Reviewer Rating Profile

Major KEBLAOMEGA (#56172)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 94
Reviewed: 2022-01-09
Reviewed: 2022-01-09
This battle was pretty good. Cohesive story that tied the missions together pretty well. Missions were overall balanced and fun. The last mission was very ambitious and worked reasonably well for what they were going for.
Reviewed: 2022-01-09
Reviewed: 2022-01-09
This one was forgettable at its best and annoying at its worst. In a couple missions the goal is to wait until the timer runs out, which is always boring. The first mission was okay, but then it goes downhill after that. In I think the third mission, a friendly craft will repeatedly kill a mission critical craft for no reason unless you instruct them not to.
Reviewed: 2022-01-08
Reviewed: 2022-01-08
This was a fun battle overall, if you don't mind an unshielded TIE. Some missions were really fun, but some got old pretty fast, like when you just have to kill 12 squirrely A-wings in a row and that's it. Overall it becomes average to slightly above by the end.
Reviewed: 2022-01-07
Reviewed: 2022-01-07
This was not a good battle. I never in my life thought I'd have to kill so many missile boats, and couldn't have had a worse craft to do it in. If you have to do it, just play with unlimited warheads and get it over as quickly as possible.
Reviewed: 2022-01-06
Reviewed: 2022-01-06
Very entertaining battle. The plot was straightforward but believable and worked for the missions. The first and fourth missions were a fun, reasonable challenges and the second and third were pretty quick. Overall, definitely one of the better battles.
Reviewed: 2022-01-05
Reviewed: 2022-01-05
I'm glad other reviewers had explained what happened with this battle. It would not make any sense either plotwise or gameplay-wise why anything happens. It seems like it could have been at least a 3/5 if the correct ship was available, but without I have to give a pretty poor review.
Reviewed: 2021-12-12
Reviewed: 2021-12-12
One of the best battles I've played so far. Very entertaining plot that fit well with the missions, fun missions, and few bugs. The only annoyance was figuring out the first mission but I forgot that by the end. Had a lot of fun overall.
Reviewed: 2021-12-11
Reviewed: 2021-12-11
The plot for this battle was actually pretty original. The missions were... fine, except the last two were a bit confusing as to what you're supposed to do at the end. In any case it was a very quick and easy battle.
Reviewed: 2021-12-11
Reviewed: 2021-12-11
This was a middling battle. Most of the missions were fun but a couple had some annoying bugs. The plot was okay.
Reviewed: 2021-12-10
Reviewed: 2021-12-10
I would have liked this one if not for the bug in mission 2. After a few attempts, I was very glad someone detailed how to bypass the bug in 'bug reports'. Otherwise, it was simple but fun. Straightforward but reasonable plot, and fun missions though without substantial originality.
Reviewed: 2021-12-10
Reviewed: 2021-12-10
As stated by others, it frequently crashes during briefings, so you have to skip them which is very annoying. Otherwise, I didn't mind this one as much as others. The first few missions were fun and of reasonable length, but by the last two it started to get a bit tedious being in an assault gunboat for so long (and the last two were about twice as long as they needed to be, as well).
Reviewed: 2021-12-09
Reviewed: 2021-12-09
I rather enjoyed this one. Both the plot and the missions were enjoyable - simple, but well-made. Nothing was particularly remarkable, but it kept things fast-paced and fun, despite a pretty short length of the battle.
Reviewed: 2021-12-08
Reviewed: 2021-12-08
I had fun with this one. The plot was okay, but the missions seemed overall well-made. The experimental tie was fun to use, but I was glad to get out of it by the end. I didn't run into any of the bugs other had mentioned, so if you avoid those hopefully you'll enjoy this battle.
Reviewed: 2021-12-07
Reviewed: 2021-12-07
Not terrible, but not amazing. It has a funny though a little bit confusion plot (feel like I'm missing some inside jokes) similar to the prior battle. The missions are mostly fun, though I was glad some other reviews gave a hint as to how to finish the final mission. Not sure if it was intentional or a bug. Again, fun to fly some different craft than the usual few.
Reviewed: 2021-12-05
This battle was interesting, to say the least. I vaguely understood the plot, though it seemed heavily based in references and inside jokes from the past. The mission variety was so-so but flying a variety of unusual craft was a fun and unique aspect that I enjoyed overall. The last mission was a little excessive though.
Reviewed: 2021-12-04
Reviewed: 2021-12-04
This was almost a really amazing battle. It had a very detailed plot, and the missions themselves would be really cool and follow the plot well, if only it were a bit easier to follow. The objectives are often unclear unless you carefully consider the listed objectives and incoming messages, and sometimes figure out which one to ignore. Cool to try the new ship. But some of the missions are so hard i wouldn't know how to beat them without cheats.
Reviewed: 2021-12-04
This battle had good ideas, but they were executed somewhat poorly. For one, the first three missions felt largely the same - dogfighting while you await an arbitrary timer to finish. The large-scale battle was interesting, and the surprise plot of the final mission was interesting, but not explained well. Also, as others mentioned, the final mission involved lots of waiting, so bring a book.
Reviewed: 2021-12-04
Reviewed: 2021-12-04
Very simple, but okay I guess. There is almost no plot whatsoever. The missions are fun for the most part. Until the end of the 3rd and 4th missions when you suddenly have to take out several capital ships by yourself in a defender with minimal ordnance. Gets a bit tiring - should have played with cheats on.
Reviewed: 2021-12-02
Reviewed: 2021-12-02
Not the worst battle. The missions themselves were fun when they worked correctly, but they were a bit buggy if you don't follow the script the designed had in mind for you. The plot was fine though and fit the missions well. If not for the bugginess Id have given it a 3.
Reviewed: 2021-11-30
Reviewed: 2021-11-30
Not a bad battle, once I was finally able to get the ship patches working correctly (hint: missions 2 and 5 will not be winnable without the appropriate ship patches). I played on Easy which may have avoided some of the annoyances others had with this battle, but overall it was fun and had an interesting plot.
Reviewed: 2021-11-25
This is a real grind. Spoiler alert: The first 5 missions are all quite similar, but reasonable. Kill some fighters then finish off the cap ships. The 6th you fly an interdictor which sounds more fun than it is. The 7th you kill an interdictor. The 8th is to guarantee you feel like taking a break from the battle - you have to kill what seems like 200 TIE advanced in a row. Then to top it off, the final mission is almost identical to the 8th. All in all, one of the most tedious battles I've played.
Reviewed: 2021-11-24
Reviewed: 2021-11-24
The first two missions were great, but then the last few are a real grind that I dont know how you would complete without unlimited ammo. The battle was at least ambitious with a few missions being very large scale battles, but just overall was poorly executed after the first two.
Reviewed: 2021-11-23
Reviewed: 2021-11-23
Not the best, but not the worst collection of missions. There is no overarching plot - it's just random missions. The second was started off more interesting than most custom missions, but then just sort of ended. The fourth was funny as with its reference, but it went on too long.
Reviewed: 2021-11-23
Reviewed: 2021-11-23
This was definitely one of the better battles. Good mission variety and some interesting twists along the way. Fun large-scale battles that still maintained balance. And some cool little details like good positioning of planets behind the action for visual appeal. Plot was simple but okay.
Reviewed: 2021-11-23
I'm surprised there aren't more battles that use the experimental TIEs from XWA (or maybe I just haven't gotten to them yet) but this one is based entirely around them. It's a set of missions to use each one in a way that it is somewhat fitted to. Overall, it was fun to try them out and was pretty fast, but could have used more plot.

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