Reviewer Rating Profile

General Abel Malik (#6939)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 128
Reviewed: 2005-02-12
Reviewed: 2005-02-12
This is the best version of the V-wing battle due to the xwa features in my opinion.
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
This is a good remake of an old tie battle by FA mBinder, a fun set of missions to fly as well;p.
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
Nice work porting this from TIE to XWA Master, lots of bonus points are available for the skilled pilot too;p.
Reviewed: 2005-01-22
Reviewed: 2005-01-22
Somebody's a Eddings fan;p. Good battle for TIE.
Reviewed: 2005-01-17
good plot/storyline to the battle; however, i needed more missiles for mission two & four;p.
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
A decent battle created by our new TAC, go Frodo!
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
This is a truly unique battle, each mission is different based on difficulty level settings! (Its not easy to create something unique these days my props to the creator!).
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
This ones a decent XvT battle, and well worth the time to fly.
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
What can I say, it's a battle about the TAC & tac staff, with a decent plot & missions!
Reviewed: 2005-01-04
Reviewed: 2005-01-04
An Interesting battle from the former TAC, but the M/Gunn patch acts up on occasion- if you see the M/Gunn in mission 4 with 0% shields uninstall the patch then reinstall- worked for me!
Reviewed: 2005-01-04
A interesting bug-free mission, not the best but I've flown alot worse in TIE;p.
Reviewed: 2004-12-29
Reviewed: 2004-12-29
I liked how this mission turned out- mostly due to the correction work of COL Frodo- well done!
Reviewed: 2004-12-29
Reviewed: 2004-12-29
This is an excellent Simulator run and would be a good comp mission as well!
Reviewed: 2004-12-28
Reviewed: 2004-12-28
This'd make a good comp mission & it's always fun to vape pirates! ;p
Reviewed: 2004-12-28
What can I say, GN Master did a great job with this mission. You get to fly a TIE Praetor & aquire booze. What's not to like? ;p.
Reviewed: 2004-11-29
Nice battle, good for all pilots;p.
Reviewed: 2004-08-22
Reviewed: 2004-08-22
Not a bad set of missions if you like flying in a shieldless TIE (sorry I havn't quite grown out of my IW background just yet- give me a few years);p.
Reviewed: 2003-07-17
Reviewed: 2003-07-17
like Mad Hatter said this is a good training mission, though it was intended for the IW's past elite squadron Scorpion which used E-wings. I'd like to see more use of the E-wing & K-wing patch by mission designers.
Reviewed: 2003-04-02
Reviewed: 2003-04-02
I found this to be a well balanced battle and enjoyed the dogfighting aspects of the battle. Well i just like to kill rebels anyway;p.
Reviewed: 2003-03-23
This is an excellent IW training mission with the use of the Z-95 which could help improve dogfighting skills and practice destroying enemy capital ships especially in the higher difficulties. Excellent work Sienar!
Reviewed: 2003-02-20
This is an example of what a good IW battle can be and the plotline was provided by the COO himself so it's worth a try in the sim & it's always fun vaping some rebels;p.
Reviewed: 2003-02-01
Reviewed: 2003-02-01
This battle was interesting as far as the Vong concept was concerned, but i would have preferred another IW capitol ship to have been chosen to be destroyed (something not as important as the MC-90 Fear). If not for that fact i would have rated this battle higher.
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
I have to agree with LC Master, it was a bit "too much" for a simple mission. Nevertheless, it was a fun excersise in destruction & dogfighting;p.
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
I liked this mission even if it was of the kill, kill, kill variety (nothing like vaping some rebels!);p. And being in a x-wing made me feel right at home from my time in Ares squadron;p.
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
What can i say it's an IW mission and a decent one at that (in fact i alpha tested this before it was submitted to the EHTAC);p. Good work Kane....

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