Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Benji Tandor (#56481)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 123
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
A straightforward and enjoyable battle.

My ninety-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
A decent plot with impressive fleet battles. Hellish missions bring it down.

My ninety-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
An enjoyable battle with large fleet engagements - if a little much bashing of tough targets (laser batteries and capital ships).

My ninety-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
Straightforward with an alright plot.

My ninetieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
Reviewed: 2023-06-30
A well developed plot elevates this complex and challenging battle.

My eighty-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-25
Reviewed: 2023-06-25
Short and straightforward with a sensible plot.

My eighty-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-24
Reviewed: 2023-06-24
Long wait times and tedious grinding down of capital ships bog down this otherwise enjoyable battle.

My eighty-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-23
A solid battle with engaging large scale fights.

My eighty-sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-23
Enjoyably straightforward with a solid plot.

My eighty-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-23
Reviewed: 2023-06-23
Enjoyably short, otherwise run of the mill.

My eighty-forth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-22
The battle clearly wasn't tested : allies destroy necessary objectives in the second mission. It otherwise is a solid battle.

My eigthy-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-22
Reviewed: 2023-06-22
Clean, silly fun again, a cut above TC-96 !

My eighty-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Fun, silly nonsense.

My eighty-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Complete lack of craft variety and interminable wait times on the second mission knock this battle down a few pegs.

My eightieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
A really good battle ! A solid and engaging narrative underpins very enjoyable missions with an appropriate level of challenge. The penultimate mission, a huge three-way brawl is excellent !

My seventy-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
A silly fun storyline with impressive large fights. Unfortunately, unacceptably long wait times plague the battle.

My seventy-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
An enjoyably straightforward battle.

My seventy-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
Better than the previous entries in the series but still brought down by an unreasonable level of challenge and very long waiting times.

My seventy-sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-31
The second mission is a piece of shit but the battle is otherwise alright.

My seventy-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
Some interesting ideas, a fairly straightforward battle.

My seventy-forth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
While this battle has a few interesting moments, it doesn't respect your time in the slightest and is terrible for it.

My seventy-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
A fairly enjoyable battle with some diversity in the missions it offers.

My seventy-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
This free mission is quite easy but is very enjoyable, and has a fully realised plot to boot ! A treat.
Reviewed: 2023-03-29
Reviewed: 2023-03-29
Not very inspired - while the mission defending the convoy was a fun and active challenge on Hard, the other missions were more frustrating than anything else.

My seventy-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
This is not a good battle - paper thin plot, poor spelling, unwarranted extreme difficulty. A drag.

My seventieth battle in the TIE Corps.

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