XWA-CAB 3: The Hound's Mutiny

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 9
Release date: 2002-11-01
Last updated: 2012-11-03

MAJ CrazyR2

Average rating 2.4
Reviews: 10
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 91
Battle Medal: Personal ATR Streamline

Designed as a sequel to XWA-free 9: Supply Transfer, XWA-free 30: Capture the M/FRG
, XWA-free 72: Deception and XWA-free 74: Final Strike

Battle Reviews

I liked the story a lot and up until the half way mark I was really enjoying it. But once you get locked into an ATR for mission after mission I lost all interest. I don't like being in a slow sitting duck of a ship. does it have a lot of firepower, sure, but it is SO SLOW!

Invincible ships and infinite waves of harakiri fighters that are used as an endless stream of torpedos might not be the best mission design.

I really liked this battle. Any time I get to fly non-standard craft, its a win. And the ATR can be a lot of fun!

A very long and dull battle. Almost reaching the level of insufferable. The plot is alright, and the idea of flying an ATR is a good touch, but then is all about taking on platforms with dim witted wingmen and against invincible enemies. Definitely a boring one

Well, what can I say. A battle which relies so heavily on/abuses this much the invincible craft has to suck. All enemy caps are invincible, so there's no chance of destroying them. friendly ATRs are also invincible, or they'd be destroyed and you'd have no hope of winning. And that's on easy. This is just a very very badly designed contraption.

Great Battle. I rate it a four because while flying the ATR was awesome (thought's of "Bring all guns to bear on target" kept running through my head") it did get a bit repetative. However, past reviews have said the disabling of the dockyard was hard. It isn't, just remember you can target individual craft components. All in all, a good battle.

I didn't think this was an enjoyable battle, because there's no fun in flying the ATR for three missions and seeing the same enemy ships again and again and again. The first two missions were good, but as soon as you're put in the ATR everything becomes boring pretty fast, some missions even to the point of becoming frustrating. Except for mission #8, which kept locking up over and over again as soon as I had completed the mission goals, all missions worked fine.

You gotta love flying the ATR, it's a lot more maneuvarable than it seems. The use of booster packs is also original, it's nice to see new things on battles. This is original for that, but there are two missions that are really bad. In the second you got to intercept Booster Packs on Kamikaze runs against a disabled frigate while dodging missile firing T-Wings (need I say more? It's grunt work!). The mission where you have to capture the repair yard is too hard in my opinion.

The first few missions are great, but the last few stink.

It's about time the Hound went down.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


General: Battle requires MC-90 and Dungeon Ship patches but this is not mentioned. Enemy frigates are always invincible.

Mission 1: Echo squadron sometimes collide with the ISD Vanguard.

Mission 2: Patrol objective shows as complete before player has reached the final region.

Mission 4: Return to Icarus objective shows as complete before player has returned.

Mission 5: MC-90 Warspite is set to attack all Rebel IFF craft\\stations, including the platform designated for capture.

Mission 6: Replacement fighters aren't numbered correctly, they are all designated '1' (this would be fixed by using Global Unit).

Mission 7: Enemy M/CRV Slasher are both invincible. Enemy craft sometimes attack the nav buoy (because it has Imperial IFF).

Mission 9: Superlaser fires from the planet, not the ISD Vanguard.

High Scores

Battle Total: 177,568 COL Deimos
Mission 1: 12,187 COL Deimos
Mission 2: 12,035 COL Deimos
Mission 3: 12,044 COL Deimos
Mission 4: 60,830 COL Deimos
Mission 5: 14,804 COL Deimos
Mission 6: 22,079 COL Deimos
Mission 7: 11,938 CPT Von Predator
Mission 8: 21,358 COL Carl Lost
Mission 9: 14,051 COL Deimos

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 177,568 COL Deimos 2003-02-05
2 76,039 COL Carl Lost 2003-12-23
3 55,401 CM TK-9780 2002-12-18
4 53,938 MAJ Artyis 2003-05-06
5 52,968 SL Ketan-Shej 2004-06-15
6 52,420 COL Rau Aznable 2003-03-09
7 51,321 MAJ Tuba 2011-04-09
8 48,547 CPT Von Predator 2004-06-18
9 47,118 COL Mosh 2003-06-03
10 46,866 GN Wil Striker 2003-07-14

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 89 pilots a total of 89 times.

GN Abel Malik - 2002-12-09

CM Ace - 2003-02-27


LC Ace Hobbes

SL Airamags - 2003-09-02

HA Anahorn Dempsey

LC andr3 - 2023-05-26

COL Archangel - 2003-10-23

CM Armagon - 2003-12-30

MAJ Artyis - 2003-05-06

LC Azazel

CM Blade

MAJ Bobxavi

CM Brenn Tantor - 2003-03-15

COL Carl Lost - 2003-12-23

LT Cauldron Hawke - 2004-06-09

MAJ Cray Mikalen - 2002-12-11

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-04-18

HA Daniel Bonini

AD Daniel Licinius Trajanus - 2003-05-22

COL Dark Angel


AD Darksaber

Darth Vader - 2003-03-21

GN Dax Corrin - 2002-11-16

COL Deimos - 2003-02-05

LCM Drax Remlinger - 2003-09-14

LCM Dufar Jabar - 2002-12-06

GN Dunta Polo - 2010-02-08

GN Exar Kit

MAJ Fox Malloy

MAJ Frankie - 2004-08-06

FA Gelton Torr

CM Ghorg

AD Gidda

FA Giovanni Palermo

LC Girth Snail - 2003-01-13

VA Gord Darkonian

COL Gyssler - 2003-10-14

LCM Halk Knight - 2009-11-21

MAJ Hermann

MAJ Hunter - 2003-02-19

MAJ Jack Stone - 2002-12-21

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2023-12-07

CPT John Clark - 2002-12-30

VA Kane Reese - 2003-03-31

LT Kate Flyer - 2005-05-14

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-11-23

VA Keldorn Cochrane

SL Ketan-Shej - 2004-06-15

COL Lenvik - 2003-08-09

COL Loor - 2002-12-04

FA Marcin Szydlowski

LC Mark - 2002-12-03

GN Master

COL Mosh - 2003-06-03

LCM Narnil - 2002-12-27

CM Nicolas - 2003-01-03

Per-Aa Damar N`Eshathi - 2003-03-12

HA Pete Mitchell - 2003-02-09

COL Phalk Sturm - 2020-09-30

FA Pickled Yoda - 2003-01-17

MAJ Powerslave - 2003-02-21

CM Predator

CPT Predator

COL Raith Sienar - 2004-09-17

GN Rancorous

COL Rau Aznable - 2003-03-09

LCM Razor

GN Ric Hunter

LC Savageaz - 2004-07-27

SL SAvageAz Mk.III

COL Shae Kitane - 2003-03-06

HA Striker

LCM Talon Virgilio

COL TK-7764 - 2003-09-14

CM TK-9780 - 2002-12-18

GN Triji Boliv - 2023-05-10

MAJ Tuba - 2011-04-09

CPT Tvan'Oris - 2003-01-26

CPT Vertigo

COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-02-27

CPT Von Predator - 2004-06-18

GN Wil Striker - 2003-07-14

CM Xanatos Screed - 2003-03-01

CPT Xander Drax - 2005-01-22

COL Zeth Durron

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

COL Zystem Fryar

Title: The Hound's Mutiny
Missions: 9
Medal: Personal ATR Streamline
Game Platform: X-Wing Alliance
Author: FM/MAJ CrazyR2/Phoenix 2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf (crazyr2@shaw.ca) (1247)

This battle has been designed as a sequel to XWA-FREEs 9, 30, (Deception), and (Final Strike). I recommend you fly those missions before flying this CAB.

Installation Instructions:

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.

The Emperor's Hammer believes the recent capture of the M/FRG Hound will translate into long-term benefits. The frigate in question is being shipped off to a research facility to glean whatever data we can from its computers and modifications. Presumably, the location of the Hound's base of operations will contained in the data - it is our intention to make a strike at this outpost as soon as all is in preparation. Presumably, the base of operations will contain even more technology for the use of the Empire.

Individual Mission Descriptions

Only read forth if you don't mind having most of the suspense of this battle revealed!

Mission #1 - Grand Arrival
Briefing Description:
Before our grand plan can be put into operation, the Hound must first arrive at the research facility! As the ISD Vanguard was the ship responsible for the capture of the Hound, it will also be responsible for escorting the frigate to the research facility. Intelligence reports that New Republic activity is high in this area, so be forewarned.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 M/FRG Hound
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 INT   Borland III
3 x 4 T/I   Echo I (Player)
3 x 4 T/e1  Echo III
3 x 4 T/D   Mantis I (Missiles)
3 x 4 GUN   Mantis II (Torpedos)
2 x 4 T/A   Python I (Missiles, as reinforcements)
1 x 1 IRC   Icarus
	    (support craft for Icarus)
1 x 1 CRL   Mon Angious
6 x 4 X-W   Red (Easy Only)
8 x 4 X-W   Red (Medium-Hard Only)
4 x 4 A-W   Blue (Missiles, Medium Only)
6 x 4 A-W   Blue (Missiles, Hard Only)
6 x 4 Y-W   Gold (Torpedos, Easy Only)
6 x 4 B-W   Gold (Torpedos, Medium-Hard Only)

M/FRG Hound: Arrive at research facility
ISDII Vanguard: Must not withdraw

This mission has three distinct stages:
1) Hyperspace from initial region to interim transit region and short delay;
2) Arrival of Mon Angious and ensuing battle between forces;
3) Escape of M/FRG Hound to research facility and cleanup of Rebel fighters.
Echo Squadron's flights are responsible for the protection of the Hound from any stray Rebel fighters. Mantis is intended to strike at the Mon Angious. Red and Blue Squadrons are intended for general superiority. Gold Squadron is intended primarily to strike at the M/FRG Hound, and perhaps the ISD afterwards. The Interdictor is a leftover from the previous mission 'Final Strike' and is there for continuity purposes, although perhaps it could serve to prevent the CRL from hypering out.

Mission #2 - Patrol at Icarus
Briefing Description:
The M/FRG Hound has arrived at the research facility and is currently undergoing analysis. As the ISD Vanguard is once again the closest ship, it has been assigned to protect the station while the research is in progress. Scorpion Squadron will head the reconnaissance operation, and will report back at once if any hostile activity is detected.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 IRC   Icarus
	    (support craft for Icarus)
3 x 4 T/D   Scorpion I (Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Scorpion II (Player, Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Scorpion III (Missiles, as reinforcements)

Mutiny Pirates:
1 x 6 T/W   Stripe
1 x 1 M/CRV Slasher I
1 x 1 M/CRV Slasher II
1 x 1 M/CRV Slasher III
12x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Hard Only)
12x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Hard Only)
12x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Hard Only)
6 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Medium Only)
6 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Medium Only)
6 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Medium Only)
3 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Easy Only)
3 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Easy Only)
3 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Easy Only)
6 x 2 T/W   Stripe (Missiles)
6 x 2 T/W   Stripe (Missiles)
6 x 2 T/W   Stripe (Missiles)

M/CRV Slasher I: Destroy
M/CRV Slasher II: Destroy
M/CRV Slasher III: Destroy
M/FRG Hound: Survive

This mission begins with some basic hypering from region to region in an attempt to find something out of the ordinary. Sometime in the third non-facility region visited, the first group of T/W Stripe arrives and quickly hypers through to the facility. They promptly hyper back out, apparently carrying information that the Hound is there. The three M/CRVs promptly arrive. Each launches its own wave of B/R Torpedo and T/w Stripe. The Torpedos kamikaze the Hound, and the T/Ws will attack Scorpion Squadron. A relatively straightforward mission.

Mission #3 - Streamlined Training
Briefing Description:
The analysis of the support craft of the M/FRG Hound is complete. The group ATR Streamline appears merely to be a standard Assault Transport used in an anti-fighter role. Even so, the Hound appears to contain a facility for manufacturing ATRs at a never-before seen rate. It seems appropriate to train our pilots in the use of ATRs, as it seems likely the technology contained within the Hound will be used as part of an operation in the near future. You, being one of our best pilots from the Hound campaign, will be one of the first to recieve this training.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 IRC   Icarus
	    (support craft for Icarus)
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 M/FRG Hound
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)

Imperial Drones:
1 x 1 A-W   Loner (Missiles)
1 x 2 A-W   Duo (Missiles)
1 x 3 A-W   Treo (Missiles)
1 x 4 A-W   Quarto (Missiles)
1 x 6 A-W   Hexad (Missiles)
1 x 6 A-W   Dodec (Missiles, Medium-Hard Only)
1 x 6 A-W   Dodec (Missiles, Medium-Hard Only)
1 x 6 A-W   Octadec (Missiles, Hard Only)
1 x 6 A-W   Octadec (Missiles, Hard Only)
1 x 6 A-W   Octadec (Missiles, Hard Only)

Target Drones: Destroy

This mission is mostly to keep up with the storyline, but it is also good practice for later missions, where the ATRs will be outnumbered by more than six to one (as with Octadec). Each wave of A-Ws arrives in serial order to be destroyed by the ATRs.

Mission #4 - Preemptive Investigation
Briefing Description:
Enough knowledge has now been gained from the M/FRG Hound to fix a basic location for the Hound's base of operations. Because of your recent training in ATR piloting, you have been selected for this operation on behalf of the Intelligence Division. Two other ATRs containing Intel agents will accompany you on your voyage. You are to first arrive in the area where the base presumably is, and recieve further instructions there.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 IRC   Icarus
	    (support craft for Icarus)
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 M/FRG Hound
1 x 1 DGN   Lichtor V
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)

1 x 1 PLT/6 Rimoraab
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-A
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-B
1 x 1 FRT   RR-23
	    (RR support craft)
3 x 4 X-W   Red
3 x 4 A-W   Blue (Hard Only)

Mutiny Pirates:
1 x 1 FAC/2 Mutiny-A
1 x 1 SHPYD Mutiny-B
1 x 1 REPYD Mutiny-C
1 x 1 PLT/1 Mutiny-D
1 x 1 PLT/6 Mutiny-E
            (Mutiny support craft)

FAC/2 Mutiny-A: Inspect
Return to research facility

The DGN Lichtor V is present only to oversee the operation in general. The Rebel outpost is in an interim region between the research facility and the Mutiny base. The Rebel fighters will simply chase Streamline through the base sector. Upon arrival in the Mutiny sector, the base will promptly mistake Streamline for craft of their own and ignore them. Shortly afterwards, the player will be instructed to inspect Mutiny-A, as it appears to be the central operations center of the base. Once Mutiny-A is inspected, or if the player attacks anything in the base sector, Streamline will promtply be attacked. It is then simply a matter of returning to the research facility.
For informational purpopses: Mutiny-A is the main control center of the base. B and C are self-explanatory. D was described in the briefing above. E serves as a fighter garrison for the base.

Mission #5 - Strike at Rimoraab
Briefing Description:
The data obtained from the Mutiny base has proven that the base is indeed the base of operations for the M/FRG Hound. It is planned to mount a capture operation against this base. However, the Rebel outpost in the path poses a problem. The Intelligence Division and the Infiltrator Wing have expressed an interest in acquiring the Rebel outpost for use in this eventual strike. A small Infiltrator Wing strike force will arrive to combat the local Rebel forces. You will fly ATR Streamline, which will be disguised as a Rebel transport and carrying stormtroopers. It is your duty to get into a docking position with the platform and deliver the stormtroopers so that the platform will be captured.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 IRC   Icarus
	    (indeterminate support craft for Icarus)
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 M/FRG Hound
1 x 1 DGN   Lichtor V
1 x 1 MC-90 Warspite
1 x 1 ATR   Streamline (Player, Rebel IFF, Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 X-W   Eagle
3 x 4 A-W   Knight (Missiles)
3 x 4 A-W   Panther (Missiles)

1 x 1 PLT/6 Rimoraab
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-A
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-B
1 x 1 FRT   RR-23
	    (RR support craft)
6 x 4 X-W   Red
6 x 4 A-W   Blue (Missiles, Medium-Hard Only)
6 x 4 X-W   Green (Missiles, Easy Only)
6 x 4 A-W   Green (Missiles, Medium-Hard Only)
6 x 4 Y-W   Gold (Torpedos, Easy Only)
6 x 4 B-W   Gold (Torpedos, Medium-Hard Only)

PLT/6 Rimoraab: Capture
MC-90 Warspite: Must not withdraw

The briefing description says it all, basically. MC-90 Warspite hypers in to RR's region and launches its fighters, which will attack Rebel fighters. Because the player's ATR is disguised as Rebel, it will get ignored until you dock with the platform. Once the stormtroopers are aboard, it will take roughly three minutes to capture the platform, during which the player will come under attack. Once the PLT is captured, the support craft will transform to Imperial control.

Mission #6 - A Further Development
Briefing Description:
In order for PLT Rimoraab to be useful to the Emperor's Hammer in the imminent strike on the Mutiny base, it must be refitted and restocked with Infiltrator Wing fighters. You will fly patrol with the Infiltrator Wing while this patrol takes place. Once again, you have been assigned to pilot ATR Streamline. The Intelligence Division has reported that a strike by the Mutiny pirates is extremely likely at this point due to the vulnerable nature of the platform.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 PLT/6 Rimoraab
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-A
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-B
1 x 1 FRT   RR-23
	    (RR support craft)
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
1 x 1 MC-90 Warspite
3 x 4 X-W   Eagle
3 x 4 A-W   Knight (Missiles)
3 x 4 A-W   Panther (Missiles)
1 x 1 ESC   Dependable
6 x 4 X-W   RR-X1
6 x 4 A-W   RR-A1
6 x 4 B-W   RR-B1

Mutiny Pirates:
1 x 1 M/FRG Hound II
1 x 1 M/CRV Slasher IV
1 x 1 M/CRV Slasher V
6 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Adv. Missiles, Hard Only)
3 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Adv. Missiles, Medium Only)
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Adv. Missiles, Easy Only)
12x 6 B/R   Torpedo (Hard Only)
6 x 6 B/R   Torpedo (Medium Only)
3 x 6 B/R   Torpedo (Easy Only)
12x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Hard Only)
12x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Hard Only)
6 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Medium Only)
6 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Medium Only)
3 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Easy Only)
3 x 2 B/R   Torpedo (Easy Only)
6 x 2 T/W   Stripe (Missiles)
6 x 2 T/W   Stripe (Missiles)

50% of X-W RR-X1 must complete mission
50% of A-W RR-A1 must complete mission
50% of B-W RR-B1 must complete mission
MC-90 Warspite must not withdraw
ESC Dependable must not withdraw
PLT/6 Rimoraab must not be destroyed

RR-X1, RR-A1, and RR-B1 will simply launch from ESC Dependable and land on Rimoraab. The Mutiny strike fleet arrive at about forty-five seconds into the mission. Hound II launches ATR Streamline, which attacks fighters, and the six-craft wave of B/R Torpedo, which kamikazes capital ships and the Platform. The Slashers launch the two-craft waves of B/R Torpedo and the waves of T/W Stripe, which also attack fighters.

Mission #7 - Op: Subdue Mutiny, Phase I
Briefing Description:
The time has at last come for our strike at Mutiny's base itself. The ISD Vanguard, MC-90 Warspite, and DGN Lichtor V will carry out this assault. Our attack will occur in three parts. The first of these parts will involve removing the perimeter defenses of the base. According to our analysis of the data from the base, PLT/1 Mutiny-D is responsible for controlling the defenses of the base. If it is disabled, the defenses will be disabled as well. Once again, you will fly ATR Streamline alongside the IW and the TIE Corps task forces.

Important Craft:
1 x 1 PLT/6 Rimoraab
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-A
1 x 6 CN/A  Rimoraab-B
1 x 1 FRT   RR-23
	    (probably other RR support craft)
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
1 x 1 MC-90 Warspite
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 DGN   Lichtor V
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/D   Mantis III (Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Python I (Adv. Missiles, as reinforcements)
3 x 4 T/A   Python II (Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Python III (Adv. Missiles, Easy Only)
3 x 4 A-W   Knight (Missiles)
3 x 4 A-W   Panther (Missiles, Easy-Medium Only)

Mutiny Pirates:
1 x 1 FAC/2 Mutiny-A
1 x 1 SHPYD Mutiny-B
1 x 1 REPYD Mutiny-C
1 x 1 PLT/1 Mutiny-D
1 x 1 PLT/6 Mutiny-E
            (Mutiny support craft)

PLT/1 Mutiny-D must be disabled
ISDII Vanguard must not withdraw
MC-90 Warspite must not withdraw
DGN Lichtor V must not withdraw

The Imperial fighters will be mostly dedicated to taking out Mutiny's support craft and fighters. Streamline and Mantis III will be the main craft targetting the PLT. Once again, a relatively straightforward mission.

Mission #8 - Op: Subdue Mutiny, Phase II
Briefing Description:
The strike at the Mutiny is going well. The second phase of the operation will involve the capture of the repair yard, Mutiny-C. This is necessary for two reasons. First, the Mutiny's support craft must be prevented from repairs. Second, the ISD Vanguard is currently undergoing an upgrade based on the M/FRG Hound's technology that requires the services of the yard to be completed. This upgrade is critical for victory of this battle.

Important Craft:
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
1 x 1 MC-90 Warspite
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 DGN   Lichtor V
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/D   Mantis III (Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Python I (Adv. Missiles, as reinforcements)
3 x 4 T/A   Python II (Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Python III (Adv. Missiles, Easy Only)
3 x 4 A-W   Knight (Missiles)
3 x 4 A-W   Panther (Missiles, Easy-Medium Only)
1 x 1 ATR   Largo

Mutiny Pirates:
1 x 1 FAC/2 Mutiny-A
1 x 1 SHPYD Mutiny-B
1 x 1 REPYD Mutiny-C
1 x 1 PLT/1 Mutiny-D
1 x 1 PLT/6 Mutiny-E
            (Mutiny support craft)

REPYD Mutiny-C must be captured
ISDII Vanguard must not withdraw
MC-90 Warspite must not withdraw
DGN Lichtor V must not withdraw
ATR Largo must not be destroyed

Very similar to the mission above. ATR Largo will be responsible for capturing Mutiny-C once it is disabled. The upgrade described in the briefing can be seen in the analysis of the mission below.

Mission #9 - Op: Subdue Mutiny, Phase III
Briefing Description:
With the capture of the Repair Yard, the Vanguard can now complete its experimental upgrade. You must defend both the yard and the Vanguard until the upgrade is completed. Once the upgrade is complete, it will be demonstrated - this demonstration should force the surrender of the Mutiny base.

Important Craft:
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
1 x 1 MC-90 Warspite
1 x 1 ISDII Vanguard
1 x 1 DGN   Lichtor V
1 x 3 ATR   Streamline (Player, Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/D   Mantis III (Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Python I (Adv. Missiles, as reinforcements)
3 x 4 T/A   Python II (Adv. Missiles)
3 x 4 T/A   Python III (Adv. Missiles, Easy Only)
3 x 4 A-W   Knight (Missiles)
3 x 4 A-W   Panther (Missiles, Easy-Medium Only)
1 x 1 ATR   Largo

Mutiny Pirates:
1 x 1 FAC/2 Mutiny-A
1 x 1 SHPYD Mutiny-B
1 x 1 REPYD Mutiny-C
1 x 1 PLT/1 Mutiny-D
1 x 1 PLT/6 Mutiny-E
            (Mutiny support craft)

ISDII Vanguard's upgrade must be completed
ISDII Vanguard must not be destroyed
MC-90 Warspite must not withdraw
DGN Lichtor V must not withdraw

The 'upgrade' is the fitting of the M/FRG Hound's superlaser to the ISD Vanguard. Once the upgrade is complete, the ISD Vanguard will fire the superlaser at Mutiny-E (the fighter garrison), destroying it. As described, Mutiny will surrender once the platform is destroyed.


Enjoy the battle!
FM/MAJ CrazyR2/Phoenix 2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf