XWA-F 54: Wing XV: Scorpion Squadron

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-03-22
Last updated: 2012-11-03

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 2.5
Reviews: 4
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 76
Patches used: None

This battle includes an extra EH-style OPT for the CloakShape Fighter to be used in missions featuring EH only CS Fighters. Read the readme.txt.

Battle Reviews

Not very fun. You have to inspect A LOT of containers and transports and if that wasn't enough, you have to "wait" around for more transports to come, which the final one didn't show up for me until about the 10 min mark

Boring mission. A shame, because it's really well put together, but the action is inexistent, and although I really like inspection/recon missions, this one was too long and confusing. Targets were not well arranged and turned out to be kind of a mess. Really, as Genie said before, avoid this mission, unless you have to earn one FCHG point worth of a plague.

You have to inspect a combination of 50+ craft and containers. Looks like the idea of 'fun' is warped in some people's mind. If there was at least some kind of exciting layout, some kind of dynamic developments. Risk during inspecting? Nothing. The only fear you will have in this mission is the dread that out of the 1 000 000 craft you need to inspect, you may leave one out and need to refly the mission (which fortunately didn't happen to me). Avoid this mission like the plague.

A challenging mission. Fun is guaranteed.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Return objective completes before the player has hypered back to the Vanguard.

High Scores

Mission: 19,265 COL Rau Aznable

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 19,265 COL Rau Aznable 2003-10-18
2 10,270 MAJ Frankie 2004-08-13
3 7,100 COL CrimsonFury 2003-12-02
4 5,700 COL Angel 2003-08-31
5 2,630 COL Ixion Deathbringer 2004-09-04
6 2,458 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-02-02
7 2,060 COL Archangel 2003-08-10
8 1,990 LCM Dargor 2004-10-11
9 478 GN Dunta Polo 2010-11-29
10 275 VA Kane Reese 2003-02-22

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 74 pilots a total of 74 times.

X-Wing Alliance Free Mission

Title:		 Wing XV: Scorpion Squadron
Missions:	 1
Medal:		 The Scorpion CMDR sings Songs about the Vanguard CD (limited edition)
Author:		 FL/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Game Platform:	 X-Wing Alliance

Release Date:    02/feb/2002
Ships:           TIE Defender
Difficulty:      Playable.
Filename:        XV2scorpion.zip
File contents:   1B8M1WXVSCORP.TIE, Mission.lst, Readme.txt, EMAIL.TXT, xxxxWXVScorp0.PLT
Hardware used:   Celleron 450Mhz, GForce II Ultra, 194Mb
Software used:   Allied, XWA, Notepad, XWA Piloteer, XTR


Installation of Mission:
The EMAIL.TXT and Mission.lst replace your original files, so back those up!

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.

Installation of OPT:
This not really a new craft, just a new paintjob. It's recommended to be used only for 
missions that involve only Cloakshapes of the Emperor's Hammer and not any of opposing forces.
If you want to do so you have to install it via a patch as a new craft.

- Place the OPTfile in your FLIGHTMODELS folder.
- rename CLOAKSHAPEFIGHTER.OPT to CLOAKSHAPEFIGHTERbk.OPT or something like that.
- to change your Cloakshapes back, reverse procedure.

This mission is part of a series of free missions about each of the squadrons in the ASF doing 
missions following their squadron objective in their assigned craft. Each mission tries to give
a feel and a bit of history of each of the Squadrons. All the storylines of the missions are
interconnected and have the ASF Squadron join together against a common foe.

Story Line
When the Vanguard picked up RA leeson at Buoy PYR-45.34.-6 we encountered smugglers from the Genko 
System - who then got reinforced by Rebel forces.... which would indicate that the Rebels and Genko 
are getting a bit overly close.
Our mission is to hyper to the Genko System and see what's happening there now, a year after Python's 
strike. You are to inspect all Genko freighters and if you encounter any rebels you are allowed to 
wreck some havoc.

Other Information

This is the First release. Bugs could arrise - please
mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats,
questions or apraisals.

FL/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx14/MoI/MoT-3rh-6gh/IS-1SR/LoC-PSx80/DFC/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [CAVL]