XWA-F 86: Infitrator Wing: Black Escort

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2003-01-21
Last updated: 2012-11-03

VA Kane Reese

Average rating 3.5
Reviews: 6
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 65
Patches used

MC90 Calamari Cruiser

Battle Reviews

A very average mission but looses points as it uses the MC90 patch only for set dressing in the initial area and it is not actually needed for the mission.

Nice mission about the exploits of the IW and Black Squadron. The plotline is good and the action unfolds in an excellent series of twists and events, all while flying an X-W, and either dogfighting or helping to take down capital ships, and happens through 3 action packed jump points. One in particular felt like a perfect depiction of those entangled skirmishes between fighters and frigates. Very much worth a try and good simple fun for a fast earnt FCHG point.

Really good mission. Takes forever to get to the base in the second region when the A-wings and B-wings are attacking it, but other then that I really injoyed it.

A good mission. The funny thing about this XWA-Free is that every time you think it is over, it's not. Moreover, there are no bugs. To summarize; a decent escort mission with just that little bit extra.

Very good mission. Can be a real challenge if you're playing in Hard. Lots of targets. You might learn a thing or two about the X-Wing in the process.

What can i say it's an IW mission and a decent one at that (in fact i alpha tested this before it was submitted to the EHTAC);p. Good work Kane....

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 20,660 COL Deimos

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 20,660 COL Deimos 2004-09-21
2 12,939 COL Rau Aznable 2003-06-19
3 11,468 COL CrimsonFury 2004-09-05
4 11,299 LCM Josef Hassan 2004-10-16
5 10,884 AD Adren Silvori 2003-02-11
6 9,000 VA Dolza 2003-02-01
7 7,956 CM Xanatos Screed 2003-04-24
8 7,906 Darth Vader 2003-04-06
9 7,366 LCM Apophix 2003-02-03
10 6,002 CM Roulex 2004-10-11

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 63 pilots a total of 64 times.

X-Wing Alliance Free Mission: 'Infiltrator Wing: Black Escort'


FL/LCM Kane Reese/Beth 2-1/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
CMDR/CAP Kane Reese/Black 1-1/Wing II/MC-90 Fear/IW/EH 


1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.


This mission is made for Black Squadon Mission Design competition.

Special thanks:

IW, COL Arcanian Stirner for assisting in alpha testing.
SW Gidda for review.

These missions are intended to be played after Battle 7: The Battle of Endor.