XWA-F 27: Rescue Praetorian

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2001-08-31
Last updated: 2003-09-10

COL RogueWing

Average rating 3.3
Reviews: 15
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 142
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Solid free with an amusing story. Good briefing (if not a little fast), not terribly difficult but was a challenge on hard as the wingmen were fairly useless. Was great seeing the Immortal in all its glory. Loses points because GUN Ranger were terrible at disabling the corvette (which could lead to a dead mission) and since you didn't have your own ions it made it painful.

I mean it's alright as a simple dogfighting mission, you can have a lot of fun just blowing entire squadrons up, but the enemies seem to barely put up a fight even on Hard.

Enjoy seeing the Immortal in all its glory coming to save the day - I just, admittedly, don't love missions where you have to disable a ship but don't have ions; particular when (like in this case) your allies (Gunboats) are seemingly very bad at it and the enemy (corvette) is very very good at stopping them.

Quick mission with a story, nothing too special but functional

A pretty straightforward mission that does what its premise says it does. So long as you focus on the fighters, you'll be fine; I used a load of Mag Pulses since that's the best way to take out the cap ship's weapons in one go so your wingmen can attack or disable them as needed. Pretty standard mission, and a fairly quick one too.

This was an excellent mission. The combat was fun and the premise of a sort of prison break was interesting. Everything worked flawlessly as well, so no issues with fighter groups not disabling craft when needed, which is always a win for me. I would absolutely recommend this one.

This one could have made a great classic, but somehow failed. The mission briefing is well made, and so is the plotline and the lay-out of battlefield. The rescue operation goes by itself without you having to assist, and you can focus on doing your job which is obtaining space superiority. The enemy has a STRKC, a couple of CRVs and a LCF provide protection to the target in addition to a lot of fighters, which scramble once you're deployed. But the crazy thing is that CRVs carry more fighters than a Incom itself. I saw no less than 20 fighters launching from CRVs. This is ludicrous. Then, as the mission progresses, the rest of the Imperial forces jump in, see a half a dozen Corellian Gunships and the ISD Immortal, and they will mop up any remaining capital ships. The mission is well made besides the childish mistake of having a corvette with a zillion fighters in her hangars. You will have to dogfight a lot, and eventually help to burn down all those capships. It has it all, simple, challenging and straightforward with a small touch of realism, -for once-, everybody is doing what they're supposed to and you don't have to dogfight, disable, protect and interdict altogether, but it was spoiled to some minor defects which could be easily corrected and improve the whole playing experience. A word of advice, go for the Mag Pulse. This was a treat from the author, I guess.

The best thing about this mission is the Saturn Look-a-like in the background. There is nothing broken with the mission and the briefing was solid with an animated map for a change. It does exactly what it says on the tin. Rescue some EH pilots while fighting your way through a ton of fighters. I managed to finish them all off before the corvette was even disabled, so I spent my time shooting ejected pilots. A solid 3, and I appreciate the mission creator putting the effort to do a proper briefing. There is one flaw, if you do finish off all the enemies early, everyone is hypering out. Don't leave. The corvette will eventually get disabled by the gunboats and the pilots rescued.

This is a dull mission. In theory you have plenty to fight. There's some capture operation going in the background that you don't really need to pay attention to. When gunships and corvettes arrive you may just as well take a break. I think that I don't get the fetish of big battle missions. We must learn the Rebel's/Republic's ship storage technique. I think that one Corvette spewed out some 30 X-Wings out of its guts.

Fun Mission with Humour

A cool mission

Good Mission with a lot of dogfights, well designed and not too hard.

Some people have no sense of humor. :p

For some reason I didn't like this mission... Apart from the obvious, it was also poorly constructed. Like the CRV's name in the goals window, piece of crap...

Good mission Although Hard to disable the CRV

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Demon squadron are equipped with warheads, which unfortunately doesn't work too well in XWA - their turbolasers fire a stream of missiles instead.

High Scores

Mission: 17,070 COL Deimos

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 8,570 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-07-05
2 7,476 GN Master 2024-03-13
3 6,642 GN Dunta Polo 2014-07-04
4 6,108 Steele Brightsaber 2005-05-03
5 5,865 HA Plif 2024-03-15
6 5,717 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-08-15
7 5,410 COL Angel 2003-08-13
8 5,354 LCM Marlore Julren 2024-03-14
9 5,185 COL Archangel 2003-07-30
10 5,150 HA Pete Mitchell 2002-12-31

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 135 pilots a total of 139 times.

Free mission
By FL/LCM RogueWing/Ghost 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Things you will need to do to play this mission properly.

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.

Good luck and have fun!