Reviewer Rating Profile

General Stryker (#12292)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 128
Reviewed: 2022-07-10
Did that seriously end on a cliffhanger?! Nooooo! Honestly though, the Zaarin arc just gets better and better, and flying it in TFTC makes it feel like a modern AAA game rather than an amalgamation of games released between twenty and thirty years ago! I can't wait for parts 9-13 to be released later this year. I do echo Yoda's comment that the TFTC Defender is like playing with God Mode on, especially against Rebel Headhunters...
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
I had no idea how short this battle was prior to playing it, but it's definitely worth it! Flying the T/D with the TFTC stats is just silly, but silly fun! Likewise, playing in orbit of so many gorgeously-done planet boxes and watching Death Squadron appear over Coruscant are definitely among the highlights of my gaming career! I'm only sad that there's only one more battle left in the Reimagined Campaign!
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
An enjoyable battle that introduces a few new craft to the game, including the Venator-class Star Destroyer and the Ecliptic-class Frigate (from the comics, it's what Biggs Darklighter served on when he defected). Sadly though, it's mostly a filler battle, getting the player ready for flying the TIE Defender in Battle 7 and beyond.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
As someone who never got this far in the original TIE but knew roughly how the story went, it was really great to finally get to see how Harkov's treason went down. At first I bemoaned flying alone into a minefield, but when I realised it was a setup, it all made sense! Really fun mission, and great to FINALLY get into the cockpit of a T/A.
Reviewed: 2022-07-08
Visually stunning; what more could you want than a swirling dogfight against an absolutely gorgeous planet backdrop? I think I died more times in this campaign than I have in any other; usually due to collisions, friendly fire, or just getting a LITTLE careless as the mission wound down. Loses marks for perhaps too many ships in the area at one point on some missions, leaving me feeling that I could just sit and ride the mission out as an observer rather than a player.
Reviewed: 2022-07-07
I enjoyed this battle. Having not played the original TIE Fighter, I was excited to see the Thrawn stuff develop, and I got to fly the Gunboat which remains my favourite Imperial ship to fly. I was also very impressed to see that the creators had gone to the trouble of modelling the bolt-on missile tubes onto the TIE/ln Fighter, which was also kind of cool!
Reviewed: 2022-07-07
Aside from a minor glitch in Mission 4 where the Gunboats insisted on destroying the shuttles they were meant to disable, this was a fun battle. It was nice seeing older craft like the Acclamator, Separatist Destroyer, and V-Wings as well; although chasing the latter in Gunboats and TIE Bombers got tiresome.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
An enjoyable little campaign that is a lot more fun in TFTC than it ever was in TIE. The story is simple but engaging, the original TIE writers really knew their stuff, and the TFTC have really knocked it out of the park and brought it into the 21st century!
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
For a selection of training scenarios, the reimagined TIE Fighter campaign's Battle 0 is actually pretty fun. It does everything it needs to tell pilots how to handle all aspects of their craft in XWA. Pretty engaging, though I would recommend NOT hiding in the MC80's hangar in Mission 4, as you die when it dies and then it gives you a points penalty...
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
A fairly simple mission in which you fly a TIE Bomber, blow up some capital ships, and maybe some B-Wings when you feel like it. No real story, but a good fly-out for FCHG or competition points.
Reviewed: 2022-04-08
A nice little shoot-em-up mission; lacking something in story if you're not playing the whole "Dempsey's Quest" plot, but it's nice to actually use the Shadow-class Y-Wing in a mission and might inspire me to make my own!
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
For a competition battle, this is acceptable; it is simple, allows pilots to earn decent scores on higher difficulty settings, and completes fairly quickly. Considering it was one of the first XWA customs in the TC, it hasn't aged poorly, however
there are far better offerings out there if fun and plot are your thing.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
One of the better remasters of the original TIE in XvT. No mission-breaking bugs, briefings that work, and overall an enjoyable way to experience the joys of classic TIE without the clunky game mechanics.
Reviewed: 2021-10-22
Reviewed: 2021-10-22
This was a battle that took, on average, around ten minutes per mission. However not a lot of that time was spent waiting, which was nice. The plot was good, and the bonus co-op mission at the end would be fun for a group to fly but is perfectly manageable solo. An enjoyable afternoon's flying when accompanied by RL chores and life stuff.
Reviewed: 2021-10-21
As Phalk said, a moderately-good battle that has some good bits, and some bits that make me want to tear my hair out - the last mission in particular was painful due to the lack of ordnance, ability to reload, or sufficient allies to destroy the entire enemy force without taping my trigger down and solo-killing a Repair Yard with lasers. A shame, as the first three missions were fairly good.
Reviewed: 2021-10-21
Reviewed: 2021-10-21
Bring a book, or watch a movie, or ANYTHING else to keep your mind occupied when playing this missions. Aside from the mind-numbing minesweeping missions that are over in minutes, you're looking at 15+ minutes of waiting around for craft to dock. Would not recommend for anyone not wanting 100% battle completion.
Reviewed: 2021-10-19
Another battle that could realistically have been a TC battle. Despite having the then-rDB as the antagonists, very little DB-related stuff happens in this battle. The ending is also a little weird, too. 3 stars for being bug free and having a storyline that can be followed easily.
Reviewed: 2021-10-19
The plot is pretty good and the missions are mostly bug-free, but I don't really consider this a DB battle as you seemingly only play as a DB Battleteam once. This could easily have been marketed as a TC battle with generic Imperial defectors, and it would likely have worked better.
Reviewed: 2021-10-19
Reviewed: 2021-10-19
A fairly enjoyable mission with a reasonably compelling plot, that unfortunately is let down by some missions being ridiculously easy and one mission being incredibly tedious. A solid three out of five.
Reviewed: 2021-10-18
Reviewed: 2021-10-18
While this battle was fun, I do not believe it is worth the five stars it has been constantly getting. Disabling your own Star Destroyer is a chore, especially when it shoots back, and the mission where you get disabled is complicated by enemy ships that do not know when to steer and ram you, or a Transport that kills you when it tries to dock. The story was entertaining, and the prison was well-made, but a solid 3, no higher.
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
A fairly well-written plotline gets this mission a three out of five. Unfortunately the battle is let down by repetitive missions and pandering to 'realism', which results in a bit of a slog. Thankfully, the missions are all fairly short, so not too much time was spent fighting my way through this mammoth battle.
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
I like the concept, but the execution was flawed. This was based on a Multiplayer competition yeeeeeears ago, and unfortunately has not aged well. The only feasible way to complete this mission without going insane, sadly, is to throw on Unlimited Waves and focus on the Capital Ships, as the AI won't do it by themselves and if you let them, you'll be doing this forever.
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
A pleasant battle with an intriguing storyline. Some missions are rather short and complete almost by themselves, and though it's always fun to fly a TIE Phantom, there are better craft available for that specific mission. Overall, a solid four out of five.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
An atypical Frodo mission in that it feels really rushed; there is no real plot, and also no useful briefings. The fourth and final mission is also something of a mess, requiring you to kill several capital ships and their escorts in a T/A armed only with missiles. A little disappointing, really.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
An average mission with some typical Frodo silliness, but a storyline that actually makes some sense and is enjoyable to fly. My only gripe is the inspection mission and escape mission are way too quick, but that just means you can get to the next battle quicker, I guess!

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