I think this battle is tremendous highlight of what X-Wing Alliance can be at its best.

If you're not using the WAV files though, you're really missing out! There's a moment in Mission #3 that may be one of my all-time favorites of any mission in the compendium, and I don't know that it would hit as hard without the audio accompaniment
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
Very very easy, but also very very bad. But hey, on the plus side: you saved the Empire!
Reviewed: 2024-05-11
You absolutely owe it to yourself to play this battle with all WAVs, crest patch, anything and everything installed. Wow! Admittedly, it's essentially a special edition of the already-terrific XWA-TC #70 and #71 (with a fun new mission thrown in the middle), but with a lot of care taken to really make use of all the amazing technical tricks that TFTC has available. Because of that, it's probably one of the best experiences you can have from the mission compendium today, and I absolutely cannot recommend it enough!
Reviewed: 2024-05-10
Reviewed: 2024-05-10
I love everything about this mission; from story, to design, to the decision to absolutely revel in all the visual glories TFTC has to offer.

Also quite honored to play a part in its story. It's both a wonderful mission and a real dedication to a moment in time in this club, which make up some of my favorite entries in the compendium
Reviewed: 2024-05-09
The idea of taking a classic story (Rogue Squadron series) and remixing it as a what-if (using the EH as the catalyst), combined with use of a modern squadron (Typhoon) and a WAV pack to punch up the immersion, just results in such a terrific experience. A wonderful addition to the compendium!
Reviewed: 2024-05-09
Straightforward premise with some fun action! Only thing I can ding it on is the FRG's orders and some potential harry situations with the FRTs potentially colliding with the FRG (although I kind of thought it made things fun, to be honest)
Reviewed: 2024-05-09
Reviewed: 2024-05-09
If you're looking for wood, this is the mission for you!

It's a long one but it's fun
Reviewed: 2024-04-25
Reviewed: 2024-04-25
Loved it! Besides enjoying a trip back in time to a wonderful era, it's also just a solid mission with a fun premise quite befitting of Challenge pilots both then and now. Highly recommend!

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