XWA-DB 9: Heading for Pyrath

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 4
Release date: 2005-07-03
Last updated: 2005-07-03

HA Frodo March

Average rating 3.8
Reviews: 8
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 73
Patches used: None
Battle Medal: Pyrathian Medal of Haste

Battle Reviews

This is a relatively fast battle to play and it has a decent story, it just isn't amazing like I would expect from Frodo.

Another solid Frodo battle. Well built and written but nothing special.

It's identical to TIE-DB #16, which I enjoyed more for whatever reason. But it's a solid XWA-DB battle, well balanced and enjoyable from start to finish

Everything worked, though there were 2 missions that logically are flawed where your capital ships hyper out as a mission objective, leaving you behind in a T/I with no hyperdrive or ship to dock with. Left me feeling unloved and unappreciated

Excellent battle. Versitile and fun missions flying my favorite craft, the Interceptor and the Advanced.

A good, quick and fun mission.

Odd bug on one playthrough, where in mission 1 the ATR was sitting and waiting for disabled craft, with 3 transports clearly disabled. Felt a strange sense of deja vu with the plot line and mission.

Good battle, fun to fly. The plotline is even better than the flying itself in this one. Only one thing bothered me, as having all these cool bad-ass names for every flight group, having a FRG CookiePlanet just felt a bit ..., out of line, to say the least. But maybe it's an inside joke not for the uniniated. Also, the ending leaves you with a cliff-hanger. What happened to the Grand Master? Did he die? Is he still in a coma? DA Drak managed to rise to the Grand-Mastercy?

Decent battle. Quick action, no patches required. If you want FCHG points, look no further. I found the first mission to be the most challenging, those thereafter were less demanding. It was a little simple in the fiction department, though. As it was created for a Vendetta, that's understandable. Nevertheless, this battle misses an opportunity as a Vendetta background has potential for a great story.

Battle Bug Reports

LC andr3


Missions two's and three's endings don't make sense. Mission goals are for the cap ships to hyper out. But that leaves you stranded with a hyperspace incapable Interceptor. So you need to "q" out of the mission instead of hypering out or landing in your ISD's hangar.

High Scores

Battle Total: 72,629 COL Deimos
Mission 1: 4,120 COL Deimos
Mission 2: 52,994 COL Deimos
Mission 3: 7,862 CM Vanguard88 2024-02-27
Mission 4: 11,811 CM Vanguard88 2024-02-27

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 55,557 RA Colo Delste 2021-06-06
2 53,813 LC Rando 2020-09-09
3 53,329 LC andr3 2022-12-12
4 48,202 VA Locke Setzer 2023-09-13
5 48,168 HA Pete Mitchell 2019-01-03
6 45,420 GN Dax Corrin 2009-03-01
7 43,732 MAJ Kazraran 2022-02-18
8 41,908 LCM Rhace 2014-04-27
9 39,001 GN Dunta Polo 2009-11-21
10 36,346 MAJ Tuba 2010-09-17

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 68 pilots a total of 71 times.

TITLE: Heading for Pyrath
MEDAL: Pyrathian Medal of Haste 
GAME PLATFORM: X-wing Alliance
Created by: TAC-PROF/AD Frodo March/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign

How to install: 

1] Double Click on the .ehm file
2] EHBL will load, click on the XWA button, XWA will start.
3] Check your MISC folder for any extra stuff.

Then simply create a Pilot file for the mission based on your name or pin and enjoy.