Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Benji Tandor (#56481)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 123
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
The plot is minimal but efficient, missions are fast and straightforward and enjoyably hectic in places !

My sixty-ninth ;) battle in the TIE Corps !
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
A short and straightforward battle - the first mission is enjoyably hectic !

My sixty-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-27
Reviewed: 2023-03-27
The very start of the mission is extremely hectic as you desperately try to survive a point blank barrage from a platform - it can feel unfair but it's a neat surge of adrenaline !

The rest of the mission is a fight against four waves of X-Wings before finishing off the platform and facing off against a wave of T/A, with optional (and welcome !) help from 3 T/D.
Reviewed: 2023-03-27
Reviewed: 2023-03-27
This battle showcases a lot of creativity and has an enjoyable and well delivered plot that flows smoothly.

Make sure to run the Shipyard and Repair Yard patches ! They're missing from the battle description but are very much necessary for the correct playing experience.

My sixty-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-27
Reviewed: 2023-03-27
A very pleasant and well-put together battle that sees you taking on a traitor fleet with enjoyable variety in its missions.

My sixty-sixth (!) battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-26
Reviewed: 2023-03-26
This is an excellent battle, the missions have engaging gameplay in service of an enjoyable and well delivered plot.

My sixty-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-26
Reviewed: 2023-03-26
This battle suffers from a tedious first mission but more than makes up for it with the creativity deployed in the rest of the battle. Very enjoyable !

My sixty-fourth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-26
Reviewed: 2023-03-26
Very solid. I'd flown its XvT iteration prior and the original is just as good.

My sixty-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-25
Reviewed: 2023-03-25
The briefing characters are systematically and uselessly unpleasant. The missions are incredibly difficult and tedious, without valid narrative justification for such.

My sixty-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-25
An enjoyable and straightforward battle - though quite long at 15 missions, it's neatly parceled out across three arcs with a steady progression. Each mission is competently designed, though some are very easy.

My sixty-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-25
Reviewed: 2023-03-25
A solid and well-built Missile Boat mission with solid target variety.
Reviewed: 2023-03-21
Reviewed: 2023-03-21
This is a very neat standalone mission which needs you to be quick on your toes.
Reviewed: 2023-03-20
Reviewed: 2023-03-20
A neat battle with lots of big setpiece fights. Having to laser down a CRS is tedious and not being able to see the final huge showdown is a little disappointing, unfortunately.

My sixtieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-19
Reviewed: 2023-03-19
Very fast and straightforward - flying a regular TIE Fighter in a series of challenge appropriate missions is enjoyable.

My fifty-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-18
Reviewed: 2023-03-18
Parts of the underlying narrative are silly dross but this battle is excellent nonetheless : straightforward and effective mechanical design with substantial narrative work underpinning it.

My fifty-eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-11
Reviewed: 2023-03-11
The battle simply can't justify its outrageous length but its missions are otherwise alright - nothing offensive, with a sensible progression from mission to mission.

My fifty-seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-10
Reviewed: 2023-03-10
Pretty easy and straightforward, with enjoyable variety. All-around solid.

My fifty-sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-03-09
Reviewed: 2023-03-09
Simple, straightforward and fairly neat with a dash of humor.
Reviewed: 2023-02-25
Reviewed: 2023-02-25
The missions in this battle are decent... but you'll fly them multiple times each. More than half of the missions are almost exact copies of the rest, this makes for an incredibly repetitive and tedious battle to fly.

My fifty-fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-24
It's a straightforward battle that suffers from repetitive tedium as much of it has you focusing down capital ships with little variety.

My fifty-fourth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-23
Reviewed: 2023-02-23
It's a straightforward battle with lots of dogfighting. The frigate defense in the third mission is the highlight, you're not fighting tedious amounts of ships and having to juggle the various incoming bomber flight groups is fun.

On the other hand, having to laser down a CRL in a missile boat in the fourth isn't and I didn't count how many starfighters the clown car CRL in the last mission packed, but it was probably north of a hundred. Extremely tedious and completely stupid !

My fifty-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-22
Reviewed: 2023-02-22
Easy and straightforward. It's fun !

My fifty-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-21
Reviewed: 2023-02-21
The battle's competently designed and written but suffers from an overabundance of dogfighting with little variety.

My fifty-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-20
Reviewed: 2023-02-20
A run of the mill battle with lots of dogfighting. The penultimate mission can be completed quickly but is an impressive challenge for completionists.

My fiftieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-20
Reviewed: 2023-02-20
This battle is mostly fine but is brought down by bringing unshielded craft on missions that are poorly designed around them, and having a defective third mission that is impossible to complete on Hard.

My forty-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.

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