Reviewer Rating Profile

Fleet Admiral Pickled Yoda (#9555)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 113
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
An excellently innovative mission showcasing some advanced creation knowledge.
Reviewed: 2024-05-01
Superbly crafted! Jagged has brought mission creation to new heights by taking advantage of a new platform and tools. Paired with a novel concept (pun definitely intended), this is a fantastic battle.
Reviewed: 2023-11-25
A very well crafted battle. Remember to install the wav pack, it really adds to the experience
Reviewed: 2022-07-14
I'm not sure why I'm delivering mail, but that's not really important. You could tx4 and burn engines to a fast finish, or you can take on the waves of enemies that challenge your existance. I hobbled home with red hull and damaged lasers, so the difficulty level is pretty spot on
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
There's a reason that most creators don't go up to the 9 craft in a flight group limit - the game can't handle it very well and they tend to collide with each other. Not very satisfying to see the warts of the game engine like that, or to finish it off at the end by killing corvettes who shoot missiles at you but don't do anything sensible with their orders - it's not a challenge, just drawn out tedium.
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
This is a weird one, it's just not balanced for any challenge. The enemies arrive piecemeal , and only after you've actually won the mission by inspecting some transports. You have more wingmen than you need and there's just something wrong about a flightgroup of 6 system patrol craft. Could be quick for spam though.
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Not very enjoyable, though it would be very quick to spam (assuming you time accelerate the annoying wait at the start). The orders for the frigates on both sides are missing, but that ends up being a mercy because after killing the fighters that drip feed in you have to kill the frigate with lasers as your puny allies are no help at all.
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
A seemingly basic mission which has some subtle meta-aspects if you're chasing the high score in terms of minimising lasers and maximising warhead points. Let down by a few arrival condition bugs for the in-flight messages. You can risk going SLAM all the way to the CRS at the start, preventing it from activating, but if you do you'll be in range of the A-Wings and out of all laser and shield energy. A nice tightrope to walk
Reviewed: 2022-07-10
Reviewed: 2022-07-10
I have to say I'm very disappointed at the comprehension levels on display in these reviews. This is an elaborately constructed puzzle race. It's not a typical mission, the fact you can win quickly is not a sign of a bug it's just part of the design.

Ender has thought of a unique premise and executed it beautifully. You have to inspect 27 containers in the correct sequence under time pressure to move efficiently. On easy he thought of a way to use in-flight messages locked to a particular difficulty as a sort of walkthrough. On hard he adds some headhunters to get in your way.

Give it a go, and don't be dissuaded by these overly harsh scores.
Reviewed: 2022-07-10
Reviewed: 2022-07-10
This would be a really good mission for a competition. There's a lot going on and it would reward skilled players who were adept with the decoy beam. Wave management is important - you are sometimes better off leaving an enemy alive so their next wave doesn't launch.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Terribly constructed and full of difficulty level bugs that have apparently defeated like 3 different TCT passes. What on earth has gone on here? The usual generic features of an Angel battle on top of the overplayed plague ship gambit. Redeemed only in speed of completion
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
I've been flying through the battles of this creator. Generally they're quite similar, this one at least showed some signs of additional sophistication. I was quite happy until the last mission, where I ended up having to do slow strafing runs against high AI frigates with stupid orders while my pristine ISD sat there and did absolutely nothing while within range. Frustrating.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
As usual from this creator, you always fly a T/A, the opponents are minimal , the difficulties are not well balanced, the missions are short, the connection to the TIE Corps seems tenuous at best, there are very few in-flight messages, briefings and descriptions are terse to the point of laziness and there's always something a little bit broken.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Just bad. If you want an easy completion, fly one of Angel's missions on easy or medium. You'll almost certainly be in a T/A , kill a couple of easy rebel fighters and be done in 3-5 minutes. If you want a frustrating experience, fly them on hard where either the AI mob you or the goals and triggers are set in such stupid ways that somehow the mission won't be completable - for example, enemy fighters in this battle aborting mission because they've killed your wingmen (but you're still there, as are other juicy targets).
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Very quick mission, simple even on hard difficulty. Your allies are plentiful and the enemy fleet quite feeble. It's going to take me longer to pad this review to an acceptable length than it was to actually fly the thing, so it's a good pick for any spam flying
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
This is a bit too hard on hard and too easy on medium. The goals don't make a lot of sense. You fly a T/A on patrol and have to fight some rebels who attack. A Frigate hypers in first, but doesnt launch anything or do anything much. Some Y-Wings attack but never really endanger the platform you're protecting. It's inoffensive and quick but not particularly well crafted.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
The iconic Harkov betrayal! The mines were very difficult to see - realistic but annoying. Very good job making it feel frantic and desperate. After that, you get to fly the TIE Avenger and it feels like happiness. The hit and run convoy mission was also very well constructed
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
The IRC station looks amazing in the first mission. Mission 2 introduces the Ecliptic Star Frigate and X4 gunship which are new to me, as well as tricky waves of deadly A-Wings which are very familiar. By combining classic TIE missions together, they have left room for an interlude mission at the end which links to later story. Neat.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Wow. Talk about a target-rich environment! Mission 1 is an absolutely hectic, 20 minute battle that strained my computer. Somewhere in the middle of it you are introduced to some Hutt fighters, though they don't leave a lasting impression other than of fragility.
Combining I think 3 classic TIE missions into one is epic, but I think Zaarin's betrayal at the end loses some impact becuase you're too busy to absorb it. I'm not sure if the low visibility in mission 2 is entirely deliberate but it certainly feels sinister.
In the last mission I finished with the ISD Majestic on just 6 hull, so that was definitely a tense one.
n.b. This is a one-off exemption to the normal TAC policy that a battle should have at least 4 missions
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
I don't think the first mission captured the difficulty I remembered of the original TIE , your allies are a bit too helpful. This is compensated by them being mostly useless in the next mission. Flying the Defender against Rebels feels like god mode in the third mission.
A wait in the fourth mission was just the second time in 40 missions that I missed time acceleration, which is a tribute to excellent design and execution. This was also visible in the last mission - a well designed mag pulse mission is hard to pull off, but a fun change when it works.
The final email is a great link between your quarters and Thrawn's character.

I am very much looking forward to the next battle
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
These are solid but unspectacular missions, completely appropriate to the purpose. They give a solid introduction to flying but allow you plenty of time to be wowed by the mod and the overall execution which is incredibly impressive compared to vanilla XWA.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
This battle starts with the very familiar Outpost D-34 patrol and inspection, but now the platform feels impressive and the variety of ships is cool. The TIE Fighter is weak though, and XWA is far less forgiving than TIE so some early missions can be frustrating. Remember to check your quarters for the loot and emails, there's some good stuff there.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
The first mission starts with launching from a VSD and one of the new hangar layouts, which look very cool but sometimes have performance issues. Look out for the Y-Wing/B that shoot backwards! This also introduces V-Wings and the Commerce Guild Destroyer. A few missions were challenging and required multiple attempts, which is good.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
A pox on anyone using TIE Bombers for inspection duty; this is the first time I missed time acceleration. It's a relief in mission 4 to get the Gunboat because the shields make such a difference to survivability. The varied ships in the final mission were a highlight.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Missions 3 and 4 killed me many times to collisions and splash damage (and more conventional means) as well as losing mission critical craft. It was a bit frustrating, but almost completely made up for by the spectacular visuals of the low orbit planet backdrop

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