Reviewer Rating Profile

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General Master (#6252)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 254
Reviewed: 2024-05-01
Exceptionally beautiful and extremely well designed. Fantastic first addition to the TFTC-TC category.
Showcases the platform very well and an amazing story. Mission 5 stands out as something particularly fantastic.
Do yourself a favor and play it!
Reviewed: 2024-05-01
Great story with fairly simple mission. Was a little tough at times but well balanced.
Gets a bonus point for the good use of disable and repair. Fun mission, well worth flying.
Reviewed: 2024-03-15
Reviewed: 2024-03-15
I enjoyed this free. its a great dogfight in a T/A against several flights of different fighter types.
I challenge on hard but still most fun.
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
Cant say this one thrilled me. I like the idea if the Imp versions of the XW training missions tho.
Mission just seemed overly simple and it didnt really matter what you did.
Seem pretty well balanced across the difficulty levels.
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
Solid free with an amusing story. Good briefing (if not a little fast), not terribly difficult but was a challenge on hard as the wingmen were fairly useless. Was great seeing the Immortal in all its glory. Loses points because GUN Ranger were terrible at disabling the corvette (which could lead to a dead mission) and since you didn't have your own ions it made it painful.
Reviewed: 2024-03-11
Reviewed: 2024-03-11
Early mission but fun enough.
Challenge on hard at times, fairly simple though.
Well built and well used backgrounds.
Reviewed: 2024-03-10
This is an incredibly impressive end to the saga and the missions themselves are extremely well designed with unique tricks that make them
simply outstanding. Mission 1 for example is something I have never seen before. You wont be disappointed.
Reviewed: 2024-03-10
Reviewed: 2024-03-10
Perhaps Locke’s best XW mission.
It’s extremely well-built for an XW mission and prob the most fun I’ve had with the platform in a while.
Reviewed: 2024-03-10
Reviewed: 2024-03-10
Prob one of my best creations.
Something that started as a joke became something rather interesting.
Story driven mission flying the YT-2000. It can be done reasonably quickly or you can take a long time chasing down the bonus goals.
Don't forget the emails!
Reviewed: 2024-03-09
Reviewed: 2024-03-09
Yay for blowing stuff up! I enjoyed this even on hard.
While the MIS isnt a great dogfighter it works well in this mission as you can just blow up the cap and thats it, or u can chase down the fighters. Choices! Enjoyed and recommend (for comps too).
Reviewed: 2024-03-05
Reviewed: 2024-03-05
Yay for Tornado! yay for CoHo! Yay for simple fast fun! Yay for a fun XvT FREE! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Reviewed: 2024-03-03
I enjoyed this battle.
Was a little confused about what was going on, but i enjoyed trying to protect everything and blowing up transports.
Wav pack is a nice touch.
Reviewed: 2024-02-29
Fun mission i made when i was in Gamma Squadron.
Can be really easy or really difficult depending on how you play it.
Fun to fly a shielded T/B (even if it is slow), fun story and a lot of bonus points available.
Reviewed: 2024-02-25
Reviewed: 2024-02-25
Those poor animals. Good mission, well designed, fun in an unshielded craft.
Reviewed: 2024-02-22
Reviewed: 2024-02-22
I enjoyed this mission (on medium).
Well built, shows the Challenge squadrons very well. Good briefing and debrief.
Always fun to smash rebels.
Reviewed: 2024-02-10
Reviewed: 2024-02-10
Fun and tough at times but never not-fun.
Good story, well built, simple goal structure. Enjoyable XvT battle.
Easy enough without unlimited waves.
Reviewed: 2024-02-10
While it had a good story it was far too brutal.
As Locke mentioned, M2 and M4 you need to be extremely alert, even M5 had its moments.
Reviewed: 2024-02-09
Reviewed: 2024-02-09
Ender always makes god XvT battles.
Escort Squadron is a bonus.
Well built and frantic on all levels. Good use of custom craft.
Reviewed: 2024-02-07
Another fun Jagged battle and a good installment to the saga.
Well built and enjoyable but it doesn't really break any new ground like the previous battle did.
Not to say there's anything wrong with the battle, it has a great story and care has been taken in building it and the radio messages are also good and emails were great.
Reviewed: 2024-02-07
This is an exceptionally well crafted battle. Fun but not without its challenges.
The backdrops, the story, the radio, the mission design and structure, this is extremely well done.
Most fun and a great addition to the series.
Reviewed: 2023-12-29
I miss Frodo....
This is an interesting battle with some fun technical tricks.
Well written and well designed, its fun to play and you wont be disappointed.
Reviewed: 2023-11-25
Great battle. Fantastic first attempt at mission creation.
Well built and fun. Use of custom emails, crests and wavs is a great addition that really adds to the mission.
My own special appearance in the emails and radio messages was a nice bonus.
Reviewed: 2023-11-21
Reviewed: 2023-11-21
Fun FREE from Gidda.
Well built and a great story. Fun flying the T/E2.
Fly it, you wont be disappointed
Reviewed: 2023-11-14
Reviewed: 2023-11-14
Well built. Good use of IW Squadron.
Worth flying.
Reviewed: 2023-10-23
Reviewed: 2023-10-23
Pretty fun mission for #1.
Played it several times for TIEGolf. Fun.

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