Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Phalk Sturm (#6874)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 835
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Decent and enjoyable battle. Although, with some minor tweaks this one could have improved drammatically. Some of the assignments have excessively long waiting times, and the idea of pitting a T/I against capships with insufficient payloads, is plain boring. Trigger-finger soring should be avoided by creators. Last mission is close to a clear copy of mission 1. Putting those issues aside, it's worth a try and good for 4 FCHG points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
This battle could have been a golden classic if it had been properly beta tested. Plotline is nothing extraordinary but decently effective. The missions, however are the same recipe repeated over and over again. T/A with missiles against capital ships and fighters. No chances of choosing your loadouts or even the possibility of flying the GUNs, that hopefully will join you in the frays. It also has some basic mistakes, like a DREAD ramming your VSD, or kamikaze ATRs that while attacking your command ship, will not have the skill to maneuver out from the initial vector. Unfortunately, the good plotline and effort spent in this battle are spoiled, and this is yet-another missed opportunity for a great battle
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Short battle, but a classic in its own. The plotline is very good, about uncovering a political strife behind ancient prophecies and artifacts. The missions are action packed and well balanced, and the throughout the campaign the plot will thicken. Great time playing this, for some simple fun and a good story. Worth a try
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Good battle. All missions are flown in a MIS with plenty of ammo and beams. A true delight to squeeze the endless potential of the Überbomber. Fun to fly, easy to fly but hard to master and obtain the best of the missions, this is an excellent battle, both for competitions as well as regular flying. Not to be missed.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Excellent battle. The plotline is solid and very original, and so are the preliminaries in every mission. The missions are interesting and clever to fly. Only one of the assignments had excessively long waiting times, and some others will keep player attentive to what to do or failing the mission. Challenging combat, immersive plotline and high level of technical skill in mission creation. There is so much anyone can ask. Don't miss this one.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Nothing out of the ordinary, but then again, a decent battle. The missions are a bit unconnected to a solid plotline, and consist mostly of trying out the T/e1 and the Toscan Fighter. Some inspection, some protection and eventually a little bombing run, is all you get in this easy and quick battle. Worth a try for some simple 4 points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Decent battle, mostly about dogfighting in T/As or T/Is and bombing in the rustproof everlasting War Mule. The plotline is not extraordinary but works out to immerse the player in the campaign. The missions themselves are well-balanced and can be challenging at times. A good battle, worth some honest work's FCHG points. Give it a try.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Decent battle. Nice plotline and good preliminaries and briefings. The missions had that feeling of being a DB battle, using second rate equipment such as the venerable GUN, or the budget Clk/F and were very challenging, given the poor capabilities of the latter. In the end, the missions tended to feel repetitive, such as always protecting your capital ships from a usual invading enemy flotilla, and this was detrimental to the overall score of the battle. However, this is a decent battle, worth the time invested and for some FCHG points, given that you are willing to endure flying the useless Space Blanket, aka the Cloakshape Fighter. Although Fighter is probably too big of a word for it.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Another great battle in the rDB saga. The plotline, as said before, is an excellent adaptation of what happened during the days of the split. Some missions are quite simple, others will require some tactical analysis to go through. There are some epic fleet to fleet engagements, and you will get confused which cap ship is yours and whose the enemy's. Perfectly crafted, it's one of the best in the DB subgroup in my opinion. It's challenging, immersive and will have your eyes peeled all the time. Pay attention even to the radio chatter if you want to survive this. Do not miss it.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
A very good battle. Most missions are action packed yet following closely the excellent plotline. It revives old memories of the split of the rDB and it's greatly put into flying missions. The only assignment that bluntly fell out of place was mission 1, exceedingly long and pointless in my opinion. Otherwise, this is an excellent battle.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Interesting battle. Not the best of Ender's creations, but worth enough a try. Flying the TIE Assault is a nice change from the usual T/A or GUN. The plotline was a bit simple and the missions felt repetitive in the end, but all in all, it's good for points and some quick action-packed playing time.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Excellent plotline and everything revolving the story was very well written and worked to the details. The missions, however, were a bit repetitive, protecting a CRV throughout the campaign, which felt logical since you were the Senator's hired security, but nevertheless the same formula replicated over and over, inspect, protect and dogfight. It even became slightly confusing of who were the enemy since the double-crossing was happening along the missions, so better look after your IFF. With some minor tweaks this could have been one of those jewels, because had it all, originality, a compelling story and sadly, a not-so-good action in the missions.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Terrible battle. Unparalleled waste of time. The plotline is decent enough and the idea of flying for the Medical Corps was nice and appealing. The missions themselves were not badly planned at all, but execution was terrible. Endless waiting for cargo, personnel or whatever, to be delivered. Sometimes above 20 minutes. Then the action itself was short and useless. There is a particular mission flying a TRN! And although anyone would love the quad ion cannons this ship boasts, the mission is so badly programmed that your targets are mercilessly nuked. Don't play this one for your sanity's sake. I had to fly it twice, and I am wondering why anyone in white overalls hasn't come yet.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
This battle left me with mixed emotions. The plotline is marvelous, and so are the preliminaries in every mission, but the missions are so unbalanced. Some are just perfect, the atmosphere, the action, the right difficulty, then some are more than challenging, close to frustrating, and others are quick as a the flight of an arrow in a clear sky. However, it is a very engaging battle and is well worth a try.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Basic but effective mission about defending a PLT while flying a shielded T/I. Pirate force attacking consists of 2 DREADs and 1 ESC and a thick complement of fighters and bombers. Simple concept but entertaining enough, and worth a try for another FCHG point.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Simple and quick mission about a bombing run on some facilities and their defenses, both static and airborne. Additionally player will have to sink all capital ships. A good old bloodbath of rockets for a brainless mission. Worth a try for a single FCHG point, but nothing more.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
A trur gem. No other mission in the Compendium has this level of craftmanship and uniqueness. If you hate 3-D mazes from the 80s or the old RPG games, then skip this, you'd probably hate it, but if you do, this is a true marvel. Fly your T/F in an intricate and dangerous maze full of mines until you find the exit. This mission is one of a kind.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Quick and simple mission flying a T/A, first nuking out some communication's array and some capital ships, then jumping to a new area to finish a PLT and her complement of fighters. Nothing extraordinary but then again, enjoyable and fast to finish. Worth a try and some quick FCHG point
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Fast and furious, this one is a nice and simple mission. Shoot down the SCT trying to dock onto the ESC and then it's all hands on CRV and fighters. Your bombers will finish the ESC. Mission accomplished. Fast FCHG point for the pocket.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Good thoughts in this one, but poorly carried out. The first idea of boarding a FRG to make a hyperjump in the TIE Exp M2. was a nice touch and learning that technique will prove useful in some other battles in the Compendium. The TIE Experimental mk.2 is also a nice little gizmo to fly. The Turbolasers mash up everything they pounce on, but taking on a FRG and a CRV head on, without warheads? It's frustrating and plain folly. In the end, an initial promising mission turned up to be some of those inconsequential exercises to force some plot just to put an exotic fighter into a mission. Fly it only if you need that precious FCHG point.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Quick and simple mission flying Z95s against some T/Fs and trying to sink a DREAD and a CRS. Nothing much to expect, but good minutes of fun while flying it. Worth a try.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Interesting mission, and confusing enough to have you puzzled whether it's poorly programmed or it was actually intended to be like that. I don't to spoil the fun in it, but this one goes beyond the usual kill'em all. Worth a try but be ready to take a good look around and think for a second.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Decent mission following an original plotline. Fly through a few jumps and fake an aggression on a CORT rescuing pilots from a Golani. The mission can get confusing at times and it is a long one. Besides that, it's worth a try for a not-so-fast FCHG point.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Nice and original mission about protecting the SSD Avenger against a converging fleet of ISDs. Bomb your way through and be ready for an epic battle. Worth a try.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Nice mission about the glory days of Wing IV and the majestic SSSD Sovereign. The engagement itself is pretty straightforward. Defend the Sov against some rebel capital ships converging on her and mop up all bombers attacking. Worth a try, for a nice action packed mission, but also to see the magnificence of the SSSD.

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