Reviewer Rating Profile

Admiral Hav Antiel (#13020)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 109
Reviewed: 2020-09-19
Reviewed: 2020-09-19
Wait times were obnoxious. Missions 6 and 7 are nearly identical. Not sure why I have to blow up a friendly ATR in the last mission. Maybe if I'd paid more attention in the briefings I'd know, but the in-flight messages didn't explain much.
Reviewed: 2020-09-18
Reviewed: 2020-09-18
This battle seemed like a lot of fun. There were some cool twists where you fly as a double agent and sabotage some NR experiments. I'd like to fly this one again and pay more attention to the details.
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
The missions were interesting and pretty straighforward with no issues. Like Demps said in her review, it's weird fighting the Vong when they're flying rebel fighters and cap ships. I was never a fan of the Vong War stuff, so I tried to ignore the plotline and the Vong names for craft.
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
This was a freaky mission to fly during the COVID 19 outbreak! Chasing the infected shuttles and CORT in a transport made my heart race.
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
The Interceptor Enforcement Ship seems to be the main purpose behind this mission. It's pretty straightforward with some neat elements in the third mission. Otherwise, it just feels like an excuse to fly that unique ship patch.
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
I agree with the other reviews that this is a fun battle that feels mostly straightforward with some cool moments. It was fun to fly the TIE Assault, although I had some problems with the Enforcer Picket Ship patch and couldn't fly the last mission with it installed.
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
Frodo's review says it all. Maybe this is a battle for mission designers to enjoy. As a pilot, it was frustrating and annoying. The goal of each mission is to test your patience as you wait for mission-critical ships to appear 15 minutes in or wait for slow ships to complete needlessly long boarding operations. Realistic, sure. The TRN cockpit is just a busted X-Wing cockpit, making it distracting to use. I feel like I deserve a real paycheck after completing this battle.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
As others have said, it's a pretty straightforward battle with interesting mix of missions. You get a good sense of what it would be like to escort a diplomat to different scenarios. The realism factor is pretty high.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
I don't enjoy flying the TIE Praetor, but it was cool to see the Luggage and Lichtor V used in a mission. Per Ender's usual autobiographical missions, there was humor and hijinks to be found.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
This was a pretty solid battle. I wasn't around for the days of the Intelligence Division, but I felt like I was doing intel as a pilot during these missions. One mission had you take out multiple cap ships with a single load of warheads, and the friendly craft vanished, leaving you to finish the job. It's tedious but easy once you take out the fighter support.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
A very typical DB battle. You're dropped ~10 km from an enemy cap ship in a shieldless TIE/IN without warheads. Your mission is to find the sacred artifact then blow up the cap ships. That's three out of the four missions. Demps uses the nifty double platform design that we saw in earlier missions, too. It's challenging but mostly boring taking out VSDs and CRLs with lasers.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
The battle was very straighforward and enjoyable, and Mission 3 was the first DB mission I can remember that actually used bombers and warheads on a mission to take out enemy cap ships. That was all forgotten in the last mission, unfortunately, when you have to take out an asteroid base in a TIE/IN without warheads.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
This is a great battle. Not too complex, not too easy. It builds nicely and gives you some seat time in unshielded Interceptors. However, I'm still not sure why the DB keeps sending unshielded fighters without warheads to take out enemy cap ships and fortifications.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Agreed with the previous reviewers about Mission 4. Taking out those laser batteries is a chore that sours the rest of the battle. I think COL Mouse Droid is right; the creator underestimated how long it takes to destroy those asteroids.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
The plotline was inscrutable and confusing. Why am I attacking three pairs of red IFF frigates with an unshielded TIE/IN with no warheads? The first mission gave me hope, but the rest were confusing and difficult. Also, Ender likes to use the red IFF, which is a pet peeve for me.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Somebody needs to get the DB some actual bombers. This is the third battle in a row where they send T/As and T/Ds to do the dirty work of cleaning up big cap ships with a single load of advanced missiles. There was an attempt at humor here that I didn't quite catch, but I'm sure it's funny for the pilots who remember these ships and officers.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
This battle feels too long. The missions in the middle are tedious, difficult, and repetitive. Sending a T/A or even a T/D with one load of advanced missiles to take out five cap ships or five factories doesn't make sense. Worse, it makes for frustrating missions. The ending was a shock, however, and made me curious about Part 3 (which I don't see in the Battle Center).
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
A solid battle, but there were some inconsistencies from mission to mission. Like other DB missions, the choice of craft was a little suspect. Personally, it was hard to attack a squadron of TIE/INs flying as Rho Squadron with Rebel IFF.
Reviewed: 2020-09-15
Reviewed: 2020-09-15
The battle has straightforward missions that aren't too difficult on easy. Overall, the battle was short an sweet without any issues.
Reviewed: 2020-09-15
I played this mission on easy, so I probably can't give an unbiased review, but I found the missions pretty straightforward and easy. One mission saw my fellow DB pilots complete the mission without my assistance! At least the TIE/IN wasn't shielded in the first mission. That's a plus.
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
The missions seemed very straighforward with some small surprises, which was nice. I don't understand the point of sending in TIE craft without missiles against capital ships and laser batteries. Seems like a mission better suited to bombers or missile boats. Anyway, no major issues with the missions and the battle was entertaining.
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
This was an interesting battle with some surprising secondary objectives. I'm a SPAM pilot, so I can't comment much on the finer details like briefing maps or in-flight messages, but the missions were pretty straightforward. I have mixed feelings about flying a Z-95. It's a change of pace, and I think I get where it fits with the storyline, but ew, Z-95s are gross.
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
This is the second COL Fenn Logan battle that I've flown (I think), and like last time, I found it challenging and complex. It's tough to figure out which ships need to be boarded/captured/attacked in order to have another mission-critical flight group hyper in. Sometimes that seems like more than one step, which is tough when the in-flight messages don't provide direct clues.
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
This battle was fun to play. The missions weren't too difficult, and there were moments that were enjoyable. In mission 2, racing to destroy the shuttles before they dock was fun, and in mission 3 I enjoyed LEEROY JENKINSing past the other fighters (no wingman?) to take out the bombers and corvette. Mission 4 had some fun dogfights with challenging T/As.
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
Reviewed: 2020-09-14
Interesting battle, especially for the DB. Once again you're flying TIE/IN with shields—plus a beam weapon this time. Not sure why the DB keeps sending Interceptors to take out enemy cap ships.

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