Reviewer Rating Profile

General Stryker (#12292)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 131
Reviewed: 2021-04-08
Reviewed: 2021-04-08
I was never in the ASF during its heyday, so most of this went over my head. However, it's a well designed battle aside from some annoying stealth missiles, and it was nice to see clubs that are still alive and kicking (Renegade Wing, Gray Squadron, Rebel Squadrons) included.
Reviewed: 2021-04-08
Not a particularly inspiring battle, but not bad either. You get to fly the TIE Advanced a lot, which is always a plus in my book! Definitely worth a four out of five, but needed something special to get that fifth star!
Reviewed: 2021-04-07
Reviewed: 2021-04-07
A surprisingly challenging mission when compared to other container destruction scenarios - if you get too close, you lose points. Likewise if you get complacent and go for the bonus goals, you may also lose points. Would be nice if things shot back at you, though.
Reviewed: 2021-04-07
Reviewed: 2021-04-07
An entertaining mission in which two rival squadrons go head to head in a training scenario. Loses points for being so simple, and for the post-creation ability to fly both sides, which appears to be bugged.
Reviewed: 2021-04-06
This battle was fun and reasonably challenging on Medium for the first three missions, although I do not usually enjoy inspection missions when the enemy are spamming Mag Pulses. Mission 4 was a letdown brought about by the Space Bombs flying everywhere - if you do not kill the Y-Wings, you'll lose the mission at the same time you win it.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Honestly I had no idea what was going on in this mission, probably because I didn't pay enough attention to the briefing. It's a great melee between fighters with some larger ships in the fray, and gets a 3/5 for it.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
A simple free mission, but effective - waves of Rebel craft coming in, followed by a Frigate, and you get to fly a TIE Advanced which is my favourite Imperial ship! Only gets a 4 because it's nothing goundbreaking, but I do enjoy the simplicity!
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
An enjoyable melee that, I think, honors the memory of two members who are no longer with us. The challenge isn't necessarily in the fighting, it's in the remembering that not all of the X-Wings are Rebels, so taking snap-shots can be very dangerous!
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
A fun mission, lots of targets to shoot at, and lots of opportunities to hunt a high score. The wait for the objective to arrive can be boring if you kill the Rebels too quickly, but at higher difficulties there's more to keep you occupied.
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
A fairly simple but enjoyable mission, putting fragile TIE Interceptors and Bombers against more resilient X-Wings and Y-Wings while needing to blow up a space station. Challenging even on Medium, but a fun way to spend a few fifteen minutes!
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Not a bad mission, pretty simple but a target-rich environment for those high score hunters among the community! Could do with a text Commander Briefing, though! A solid four out of five from me.
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
So, I write this review having not completed the mission purely because it's awful. There is no point to it, no effort put into it, and no joy to be derived from it.
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
A fairly good mission, one that allows you to pick your craft which is something of a rarity. Endless waves of pirate fighters while trying to blow the objective can be tricky, but is a good candidate for HS competitions like TCiB.
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
Reviewed: 2021-03-28
A simple mission where you face wave after wave of X-Wings and Y-Wings; a fun shoot-'em-up but no real storyline to speak of. A definite contender for a High Score competition like TCiB!
Reviewed: 2021-03-10
Reviewed: 2021-03-10
Overall, not a bad battle at all! There are some issues, such as taking engine wash as you deploy in one mission, but apart from that it's a lot of fun so long as you watch the briefings properly. Otherwise you'll likely have no idea what's going on!
Reviewed: 2021-02-25
So, this COULD have been a good battle, but it isn't. Missions are poorly created, confusing, and generally unpleasant to play. If this wasn't for a competition, I'd have tried it once and given up. Not even worth the FCHG points.
Reviewed: 2021-02-18
Reviewed: 2021-02-18
A very simple mission that involves blowing lots of stuff up, but with the added benefit of being able to affect your score by choosing different craft, which was a nice touch.
Reviewed: 2021-02-12
This was a surprisingly challenging mission even on the lower difficulties due to the chaotic nature of the melee and the Transports shuttling cargo pods to and fro while you fight. While it's not the most story-intensive and the chaos got me killed too many times to mention, it's fun to fly!
Reviewed: 2021-02-09
Reviewed: 2021-02-09
This was an enjoyable battle, and one that stands up to the test of time in terms of plot. However, one thing prevents it getting 5 stars - you start in a Missile Boat and then are downgraded to a generic TIE, fighting off endless waves of incoming ships. One mistake and game over, even on Easy and Medium - a shame, really.
Reviewed: 2021-02-04
Reviewed: 2021-02-04
I'll agree with several of the reviews already posted and say that this should have been mandatory for all budding XvT players in the TIE Corps' heyday. Crucially, it still stands the test of time as a training tool.
Reviewed: 2021-02-01
This is a simple mission, but a fun one; who doesn't love jumping in an X-Wing and smoking a few TIEs every now and then. The additional bonus objective at the end is kind of neat, as well. It's a shame there aren't more IW-Free missions like this in the database.
Reviewed: 2021-01-18
Reviewed: 2021-01-18
An enjoyable battle, if a little short and simple. The Gunboat is my favourite Imperial craft to fly after the TIE Advanced, so having the opportunity to fly it four missions in a row was nice.
Reviewed: 2021-01-06
Reviewed: 2021-01-06
A typical battle of its time; low on story, high on action. Nothing was bugged so it gets at least a 3, but the lack of any real story and the over-use of Rogue Squadron and endlessly-spawning targets also prevents it getting higher than a 3.
Reviewed: 2020-12-31
Playing the TIE campaign in XvT is, in a word, joyful - all of the things I dislike about the TIE campaign (mainly the engine) are removed while most of the things I like remain. Shame you don't get the cloaked figure or General Frown's briefings, however...
Reviewed: 2020-12-31
Another accurate transfer of the TIE campaign to XvT, making it less of a pain to fly and so much more fun to complete!

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