RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
This one was a big waste of my time. One of the rebel fighters never appears so the mission is stuck at 97%, probably due to having more than the maximum number of craft allowed.
COL Phalk Sturm
Reviewer's rating profile
Good battle. Well structured and perfect balance, it has it all, see extensive dogfighting, heavy bombing, and even capping ATRs while you make swift passes. The double load of rockets in your T/I made the Space Shoe a serious death dealing machine worth flying in this otherwise excellent mission.
FA John T. Clark
Reviewer's rating profile
This mission had potential to be real good fun.
But it isn't, as it's skirting over the line from difficult to tedious.
A target rich and dangerous environment, and dozens of bombers attacking your target...
COL Mouse Droid
Reviewer's rating profile
Enjoyable mission.
On easy, one of the rebel fighters never appears so the mission is stuck at 97%, probably due to having more than the maximum number of craft allowed at the same time.
Mission: | 99,548 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2023-09-08 |
(of available records)
1 | 99,548 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2023-09-08 |
2 | 78,435 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2015-04-25 |
3 | 44,375 | FA Pickled Yoda | 2015-05-01 |
4 | 35,300 | HA Plif | 2015-04-29 |
5 | 32,178 | COL Phalk Sturm | 2021-10-22 |
This battle has been flown by 17 pilots a total of 19 times.
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2015-04-25
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-22
FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2015-05-01
HA Plif - 2015-04-29
CPT Vanguard88 - 2023-09-08
LT Varis Palharris - 2015-04-27
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-11
TITLE: Dead of Space MISSIONS: 1 GAME PLATFORM: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Created by: CMDR/CM Ghorg/Odin/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf & FM/LCM Kaisin Mirtez/Kappa 3-4/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign Patches needed: EHSP v3 needed, custom sound.lst included. How to install: 1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle. 2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 3] Press the X-wing Vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the mission. Custom Sound file Installation instructions: 1] Locate to XvT\Misc folder. 2] Copy deadofspace.lst to XwingTie\wave 3] Press the X-wing Vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the mission. Sounds will play throught the mission. THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.