Reviewer Rating Profile

Sub-Lieutenant Kitten-claw (#7683)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 50
Reviewed: 2002-01-07
Reviewed: 2002-01-07
Nice little battle - too easy in places. Mission 4 seemed to give victory after destruction of a single craft, but still well done.
Reviewed: 2001-12-20
Mission 2 - is easily completable if you pay attention to what is happening. The battle is fairly good.
Reviewed: 2001-12-20
Ok, a few refinements needed. But a lot better then someother XvT battles.
Reviewed: 2001-12-18
Reviewed: 2001-12-18
This is the third time that I’ve download and played this battle. Sorry to say even with the bug fix, third of the missions are pointlessly frustrating, nearly half are just completely pointless, and the victory condition on all missions needs to be reworked. Completed mission 2 then for next 30 minutes wave after wave of enemy starfighters appeared. Talk about bolting the stable door after horse has gone. But the battle has some nice touches and some good idea, it was nice not to kill everything in sight, so I recommend that you give this battle ago.
Reviewed: 2001-12-18
Reviewed: 2001-12-18
I really enjoyed this mission.. lots of fighters to kill and an intersting plot. Arriving at the Semag station was just awesome, with all the ISD's and Dreads parked. You can spend 10 min. to complete this one, or an hour if you're looking for some serious bonus points and good times. And I swear, I didn't shoot first:P
Reviewed: 2001-12-17
Reviewed: 2001-12-17
The story idea is good, just everything else to do with the battle has missed the grade by a mile. This battle is far too frustrating to be enjoyable.
Reviewed: 2001-12-17
Reviewed: 2001-12-17
Taken into account the mission was built by a cadet, he or she does not seemed to have done too bad a job overhaul, the battle idea was good, and the briefing were informative for once. Some parts of the missions need refinement, but still I’ve seen a lot worse in the battle center, so good try cadet
Reviewed: 2001-12-16
Reviewed: 2001-12-16
This is one of worst battles I've ever flown. Why do they release such stuff?
Reviewed: 2001-12-16
Reviewed: 2001-12-16
The battle needs to be refinement
Reviewed: 2001-12-15
Good idea for a story would be greatly improved if a new craft based on the Tie Bomber were used. The first three missions seemed to blend together, and you have to keep reminding yourself that you finished the last mission, the final mission was way to easy. The complete battle, even with having to fly Tie bombers seemed to a little too easy.
Reviewed: 2001-12-13
Reviewed: 2001-12-13
I was worry, the first time I flow this battle, I came across no end of bugs, but this time apart from mission 3 and 6(which both really need a complete retink) I had a great time. Well done.
Reviewed: 2001-12-06
This mission is best left alone.
Reviewed: 2001-12-03
Reviewed: 2001-12-03
Back to Basic, we all need to fly a refresher course from time too time, highly recommended battle.
Reviewed: 2001-11-14
Reviewed: 2001-11-14
Nice story, funny at times, T/fighter is not the best of combat craft, what's next a Tug?
Reviewed: 2001-11-14
Reviewed: 2001-11-14
A pleasure to fly, not really testing. Mission 5 - is by far the best.
Reviewed: 2001-11-01
Reviewed: 2001-11-01
Blasting ATR and Starships with only lasers is your idea of fun then this is the Battle for you. Missiles – ‘These would really welcome in some missions. A One man on a Suicide mission/s -
Reviewed: 2001-11-01
Reviewed: 2001-11-01
Not to bad - some refinement with Orders and other conditions (Waypoints) would greatly improve this battle.
Reviewed: 2001-10-31
Reviewed: 2001-10-31
The mission are a good idea, but the mission designing and technical side are very poor, this not a battle one could recommend, to many little bugs
Reviewed: 2001-10-28
Reviewed: 2001-10-28
The endless waves of Rebel starfighters, or some missions no Rebel starfighters, the miss use of craft Orders, which gives the feeling that the battle was just thrown together without plan or thought.
Reviewed: 2001-10-25
Good sound mission idea’s, let down by poor technical settings within the missions. Both Craft Orders and Waypoints would benefit from a complete rethink. But still worthy of a bash, beware of mission 1 it can be very frustrating.
Reviewed: 2001-10-24
Reviewed: 2001-10-24
There seems to be a lot of incorrect craft orders in this battle, orders which removes complete FG both friend and Foe unnecessarily from the combat, also the lack of any waypoints been set,in some missions, makes this battle a frustrating challenge to fly.
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
The technical aspect of the missions would benefit from some refinement.
Reviewed: 2001-10-21
To much Unnecessary waiting a round A few tweaks would make this battle a lot better.
Reviewed: 2001-10-21
Not brilliant but has some nice touches , so It's worth a look
Reviewed: 2001-10-21
This battle seems like a poor conversion from another format. Technical aspect of the mission needs to be refined Frustrating in places – still worth a fly

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