TIE-IW 5: Ares Charge

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 4
Release date: Unknown
Last updated: 2009-03-22

CT Jester

Average rating 1.7
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 116
Battle Medal: Medal of Warrior's Fist

Battle Reviews

This battle is defective. You are meant to be flying an "Ares-class X-Wing", instead you are in a regular, unshielded TIE Fighter. This battle would have been fine in an X-Wing, as is it's stupid and supremely tedious.

My fifteenth battle in the TIE Corps.

Uninspiring series of missions, which even on easy were really too hard - a series of missions in a unshielded TIE, just ins't very fun!

The fastest battle I ever flew. It was fun and lightning paced, the biggest problem, however was your assigned starfighter. Something more elaborate as an A-Wing should have been more suitable, I believe.

Battle Bug Reports

COL TheBlackxRanger


The battle mentions flying "ares class x-wings" and there is a note that the fly rebel fighters patch should be used, however you actually just fly an unshielded tie. Perhaps there was a setting that was forgotten to turn on rebel fighters?

High Scores

Battle Total: 251,953 LC Brandon
Mission 1: 63,993 MAJ Eugene
Mission 2: 80,221 HA Striker
Mission 3: 26,256 COL Hades
Mission 4: 128,740 COL Hades

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 251,953 LC Brandon 2003-08-02
2 205,605 AD Gidda 2003-05-27
3 146,134 CM Arti 2002-11-17
4 130,046 SL Airamags 2003-10-20
5 109,217 CM Armagon 2003-07-10
6 78,476 GN Abel Malik 2004-08-22
7 71,016 MAJ Deleted Member 2002-12-29
8 61,735 GN Dax Corrin 2003-01-12
9 52,924 MAJ Zhaim Jifarr 2002-09-01
10 37,746 CM Benji Tandor 2023-01-29

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 100 pilots a total of 112 times.

Infiltrator Wing Battle Nine 
Created by General Jester/ExO Hades
Name of Battle: Ares Charge
Suggested Medal: Medal of Warrior's Fist
Number of Missions: four
(All missions include briefings)


Required patches
* EH Ship Patch for TIE
* Fly Rebel Fighters for TIE

Installation instructions
1] Make sure you have the EH Ship Patch for TIE installed
2] Download the patches from the EH Patch archive (http://tc.emperorshammer.org/patcharchive.php)
3] Install the patches by double clicking it in the EHSP installer
4] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
5] Check the Misc folder in your TIE one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
6] Press the TIE Fighter button to start TIE and fly the battle.

Mission 1-Ares Class X-Wing
Scramble to save the M\FRG Elan from an attacking Rebel Force, while 
flying the new Ares Class X-Wing

Mission 2- Ares Class X-Wing
Attack a convoy of Spynet equipment en route to a secret Rebel Listening 

Mission 3- Ares Class X-Wing
Destroy a Spynet Probe surrounded by a mind field.

Mission 4- Ares Class X-Wing
Destroy an asteroid Listening Post and it's wing of fighters.

Plotline and Missions created by: 

FM/GN Jester/Ares-3-3/M-FRG Elan/IW/EH
ExO Hades/PLT Revenge/Corporate Division 
GS/SSx3/BSx5/PCx4/ISMx3/MoT-rh-4gh [Knight] {IWATS}
SW Hades (Sith)/House Satal Keto/Clan Alvaak WR-PM/DC/LSAg