Reviewer Rating Profile

General Stryker (#12292)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 131
Reviewed: 2020-12-19
Reviewed: 2020-12-19
I flew this battle a while ago now, but I have fond memories of it being one of my first BoP battles. I don't know why some love it and some hate it, it's not perfect but certainly deserves a higher rating than it's getting!
Reviewed: 2020-12-18
Despite not being an original creation, this deserves a 5 just for the sheer amount of work put into porting TIE into XvT and meaning I can enjoy the campaign on a platform that isn't unbearably clunky to use. That said, sometimes I wish XvT had time acceleration...
Reviewed: 2020-12-17
Reviewed: 2020-12-17
I liked this battle, though the spartan briefings and repetitive nature of the missions hurt the rating somewhat, as did going from a Defender or Avenger to Interceptor for the final mission; it could have easily been the other way around.

Still, a good way to spend half an hour or so earning more FCHG points!
Reviewed: 2020-12-17
This was a pretty fun battle; it had Gunboats and X-Wings which are my favourite ships to fly, and the T65C-AC2 is a fun little ship in Legends. If only it was in the game. It had a problem here and there that stopped it getting a 5, but these were fairly minor.
Reviewed: 2020-12-15
It's...not great, but not terrible either. Missions 1, 3 and 4 are simple and enjoyable. Mission 2 is similarly simple but takes 30 minutes to complete. If this mission could be edited to be half the time, this would probably be worth a 4 rather than the 3 I've given it.
Reviewed: 2020-12-12
Reviewed: 2020-12-12
This mission was simple, and the story fairly basic, but it was enjoyable. Previous comments hit the nail on the head though when they talk about single craft attacking capital ships - even in a Defender, one lucky hit and you're done for.
Reviewed: 2020-12-04
Reviewed: 2020-12-04
A simple and fun battle, let down only by the waiting times in some missions!
Reviewed: 2020-12-01
This was a fun battle that details just how far certain people would go to get their caffeine fix. Sure, there was some waiting involved, but I enjoyed it and there were no bugs that hindered gameplay.
Reviewed: 2020-09-30
Reviewed: 2020-09-30
Short but not unenjoyable, sadly not much of a challenge on easy but a great way to add RtF and FCHG points if you're pressed for time. Nice to fly the Preybird but could have done without the E1 - it's the least fun of the bunch to fly!
Reviewed: 2020-09-28
Reviewed: 2020-09-28
In a word, average. Though it is always nice to fly the TIE Avenger, this mission did not 'wow' me - probably due to the short length and repetitiveness of the missions. The inspection mission was a nice change of pace! Definitely not a fan of ships turning up after the Victory conditions are met and screwing things up, though!
Reviewed: 2020-09-27
So... I'm not exactly certain what I just played, here. Obviously it's one of those 'this is a battle we did transcribed into XWA', but it seems...pointless? At least to me as a player that wasn't there... You don't really even need to engage, your wingmen do the work for you!
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
This battle was excellently put together, and showcases the power of the X-Wing Alliance game engine. However, it is let down by the lack of real storyline and the repetitiveness of the missions. It would deserve a 5 if it weren't the same mission with slightly different objectives every time.
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
This was, overall, an excellent battle, although I admit I didn't appreciate the humour in it as much as I might had I known Conker better. I'm giving it a five because despite not finding the funny side, it was well executed and flying the Pursuer Enforcement Ship and unmodified TIE Fighter and Interceptor is a nice change to the seemingly endless list of Advanced and Defender missions!
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
I really enjoyed this mission, playing a campaign using different squadrons while still sticking to a single flowing storyline is an excellent touch. Only downside is that some missions require the Gunboat or Skipray (thus the S-Foils patch), which isn't mentioned anywhere.
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
Reviewed: 2020-09-26
This battle had its flaws, but once I'd figured it out, it was not unenjoyable. You have to play mission 1 a specific way to beat it, preferably with cheats as that Assault Shuttle will KILL YOU, but the rest are fairly simple.

Feels like it needed to be paced a little slower, in some cases.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
A reasonably enjoyable battle with a solid plot and flying one of my favourite fighters in the game, the TIE Advanced. That said, some of the missions didn't really require me to participate, which makes this four (really three point five) stars as high as I can go.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
Story wise this wasn't a bad mission, though I dislike the inclusion of canon or Legends characters as it can go against how a player sees them. That said, there were some flaws in this mission: I took a shower waiting for a ship to be boarded in one mission and in the final mission literally nothing happens, which is why this gets a three rather than anything higher...
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This was an average mission. Why? Nine missions of flying a TIE Defender, with the biggest threat really being my own torpedoes. That and a plotline I found difficult to care about having never been a member of The Directorate. That said, no bugs that I came across, so a solid three out of five.
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
An entertaining end to the series, but not without faults that prevent it getting a five; first, the switching between Defender, Avenger and Unshielded Interceptor got old two battles ago. Second, there were consistency issues when it came to mission difficulty. Still, glad I finished the story!
Reviewed: 2020-09-22
Reviewed: 2020-09-22
An interesting but lacklustre Part 3, in my opinion. The story feels like it's being stretched a little thin, and with the suicide mission and bugged final mission, it dropped from a 4 to a 3.
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
An enjoyable continuation to the original Hammer and Anvil battle. Mission 1 is a little...iffy, but aside from that the mission design and plot are enjoyable. Now onto part 3!
Reviewed: 2020-09-20
Reviewed: 2020-09-20
So this was my first XvT Battle, and I was not stunned by the quality; mission 3 was more or less pointless, to be frank. That said, it was not unenjoyable to play for half an hour or so, hence the 3 out of 5.
Reviewed: 2020-09-20
Reviewed: 2020-09-20
I really liked this storyline; essentially the Star Trek Episode 'Yesterday's Enterprise' in an Emperor's Hammer setting. I did feel that pitting a Praetor against Defenders and Advances gave you an unfair advantage, but the battle was enjoyable and didn't feel TOO easy (I only ever died to my own Torpedoes, but we won't go into that...)
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
So, the mission is fairly straightforward; fly to a point in space, kill the bad guys, etc. Pretty standard stuff. What I didn't expect, and what stopped this getting a high score, was the unnecessary 'he's an Admiral and I love him' in the debrief screen. It's just not needed!
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
Reviewed: 2020-09-17
This was an enjoyable little mission; none of this 'fly a TIE Defender and not be threatened by anything' we see a lot of; there's a very real possibility that you can lose even on Easy difficulty, which is nice!

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