XvT-TC 21: Project X: the T-65C A2 project

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 6
Release date: 2001-11-27
Last updated: 2009-02-22

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 3.3
Reviews: 12
Bug reports: 3
Times completed: 235
Patches used: None
The T-65 Research Plaque
Battle Medal:
The T-65 Research Plaque

Battle Reviews

Confusing series of missions where you are forced into Rebel Snubfighters for the most part rather than the glory of a shieldless TIE. A few bugs make the missions unchallenging (see bug report).

Fairly easygoing battle which gives you plenty of choice of ways to approach the missions. You could pretty much always choose whether you'd want to be support, strike or escort for the missions. The length of the missions is fair and they are a little different in each one, however the focus remains on dogfighting and capital ship or station takedowns. Would recommend!

Well-constructed with a nice variation of objectives. During the mission you are waiting for the Vanguard it does take an awfully long time to return but midway through two drunken corts appear and crash into some containers which I found hilarious. They must have been piloted by admirals ;) In a laster mission you fly as a Z-95 trying to catch the rebels with their pants down and there is a cleverly positioned factory in front of you to force you tog et close before you can unleash utter destruction which I found it to be a nice touch. Some comedy also thrown in inflight messaging. Overall an enjoyable set of missions.

I played on Easy. These missions jump between really easy and pretty difficult. The 4th mission in the Z95 is not great, honestly. Other than that, the missions are decent enough, if nothing particularly exciting.

Good battle. Plotline is somehow original, and the missions unfold in a series of different roles for all kinds of starfighters, which is the main strength of this campaign, as the player will be able to cover the engagements from a variety of roles and allowing a high level of playability from the different approaches the missions offer. It isn't the best of mBender's creations, but is a dignifying example of his fine work. Not to miss it.

This was a pretty fun battle; it had Gunboats and X-Wings which are my favourite ships to fly, and the T65C-AC2 is a fun little ship in Legends. If only it was in the game. It had a problem here and there that stopped it getting a 5, but these were fairly minor.

Good mix of missions, Mission 4 was somewhat irritating though due to the fragility of the Z-95. The premise was also quite interesting.

A nice battle, you get your moneys worth with this one.

Let down by fact that teams within some of the missions are not sure who exactly they're fighting for.

Another great battle created by Ender! A well crafted interesting battle all over. Play it today!

Nice battle. I enjoyed it...even if it involves flying X-Wings. ;)

Ok, a few refinements needed. But a lot better then someother XvT battles.

Battle Bug Reports

CM Von Goosington


01. The final mission has 'must survive' objectives for several things, that even if failed (ie the rebels blow them up) you can still get a 'mission successful'.

CM Vanguard88


Mission 2 the second group of corvettes have starfighter orders.

Mission 5 the corvettes, modular conveyor and corvettes have starfighter orders. Shuttle escape never launches from the CRS yet it says it has been pacified.

GN Dunta Polo


Throughout: Most bonus goals are zero points.

Mission 6: Rebels withdraw after 66% losses, even though the objective shows as complete at 50%.

High Scores

Battle Total: 368,853 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
Mission 1: 35,880 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
Mission 2: 62,475 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
Mission 3: 37,970 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
Mission 4: 55,990 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
Mission 5: 132,075 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
Mission 6: 49,190 COL Brucmack

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 368,853 CM Vanguard88 2023-08-04
2 210,520 COL Carl Lost 2003-04-14
3 209,922 CPT Mace 2003-01-13
4 171,269 MAJ Zhaim Jifarr 2002-08-29
5 144,506 CM Dvader 2003-07-27
6 138,649 MAJ Artyis 2003-07-27
7 130,761 CPT S 4patas 2004-07-05
8 128,824 CM Cabbel 2002-12-12
9 124,416 LCM Cho Leed 2002-09-17
10 121,719 LCM Peh 2002-08-16

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 218 pilots a total of 232 times.

GN Abel Malik


CM Ace - 2002-08-14

LCM Ache Nu - 2003-02-21

CPT Adam Szydlowski - 2003-01-08

MAJ Aft Skylek - 2003-07-24

SL Airamags - 2003-09-02

LC Alec Qarni

SL Alejandro Araujo

CPT Alsdyr

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 8 times, last on 2021-01-09

COL Andrijas - 2003-10-28

COL Angel

LT Apex Cure - 2003-10-03

AD Apophis Kuma - 2003-03-16

COL Archangel

LC Archon - 2002-09-13

MAJ Arid Foxtrot - 2003-01-20

CM Armagon - 2003-12-30

MAJ Artyis - 2003-07-27

CPT Avantar

LC Azazel

CPT Azrael

LC Big Poppa K - 2004-08-03

CM BlackHellKnight

LCM Blenheim

CPT Bodo Dent

MAJ Brat Stone

COL Brucmack

FA Brukhar

MAJ Bryan

CM Cabbel - 2002-12-12

MAJ Caltin Doros

COL Carl Lost - 2003-04-14

LCM Cho Leed - 2002-09-17

LC Choosh - 2003-01-09

LC Chris Cox - 2002-08-23

CPT Cmr Brown

RA Colo Delste - 2021-10-30

CPT Con Selar

FA Conker Blackwood - 2009-09-21

GN Coranel Both

MAJ Coremy Jertese - 2002-12-01

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-03-28


COL Czulvang Lah

CPT Daar Skeloria - 2004-11-24

LC Daisuke Airyu

CPT Damarcus - 2004-08-03

AD Daniel Licinius Trajanus

COL Dark Angel


RA Darklord - 2002-08-18

Darth Vader

COL Davi Anthol - 2003-09-14

CM Daviriv Rracall - 2003-02-04

GN Dax Corrin

CPT Deamon

CM Death Knight

LCM Demitri Zanquan

LC Dengar March

CPT Derek Dan

MAJ Devin Taralis

LCM Dion Ellis

COL Dirty Vader

LC Dolsar Saris - 2004-11-01

COL Drak - 2004-09-10

LC Drake Jensen

LCM Drax Remlinger

CM Duken - 2002-11-24

COL Duncan Idaho

GN Dunta Polo - 2 times, last on 2013-11-23

CM Dvader - 2003-07-27

COL E. Tarkin

LT Eifel

CM El Guapo

GN Elwood the Brave

HA Ender mBind

LT Eridanus - 2004-06-13

CM Falcon

CM Faliaj Shai

LCM Felix Anthraxson - 2002-12-10

MAJ Fink

LC Frey Gallandro

HA Frodo March

FA Gelton Torr

RA Genie - 2021-10-24

CM Ghorg

AD Gidda - 2002-12-16

FA Giovanni Palermo - 2009-03-12

LC Girth Snail

LCM Godo Nurok

GN Golbez Harvey - 2019-11-29

LCM Gruckn Rahn

COL Gyssler - 2003-08-14

AD Hav Antiel - 2018-10-09

MAJ Hermann - 3 times, last on 2021-10-10

MAJ Hev Randrowan

SL Hirikka

LCM Hubert - 2003-01-11

MAJ Hunter - 2002-08-18

CPT Hunterwolf - 2004-11-22

CPT Ibram Gaunt

CM Jack Wynand - 2018-04-19

LCM Jaorrus Morraus

LC Jason Hunter

AD Jedi Eclipse

AD Jeff 'Tiger' Loruss - 2002-12-04

COL Jer Stryker

LT Jeremiah Quenzer

CPT Joe Arena

MAJ Johann Glorick

CPT John Clark

LCM Josi - 2003-08-05

LC Kadon Beir - 2005-01-30

CM Kalith Jaenus

MAJ Kazraran - 2022-06-25

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2023-09-18

LT Kedirak Sith - 2003-04-24

MAJ Keiran Laserlight

LC Kenath Zoron

SL Ketan-Shej - 2003-11-16

FA Khadgar

Khameir Sarin

CPT Kyral Retsam - 2002-12-22

LCM Lah - 2004-07-14

CPT Mace - 2003-01-13

CPT Machinari - 2003-07-27

CPT Mad Max

CPT Maiko Spince

COL Malidir - 2 times, last on 2009-02-08

FA Marcin Szydlowski

MAJ Marcus Caine

CPT Marenac

GN Mark Schueler - 2 times, last on 2015-06-21

LT Marl Von-Stokenbak - 2002-09-05

LCM Marlin

GN Master - 2015-06-05

MAJ Michael

CM Michael K Starburst - 2003-05-10

LCM Nico Avenger - 2003-10-31

COL Nightmare

LC Nile Rosenau

CM Odin Strongheart - 2024-07-11

CPT Paul

LCM Peh - 2002-08-16

FA Pellaeon

HA Pete Mitchell - 2017-05-07

COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-10

COL Phantom - 2003-01-19

FA Pickled Yoda - 2002-12-16

HA Plif

CPT Predator

CM Predator

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

CPT Quicksilver

GN Rancorous

Rekio Corsair

CPT Ric Gravin

GN Ric Hunter

LCM Rob Patton

CPT Rogue

LCM Rosh Nyine - 2024-07-08

CPT S 4patas - 2004-07-05

CM Sabbath - 2003-01-14

LC Savageaz - 2003-02-21

LC Scuslem - 2003-02-06

LCM Sev'rance Tann - 2003-10-20

COL Shae Kitane

CM Shinobi - 2004-09-03

CM Sid_amos - 2024-07-07

CM Slawter Thren

GN Smitrock - 2002-11-30

LT Sol Draconis - 2002-12-28

LC Solohan50 - 2021-10-22

LC Spade - 2003-10-07

LC Steve Strangelove

LC Strahd

HA Striker

GN Stryker - 2020-12-17

MAJ Tek Selkirk - 2003-06-15

Thorin Oakenshield - 2003-01-10

LC Thorn - 2003-01-30

CPT Tiamat - 2003-12-18

LCM Timpa Sloan

LC Tissaya Argat

AD TK-2107

CPT TK-6686

COL TK-7764

CM TK-9780 - 2003-01-04

COL Torres

AD Troutrooper - 2003-06-21

MAJ Tuba - 2011-07-09

LC Turr Phennir - 2003-03-25

CPT Tvan'Oris

CM Ultima

CM Valin Drago

CM Vanguard88 - 2023-08-04

CPT Vertigo

MAJ VinDoros - 2002-12-04

COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-06-03

CM Von Goosington - 2024-09-02

CPT Von Predator

FA Winters

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 3 times, last on 2023-09-02

COL Woobee

CM Xanatos Screed - 2003-02-16

CM Ygor Mantis

CM Yukito - 2003-04-22

MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk - 2003-01-06

CM Zack Amberam - 2002-08-11

COL Zeth Durron

MAJ Zhaim Jifarr - 2002-08-29

LCM Zhil - 2002-09-06

COL Zorn Starn

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

COL Zystem Fryar - 2003-05-20

CM Zzythnu

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter Battle

Battle Name:     Project X: "the T-65C A2 project"  
Created By:      COM/VA Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
		 (a.c.w.t.zwegers@bk.tudelft.nl http://2883.tiecorps.org)
Release Date:    21/11/97 (original)
Release Date:    09/sept/2001
Ships:           Assault Gunboat, Tie-Bomber, T-65, Z-95
Difficulty:      Playable.
SP Missions:	 6 including briefings
Combat Missions: 6 including two briefings
Medal:		 The T-65 Research Plaque (Plaque and ribbon included)
Filename:        projectx.zip
File contents:   Pjxm1gn.tie, Pjxm2tb.tie, Pjxm3xw.tie, Pjxm4z9.tie, Pjxm5xw.tie, Pjxm6xw.tie
		 Imperial.lst, Mission.lst, Readme.txt, t65medal.jpg, t65ribbon.jpg
		 Pjmp1gn.tie, Pjmp2tb.tie, Pjmp3xw.tie, Pjmp4z9.tie, Pjmp5xw.tie, Pjmp6xw.tie
		 Imperial.lst, Mission.lst, Rebel.lst

Hardware used:   Celleron 450Mhz, GForce II Ultra, 194Mb and a 468 66Mhz
Software used:   XvTed, XvT, Notepad, PainshopPro, Tie Fighter CD, Tie Editor, Tie Workshop


Required patches
* EH Ship Patch for XvT

Installation instructions
1] Make sure you have the EH Ship Patch for XvT installed
2] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
3] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
4] Press the X-wing vs TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
5] Create a new pilot and fly the Imperial training missions

For these missions to work in MP, all players must have them installed on the same mission
numbers, in this case "104" to "109". Preferably do not change these numbers.

TAC won't let you fly Combat Missions or XWA Skirmishes for FCHG Points, use the Single 
player mission for all TC flying outside of combat competitions.

Battle Description
This is a project by the Empire to try out the so called X-Wing fighter,
originally known as the T-65C A2 and also originally designed for the
Empire. What would've happened if the T-65 had gotten into Imperial service,
can the imperial pilots fly the thing and so on. During the project a
Grand Scale narcotics deal is discovered.

Rebel Pilot Note
Althouggh the Combat missions allow you to fly the Rebel side of the battle, please
keep in mind it was made for the Empire - hence the storyline is a bit one-way.
Also, although tested, the Rebel side hasn't been as thoroughly develloped as the
Imperial side.

Story Line
1. The Vanguard wants to replace some of the pirate fighters they have assigned (especially 
the PES) for some better fighters and the idea of the X-Wing, or Incom T-65C A2, came up. 
The problem being that they're not easy to get hold of or test for an Imperial Pilot.
Good thing Intell informed us about an Incom factory that might be nearby... if the Rebels 
haven't moved it already. You are to go there and check it out. If there is anything  there,
try to get as much information as you can by inspecting. Then come back and report your 
findings. Do not destroy anything that can be usefull!

2. You have discovered a Incom Manufactoring Base. Incom is the company that originally 
designed the T-65C A2 for the empire but then sold it to the rebels, who called it the 
'X-Wing'. We're going to try to capture the base, confiscating as much material we can. 
The plan is to try out the T-65 and to see what itb can do for the Vanguard instead of 
our Pirate Fighters. You can expect that the Rebels are trying to evacuate the base. So 
probaly there'll be some amount of transport vehicles. It being a Incom base, you can 
expect mostly Incom fighters like the T-65 and the Z-95 to try and stop you.

3. We have captured the Incom manufactoring base. During the battle the ISD Vanguard was 
damaged so it has to go back to the Naval Base at Pyrath. We expect the Rebels will want 
their base either back or destroyed. So there is a good possiblity of a raid. Your mission 
is to protect the base until the return of the ISD Vanguard. Because we are running low on 
Tie Space Superiority Fighters we are going to use the captured  T-65's and Z-95's to 
protect the base. This will also be our first test of the material. By now, the Rebels are 
probably  running low on Incom fighters in this sector. So you'll probably see mostly 
non-Incom fighters like the BTL (Y-wing) and  A-wing. You've noticed that these Cytec 
YT-1300's are showing up very often lately. What makes them particularly deadly are their 
doubble top mounted,  flexible laser turret and their high agility.

4. We have traced the hyperjump paths of the attacking BTL A4's - or "Y-Wings" to a Rebel 
base. This base will offer a good opportunity to test the Deep Strike Qualities of the Z95.
Your objective is to destroy the Rebel BTL A4 facility.  Your primary targets are the 
transports and containers.  Next, the shuttles and starfighters should be targeted. Most of 
the Rebel craft are just getting underway.  Expect the stiffest resistance from the Rebel 
shuttles who will fight fiercely to protect their base.

5. We now know where the T-65's, Z-96's and BTL's in this sector came from and we have 
demolished their manufactoring bases. A second attack on the KoenSayr base is now being 
planned, but we need you to investigate these Cytec YT-1300's that keep on appearing.
We want you to check another sector out, using your T-65. There has been a lot of activity 
near Torki XII, and ofcourse we want to know what's going on and how your X's feel in a 
mission like this. If there are any Rebel ships just destroy them. This will give a strong 
sign to the Rebellion that we mean buisiness in this sector.

6. We traced the Hyperjumppaths of the Cytec YT-1300's to their base in the Torki XI 
asteroid field. We plan to capture this base to show the Cytec leadership that the Empire 
is still strong in this sector. Aperently, the Rebels and the Cytec Mobsters have gotten a 
disagreement about their drug deals and at the moment there's a full scale assault already 
going on on the base. During this assault, we'll attack with our T-65's to add to the 
confusion. We'll go in halfway through the battle so both the Rebels and the Cytec Mobsters 
will already be weakend. The objective is this time not to wipe out the Rebels but to 
capture the base, so you'll only have to scare the Rebels off.

You need the XvT (or at least all the ships involved there), as far as i know
no other patches are needed. To fly in Combat all players need the same version,
make sure you all have the update by lucasarts installed.
For Combat flying all players should make sure they have the same version.

Other Information

This is the Second release of my first battle and first on this platform. Bugs could arrise
- please mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats, questions or apraisals.

COM/VA Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

Corrected by
CA:TAC/RA Marcin Szydlowski
-ships' coordinates
-briefing bugs