Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Phalk Sturm (#6874)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 835
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
An average, yet solid and enjoyable mission. I was not very hyped by the story, and the mission itself is quite common, seize a SPC and protect the capture operation. Some twist and you will be facing additional enemies. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet pleasant to play. Fighting in your Space Cadillac, aka T/D, is always a +1 in my book and scoring system. One important flaw though, is that some CRKC has fighter orders and will try to dogfight you along the way. I kept imagining the crew inside the cruiser vomiting and bouncing around, while bumping their heads and dying from cranial concussions. Worth a try if you have played the more appealing missions in the Compendium, if you have not, there is much more else to play, before this.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
This mission is one of those that started in a very classic, pleasant old-school way, but lack of work in it, made it too easy and too fast. I am not saying it is the McDonald's of the compendium, but runs close to it. Worth a try if you are filling up numbers for RtF/ReMob/or any other kind of activity-based competition, and an easy 1 FCHG point.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
This one is very good and old-school. Pilot will be commandeering the Space Cadillac while fighting with his wingmen in a variety of roles. Smuggler ships and alphabet fighters, E/Ss and other fierce craft will oppose your group. Expect to fill in interdiction, seizure, dogfighting, platform bombing, and some twists at the end. Fast paced action and technically demanding, this is well-spent fun time.
Simple in its conception but extremely well-made, this mission is a candidate for a classic, if not for the scores which are hard to squeeze to max, and are far from the bloated feats of the legendary scorers of the past. Inflation has been eradicated in this imperial time of law and order.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Well made mission. Solid tactical design, it has a good old-school feeling of those well-structured, no nonsense missions, where there a variety of roles the player has to fulfill in order to succeed. Additionally, this one features the War Mule, aka the Assault GUN, a personal favourite. Interdiction, dogfighting, protection and bombing capital ships, this is how versatile the old and rugged mule can go. A good mission for some minutes of concentrated fun.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Simple but original. It could have been so much better with some polishing in the details. At first, the hint of asking reinforcements is barely noticeable and frankly can become a bit frustrating if you miss it in the first try, after killing all enemies and watch the M/CRV run into hyperspace was not a nice moment. After getting the little trick to beat this mission, it becomes a bit ordinary. The radio messages are slightly uncoordinated. No additional opposition after destruction and the repair crews ferry back and forth unharmed. Playable mission, decently made but it was also a missed opportunity for something much brighter.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Someone defined this the McDonald's of all missions, and it couldn't be more accurate. Plotless, plays by itself. Absolutely nonsensical to try but to complete the fastest mission in the compendium with a chance of 0% failure. Just fodder, but then again, a mission all SP players will probably fly eventually.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
The mission looked so similar to many others which provide a run against an asteroid base, but nevertheless is well made and worth a try. The only nagging issue was the invincible TRN flying around trying to disable you. The dogfight is about average and pretty much nothing else but to kill some Y-Ws, X-Ws, A-Ws and SPCs. However this doesn't mean it was a good 20 minute lapse of fun while playing it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
I was curious about this one, since Genie said it was very good, it was worth a try. And bless Genie for his review and sharing his thoughts about this mission. It has it all: technical prowess, fast paced action, a high level of attention required from the player, and lots of beautiful details. Flying the Space Cadillac, aka the TIE Defender, is always a pleasure, but in this assignment is a delight. Drake was a wonderful mission creator, and he shows it one more time. Not mentioning, a nostalgic tear was shed of being in my beloved Eta Squadron, alongside Chei-Ras and the rest of the mighty Wing VIII of the ISD Colossus. Do not miss this golden classic.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Entertaining and technical mission, though impossible to reach the High Score for some reason, since getting 100% of all craft will leave you around 50%, which is odd. On the mission itself, though, flying the War Mule, see GUN, is always a treat. Disabling everyone around you is a thing that never gets old for me. The action is fast-paced and requires a lot of attention, since you will face X-Ws with missiles and B-Ws, in addition to a CRKC and several smaller fighters, such as R41s and Z95s. Sound tactical design, good action and some twists make this mission very much recommended, although impossible to beat the High Score.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Simple but effective training mission. Shooting at idle or harmless targets, far from being boring, is indeed a fresh change and a very welcome one. It gives any player the possibility to grab the basic concepts if in the initial stages of the game curve, or provide an extra opportunity to practice your aiming skills in the "The Aim-Left-but-Shoot-right Spaceshoe" aka the TIE Interceptor. Fun to fly training mission, for a change.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Annoying but fun to fly.
Disturbingly simple, -at least on Hard level-, the mission is reduced to kill roughly two dozens of armed kamikaze CUVs, formed in a reticle, while flying an unshielded TIE Fighter. Later, some additional Z-95s and other will be thrown in the party. What could possibly go wrong?. A rip off in terms of plotline, briefing, tactical design or else, but a solid punch at the addictive side of some of us. If you are a manic player that needs to squeeze it out, this mission is probably for you. Like one of those simple arcades in the old days, hard to beat and irritating, but containing an enormous amount of obsession and dedication in the process of winning that 'simple' game.
You've been warned, fellow players.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Easy and simple, but with a strong feeling of old school TIE missions. Fly the legendary War Mule, aka the Cygnus Spaceworks Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing, the one and only Assault Gunboat. Straightforward as it gets, nuke down a PLT while dodging and killing its complements of X-Ws defending the station and a pesky run of Y-Ws which will try and eventually succeed, unless player objects in the process, in the task of sinking your ISD mothership. Perhaps a bit long in case anyone wants to squeeze out the max score, but overall a good standard mission with a potential mark for competitions.
Reviewed: 2022-06-11
Reviewed: 2022-06-11
I remember beta-testing this battle a year ago, and while reviewing my notes, back then it was clear that my opinion on the mission was, plain and simple, that I hated it. But so many things have been corrected in this final version of the battle, that it is, in one word: excellent. Well balanced, challenging and always fun, the action keeps the player on the edge. As usual, Dempsey's love for missiles is present, but in this one, to a reasonable level. Plotline was simple, well-written, good and solid. Furthermore, the missions felt realistic. Every black spot of the pre-release version, has been polished to make the whole campaign shine, to a golden-classic level of a battle. I really liked playing this old-school styled one. Do not miss it. And a special note of gratitude for both the TAC and the creator, for making necessary changes to publish a worthwhile gaming experience.
Reviewed: 2021-11-06
Reviewed: 2021-11-06
Decent mission. Simple as it gets. Inspect some containers and then protect the SHU capturing a special cargo in them. You will face several waves of alphabet fighters. Simple and easy FCHG point, I guess my old friend Chei-Ras deserved a review for his creation. Maybe it's not the best in the Compendium but certainly worth a try for some carefree fun for this short duration mission.
Reviewed: 2021-11-06
Reviewed: 2021-11-06
Fast and simple. Remember that secondary goals here are actually the completion requisite. The briefing map was excellent and one of the most originals I've seen. Worth a try for a sweatless FCHG point.
Reviewed: 2021-11-06
Reviewed: 2021-11-06
Fast and easy single point of FCHG I have ever earnt. After that the mission gets a bit more interesting with some alphabets and rebels showing up. In the end, it's very much the usual kill kill kill concept. Word of praise, however, goes for the names 'Sabrewulf', 'Ultima', it almost made me cry in nostalgia. The group of CNTRS named 'Peron' is inevitably going to attract the attention of anyone from Argentina.
Reviewed: 2021-11-01
Reviewed: 2021-11-01
Great mission. All about the Space Cadillac vs the World. Unrealistic, frustrating, not tactical planning at all, but I loved it. Marauder Corvettes are tough nails to root out. If you don't want a mission which is you vs. everybody, skip this one. Brutal dogfighting against Firesprays, Preybirds, R41s (everybody carrying missiles) and all kinds of pirate scum that will obliterate your complement of MISs and fighters and leave you completely by yourself to sink 3 platforms and 2 Marauder CRVs. Total madness.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
An excellent battle, with a great plotline that defines what the IW is supposed to do. Infiltrating and wreaking havoc behind enemy lines. The missions are very challenging since they are flown in alphabet fighters, even in the flying coffin the Wishbone, aka the Y-W. You will have to endure a long list of hard assignments, from capture operations, to protect VIPs, dogfighting and convoy raiding. One of the best in the IW list in my opinion.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Simple but very much fun to play. Follow your House against a series of new enemies, of course flying the unmistakable T/I. Bombing, dogfighting, protection, inspection, you name it. Everything is possible in the old Space Shoe. If you hate unshieldeds, avoid this like the plague Worth a try.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
This battle is very much like a few missions put together. There are some excellent missions and other that are not so much. The level of technical skill in creation, is the usual in Ender, but this one lacks a solid story to be reflected in the missions. Besides, there is a mission where a dozen frigates fight between them and you will have a hard time picking the right targets. Challenging, yes. Well crafted, yes. Fun to fly, not so much. Just play for the points and if you want to experience a messy orgy of frigates where no one knows friend from foe.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
This battle left me with mixed emotions. On one side, it is exceedingly well crafted, as all Dempsey's missions. The plotline is very good and it features my Battle Team, which is probably a bias in my case. And the action is fast and arid, as it is supposed to be in the DB, where lack of material and technological resources is compensated with the Jedi abilities. But this means taking CRSs and PLTs and anything else with a limited if not completely devoid warhead payload, and gunning down fleets is very much annoying. Also, given the lack of GUNs, some capture operations will take ages for the TRNs to disable and capture. A pity, because without these poor choices in mission playability that drain playability dramatically, this battle could have been a golden classic
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Nice battle. The plotline starts a bit slowly but intensifies as soon as you are deployed. The missions are challenging yet very much completable, and it will see a good bunch of different roles, protection, capture operations and the usual dogfighting. Worth a try for some straightforward campaign, action-packed and with a nice story behind it.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Nice battle. Nothing extraordinary but will keep player entertained. Mostly flying T/D and that is a plus whenever I fly a mission. You will encounter a nice spectrum of different roles and assignments, and that makes the campaign very interesting. It is not the best of DB battles, but it is certainly worth a try and some good minutes of fun while playing it.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Excellent battle. The plotline is very good and original. The missions are well balanced and will include from dogfighting to capital ship bombings, capture operations, all challenging but very much fun to fly. Do not miss this one.
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Reviewed: 2021-10-31
Nice battle. Not the usual kill kill kill, but actually following a decent plotline. Protect, dogfight and bomb enemy fleets, mostly in a T/A. Worth a try, not only for the points, but also because it was fun to fly.

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