TIE-F 162: The Trophy

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2001-08-31
Last updated: 2003-09-10


Average rating 3.0
Reviews: 8
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 71
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

CM Nova Discordia



Seemed well designed, but mission was mostly a chore to complete - easy enough, but endless X-Wings (it seemed) to complete on of the secondary goals, kinda got dull. Storyline was basic, but okay.

LC andr3



Nothing to see here. Move along........................

CPT Aval



I thought this mission was reasonably entertaining mission with a very good plot line through out. As a mission to fly it was not overly difficult even on hard and I would recommend it for any competitions as there are several good ways to earn higher levels of points.

COL Phalk Sturm



An average, yet solid and enjoyable mission. I was not very hyped by the story, and the mission itself is quite common, seize a SPC and protect the capture operation. Some twist and you will be facing additional enemies. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet pleasant to play. Fighting in your Space Cadillac, aka T/D, is always a +1 in my book and scoring system. One important flaw though, is that some CRKC has fighter orders and will try to dogfight you along the way. I kept imagining the crew inside the cruiser vomiting and bouncing around, while bumping their heads and dying from cranial concussions. Worth a try if you have played the more appealing missions in the Compendium, if you have not, there is much more else to play, before this.

RA Genie



The storyline is great. An albino Wookiee! Where it begins to fall flat on its face is the execution. The briefing is solid, if the in-game mission was just as good as the briefing this would have been a 4 or a 5. There are mistakes some small (e.g. no Albino Wookiee as cargo in the SCV) and some big (e.g. the Gunboats popping in and out immediately) and then there is the Carrack Cruiser that chases you around as it has fighter orders instead of ship orders.

If a mission would be created that would make proper use of that, I personally wouldn't have an issue with it. But this one doesn't.

LC Curtis



mad plotline kill the WOOKIE! but the mission is well... average, and pretty easy too. But although this isnt the best ive flown i think it would make a Good competion mission as the secondary goals are hard.

MAJ Titus



I thought this mission was great. Being a Wookiee hater myself, I truly enjoyed hunting down this rare, albino Wookiee. The mission had a good design (apart from some craft leaving as soon as they arrived (but maybe they were supposed to? (never assume you know what the creator was thinking))). Personally, I don't think more information on this albino Wookiee would have been appropriate, after all it WAS just a free mission and it wasn't terribly easy, damn X-Wings all over the place.. DIE Rebel, aauauahgh, crap another one.... DIE SCUM! DIE!! DIE!!! DIE!!!!!!!!! Well done, Jakar.

COL Beef



An overly gruesome objective, eh? :P No matter. This mission was awfully easy and simplistic, but it had some cool background. More info about this albino Wookiee and his organization would have been great. Some of the ships had bad timing: they left as soon as they arrived, making secondary goals impossible. Not a bad mission, but nothing to make it really good.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 63,131 RA Genie 2022-06-24

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 63,131 RA Genie 2022-06-24
2 62,167 GN Golbez Harvey 2016-09-24
3 61,479 GN Master 2003-03-03
4 51,739 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2019-08-28
5 50,890 MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana 2022-06-25
6 50,882 CPT Aval 2022-07-09
7 50,512 RA Genie 2022-06-24
8 49,080 COL Phalk Sturm 2022-06-29
9 43,868 CM Cahir 2002-08-19
10 43,275 CM Michael LeRoy 2016-09-19

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 65 pilots a total of 70 times.

Title: 'The Trophy'
Missions: 1
Game Platform: TIE Fighter
Author: FL/CPT Jakar/Trapper 2-1/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger

Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle


The Trophy

CPT Jakar hates Wookiees. He doesn't know why he hates them he just does. So he though 
that the perfect way to brighten up his drab looking quarters is to have a nice Wookiee 
rug. No ordinary Wookie skin will do, he wants something 'out of the ordinary'. A friend
out in the Minos Cluster told him of a group of pirates who are led by an Albino Wookiee. 
CPT Jakar has pressing business to attend to on the SSD Avenger (eating, sleeping etc.) 
so he has sent you out. 'Why do what this guy tells me to do?' you might think? Well 
CPT Jakar has offered the person who brings him the Wookiee ALIVE a considerable sum. 
He has refrained from calling in the Bounty Hunters because he doesn't want no scum 
touching his prized Wookiee skin. So he wants the 'clean' EH pilots to do the job for him.
 Well? What are you waiting for? Go out there and kill kill kill!


FL/CPT Jakar Strongbow/Trapper 2-1/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger