Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Benji Tandor (#56481)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 123
Reviewed: 2023-02-19
Reviewed: 2023-02-19
Short, easy and sweet ! The plotline's straightforward and well delivered, the missions are engaging. Particularly enjoyable is the capital ship brawl in the final mission.

My forty-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-18
Reviewed: 2023-02-18
A very neat battle ! The missions are well put together with a healthy level of challenge, particularly the first one. The plot's well delivered and well written.

The final mission's invincible asteroid is a theoretically interesting concept that is a little frustrating, but capital ships will eventually hyperspace in and take it out, that problem solves itself.

My forty-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-17
Reviewed: 2023-02-17
Previous reviews are invalid - the battle has since been updated and mission 4 is extremely reasonable. However, mission 5 asks far too much while giving you far too little...

Overall, it is an enjoyable battle with a solid plot and good writing. It does ask a lot of you while putting you often in unshielded craft, but that's part of the challenge !

My forty-sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-16
This battle shines through it's silly, fun plot line ! The missions are fairly interesting though laden with a few pain points.

My forty-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-15
Reviewed: 2023-02-15
The missions are challenging and competently put together but lack in variety, so much of it is protecting allied capital ships.

My forty-fourth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-15
This is an excellently crafted battle. Flying an unshielded TIE Interceptor is nerve wracking but the missions are well built around that constraint, while being consistently engaging mechanically and narratively.

My forty-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-14
Reviewed: 2023-02-14
Some of the missions' goals can read like a shopping list from hell and the two missions in unshielded craft can be frustrating. Nevertheless, it all fits together, backed up by a tight plot that explains everything nicely. The final mission is a true joy to fly and a splendid capstone to what is a deceptively good battle !

My forty-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-14
Reviewed: 2023-02-14
This battle is very fast and extremely easy but that doesn't mean that it isn't very good - and it is ! The missions are well put together, the plot's sensible, craft variety is nice and it's a breath of fresh air.

My forty-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-13
A tight, well delivered plot that smoothly flows across each mission. Flying the A-9 Interceptor with shields and even a beam weapon is a treat ! The missions are expertly designed and present a very enjoyable challenge.
This is an excellent battle !

My fourtieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-13
Reviewed: 2023-02-13
It's unfortunate that the third mission is such a nightmare as the rest of the battle is otherwise tight and well put together.

My thirty-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-13
Reviewed: 2023-02-13
It's unfortunate that the third mission requires too much of you relative to the resources you're given, as this battle is otherwise tight and well put together.

My thirty-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-11
Reviewed: 2023-02-11
This is a simply very solid battle. A well delivered and sensible plot backing very competently crafted missions that have the right length and level of challenge. It's very good !

My thirty-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-11
Reviewed: 2023-02-11
It's unfortunate that this battle suffers from repeated instances of mindlessly lasering capital ships (who don't even fight back !) and that its final mission is hellish and far beyond anything that came prior, as it otherwise would have been very good.

My thirty-sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-10
Reviewed: 2023-02-10
Very little plot surrounding missions that are technically poor.

My thirty-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-10
Reviewed: 2023-02-10
The humor's nice and the briefings are well made. Unfortunately, most of the missions are largely unstimulating busywork.

My thirty-fourth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-09
Reviewed: 2023-02-09
The plot is very well delivered and the missions are well crafted.

My thirty-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-09
Reviewed: 2023-02-09
The plot is simple and unfolds sensibly, unfortunately a few of the missions are very tedious.

My thirty-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-08
While the fundamental premise of the plot is time manipulation nonsense, it's still a pleasure to see it unfold from there. The briefings are well made, the missions are well crafted with a very healthy amount of challenge on Hard - some missions change completely based on difficulty, which is a very nice polishing touch. An excellent battle !

My thirty-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-08
Reviewed: 2023-02-08
The briefings are well made and the plot's quite good. Unfortunately, the missions are hectic and hellish in a frustrating way.

My thirtieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-07
Reviewed: 2023-02-07
Gameplay's much the same as the previous battle, only with less waiting around. Still very tedious, even with a fun story !

My twenty-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-07
Reviewed: 2023-02-07
Waiting times are far too long and flying a transport is far from exciting, especially when the AI craft are braindead. Nonetheless, it's novel, the writing's good and the plot's fun !

My twenty-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-05
Reviewed: 2023-02-05
Jarring writing, a second mission with hellish time constraints and a fourth that requires you to take out two platforms without reload craft or adequate NPC support make for an annoying battle.

My twenty-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-05
Reviewed: 2023-02-05
This is a short but sweet battle with fun writing, pitting you against pirates instead of rebels for a change ! It's unfortunate that the fourth mission asks you to slowly slug it out with stations and capital ships in an A-Wing without a reload craft.

My twenty-sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-04
A cut below the rest of the Rion saga but still competent.

My twenty-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-04
Typical Rion fare : an engaging overarching plot with competent missions, unfortunately bogged down by poor writing.

My twenty-fourth battle in the TIE Corps.

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