Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Beef (#1639)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.8
Number of Battle Reviews: 163
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Nice briefing. The idea of using the "Force" was quite creative and entertaining. But it wasn't consistent. The "Force" leaves you half-way through with no explination why. This mission almost got a 5.
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Unoriginal and boring plot and briefing. WAY too many enemies all at once made it near impossible.
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Unoriginal plot and briefing and mission. Standard kill the PLT mission. Nothing special.
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Good plot...well, different, anyway. Plenty of friendlies to steal my kills! :P But that's more realistic and easy. The FRG could've had better orders. It attacked other ships, but not me even when I was parked right in front of its guns.
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Lots of enemies with warheads. It was not easy to avoid getting blown to bits, especially on "hard."
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
The plot was weak. It started out with cadets, but they really had no point. They were just in the background. It was a large, fast-paced battle with plenty of enemies and friendlies, and that was fun.
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Reviewed: 2001-07-02
Humorous briefing. A fun TIE Bomber mission that's not too difficult.
Reviewed: 2001-06-28
Reviewed: 2001-06-28
First off, the plot for this battle was superb. Quite interesting story even though it yielded slightly standard missions. The missions were very thorough, though, and true to the plot. Each mission had a real purpose in connection with the larger operation, and I found that to be quite enjoyable. I noticed the missions played realistically (for the most part), however, some of the ships could've/should've used different orders. The missions could be a handful if the pilot doesn't destroy/disable enemies in the correct order. Besides, you can always set it to 'easy' if you have to. I can see that a great deal of work went into this battle. Excellent job.
Reviewed: 2001-06-23
Reviewed: 2001-06-23
Well, the plot idea was good, but...the missions were standard, the briefing questions didn't fit on the screen, more than half the capital ships had no orders and the rest had starfighter orders, and the missions might have started out fun, but they quickly began to drag on and on. I agree with Wlodek. This battle does not deserve any of the 5's that it got.
Reviewed: 2001-05-09
I didn't find this battle difficult either. But it still was a piece of garbage. No briefing maps, weak plot, pointless easy missions, lots of ships with no orders. Avoid this like the plague!
Reviewed: 2001-05-09
Reviewed: 2001-05-09
Sorry, but I thought this was one of the worst battles ever. The plot made no sense at all because half of the time the author wasn't using proper English. All the missions were just standard, boring go-blow-up-the-Rebels-because-they're-there. There wasn't anything about it that was Bounty Hunter-ish; it's just a bunch of FREE-TIE missions stuck together. The nonsensical, overlapping in-flight messages were annoying too. The briefing questions left much to be desired as well. They weren't spell checked or aligned correctly to fit on the screen. And at the end the author just got lazy and didn't bother with any briefing questions at all.
Reviewed: 2001-05-09
Reviewed: 2001-05-09
This battle had an excellent plot and all the missions fit together smoothly. Each mission was complex and thorough (even remembered to add reinforcements where the story would allow). Fun challenge. Mission 3 was slow but a good idea.
Reviewed: 2001-04-18
Reviewed: 2001-04-18
A large complex mission with a mix of capture the enemy and protect the mothership. Fun level of difficulty, too. --------- I flew this mission right when it came out, and there were no bugs. But when I flew it again for a competition, it said "Avenger must---" So it's the non-buggy version (wherever it went) that gets the 4.
Reviewed: 2001-04-16
Reviewed: 2001-04-16
A usual attack-the-Rebel-Base mission. The 4 platforms all at once got annoying, but not difficult.
Reviewed: 2001-04-16
Reviewed: 2001-04-16
A good but easy ID and destroy mission. Most missions don't care about identifying ships. This one does, but aside from that, it's an average mission.
Reviewed: 2001-04-16
Reviewed: 2001-04-16
Great mission. I loved the simplicity of X-wing vs. X-wing. Missions don't have to be overly complex to be fun. Also, I use TIE95 and had no problems with crashes.
Reviewed: 2001-04-06
Reviewed: 2001-04-06
Great story line, thorough and didn't veer off with random missions. Mission 2 was fun with lots of goals to do in limited time. But missions 3 and 5 (especially 5) were very tedious with so many enemy T/Ds to destroy. The good plot and slow gameplay cancel each other out, so it gets a 3.
Reviewed: 2001-04-02
Reviewed: 2001-04-02
Inflight messages come at the wrong times and starts out a little slow, but it gets more complex and interesting. Good mix of ships and flying an X-wing is a nice change from the usual T/D.
Reviewed: 2001-04-02
Flying a T/F is fun, but the whole idea was not really original or interesting. On the easy side. The lack of briefings and the blue IFF not being an enemy lowered its score.
Reviewed: 2001-03-04
Reviewed: 2001-03-04
Lots of in-flight messages are interesting for the plot, but annoying in XWA because you can't hear what it says and you can't pause the game to read them so you can miss some orders. This mission started out ok, but once it got to the poison gas factory, it got frustratingly difficult with you vs millions of enemies all at once.
Reviewed: 2001-03-02
Reviewed: 2001-03-02
Fairly easy. Just an every day stop the Rebel attack mission.
Reviewed: 2001-03-02
Reviewed: 2001-03-02
Far too easy. There are so many friendlies that the Rebel capships are gone in less than 2 mins. Then you have to sit around waiting for the waves of fighters to come just to get the 50% Rebel craft destroyed. I don't like "You vs. The World" missions, but this one over did the wingmen.
Reviewed: 2001-02-19
Reviewed: 2001-02-19
A whole squadron of Defenders and Missleboats vs rookies in regular TIE Fighters? Can we say "over-kill?"
Reviewed: 2001-02-19
Reviewed: 2001-02-19
The ships just have Star Trek names, otherwise, it's just a standard attack-the-Rebel-capship mission. It would be cool if they looked like the Star Trek ships, though.
Reviewed: 2001-02-14
Reviewed: 2001-02-14
Just a couple of PLTs and SHUs with famous people on them...The large number of fighters at the beginning was a little tedious, too.

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