Reviewer Rating Profile

Rear Admiral Colo Delste (#56017)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 40
Reviewed: 2022-06-03
Reviewed: 2022-06-03
Briefings that don't give you any useful information and some oddities around orders (more than one CRV has starfighter orders) drops this to a very average 3/5
Reviewed: 2022-05-12
Reviewed: 2022-05-12
Another beauty from Dempsey. Whilst the story can't be considered massively original (being a re-make of a TIE-TC battle), it is well put together. Hard was a...Hard but not impossible challenge. Great work!
Reviewed: 2022-04-30
Reviewed: 2022-04-30
A decent battle, but the difficulty ramps like an aerial ski jump at Mission 3 - 5 infallible X-wings with Advanced missiles that one-shot you if they hit even if shields are at 200%, a loadout of 4 heavy rockets to take out a FRG that otherwise kills your HLFs as they move to a hyperspace point? Then Mission 4 - launch in the firing line of an MC-80, a flight of A-Wings and X-Wings exactly like in Mission 3 that murder you with Adv Missiles with you not being equipped with countermeasures at all... Not sure why previous reviews call it "Nicely balanced", because those last 2 missions are anything but.
Reviewed: 2021-12-18
Reviewed: 2021-12-18
A very tough, but in the rewarding, battle. When even Mission 1 (in shielded craft) is tough, you can see how the rest will go. Not for the faint of heart, but joining the select few in COMPOST is worth it!
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
A fun battle. Getting disabled in the first mission was a bit different. Minor bug in Mission 6 prevented it from a higher score.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Quick and dirty battle to fly. Couple of missions where you start at less than 100% shields? That's odd. Spelling errors abound. Mission 4 has you literally inspecting a single container, which seems a little too easy.
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
Where to start with this absolute slog? A complete copy of the first TIE Fighter campaign mission. Some missions interminably long for...some reason? Briefings that don't actually tell you what you are doing, in-mission comms that also don't give any information. On the upside, there were some nice dogfights and 14 FCHG points is 14 FCHG points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-10
Reviewed: 2021-10-10
An, at times Challenge-ing, but enjoyable battle. Pro tip for Mission 1 is that you want as much speed as possible to avoid failure. Some other tricky parts throughout, but nothing over the top (admittedly, played it on Easy). A good result at the end as well. As a more recent addition to the TC, some of the in-jokes whizzed past faster than a speeding TIE/D. For the Chalquilla!
Reviewed: 2021-08-23
Reviewed: 2021-08-23
Fun mission, with plenty of opportunity to blow up many (many) fighters. No major bugs encountered.
Reviewed: 2021-06-06
Reviewed: 2021-06-06
A good, quick and fun mission.

Odd bug on one playthrough, where in mission 1 the ATR was sitting and waiting for disabled craft, with 3 transports clearly disabled. Felt a strange sense of deja vu with the plot line and mission.
Reviewed: 2021-03-29
Reviewed: 2021-03-29
A fun battle. The plot is pretty much on par with some of the Expanded Universe stuff (even now, but definitely shades of Yuuzhan Vong, I think). TIE Defender vs hordes of Toscan Fighters got a little same-y by the end (especially the last battle when they launch ~20 at once!) - definitely felt like the object was just to squash whatever enemy was trying to blow up the ISD over and over.

Overall, worth the time.
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
A fun battle with a very interesting concept. Difficulty curve is huge between missions 1 and 2, but it comes back to being doable very quickly. The last mission gets interesting with the end game, but it all worked out in the end. Good fun!
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
An interesting concept, but a cakewalk, given you fly a T/D in every mission. Good for picking up points.

Not sure how enemies were able to hyperspace away when there's 2 Interdictor-class cruisers on the field, which is an interesting oversight.
Reviewed: 2021-03-26
Reviewed: 2021-03-26
The idea behind the battle is easily 5/5. The execution, however, brings it to a 3. Some minor bugs, as pointed out by others in bug reports, and a few missions where the enemy capital ships seem to have no purpose but to sit there and be scenery. In the mission where you need to kill the FRG and CRS to get out, imagine my shock when the FRG doesn't even fire a burst of turbolasers the player's way!
Reviewed: 2021-03-26
Reviewed: 2021-03-26
A solid battle - flying a GUN for the most of it was a challenge, but the missions in the T/A and the MIS were good fun. Only negative for the T/A mission was the containers took a long time to kill with lasers only (having used all ordinance on the INT). Overall, enjoyable and not too difficult to complete

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