Reviewer Rating Profile

Avatar for CPT Jagged Fell III

Captain Jagged Fell III (#56612)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 332
Reviewed: 2024-09-11
Story wise this gets an easy 5/5, but due to the extreme difficulty I just have to dock it. I was able to beat m1 by cheesing with infinite ammo but try what I might m2 seems impossible to me. The issue is that you can't easily target just the cruisers attacking the Devastator. I know this battle is getting reworked before v2.0 and I just hope it isn't so brutal. M3 was actually not too bad, although I did have to fly it a second time because the friendly M/FRG next to the Stalwart, for some reason, started attacking it and destroyed it.
Reviewed: 2024-09-10
Reviewed: 2024-09-10
I know this is a breather battle between Harkov and Zarin but it is a bit slower and less momentous than the previous ones.
Reviewed: 2024-09-10
I really enjoyed this battle. The Avenger is a power trip to fly after all the time in T/F and T/I. I do hope that when Angel finishes the Rebalance pass he corrects the initial fighters to be friendlies until the betrayal.
Reviewed: 2024-09-06
Visually stunning, the action was slow at the beginning but the last mission won me over.
Reviewed: 2024-09-04
Does a great job at teaching the basics of XWA to those who have never played it before
Reviewed: 2024-09-04
The poor english and very basic missions hold back what could have been a great story.
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
Yeah, that we would take him after his actions against us is a bit far fetched, but I love this story.
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
Great story and an action packed ending to the whole campaign.
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
The story is an easy 5/5 or more...but there is too much waiting and things are spaced too far apart requiring a lot of just flying to a destination.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
I really enjoyed the story of this battle. I would have preferred to start with 200% shields and not have quite so long a wait in M1 but I understand the narrative reason for it and the story was worth it.
Reviewed: 2024-08-09

I really enjoyed the story of the original battle, and that is why I chose to remaster it into TFTC. I like these battles that tell the "history" of the EH and I find the missions fun to fly.

Thank you to VA Setzer and my wife in helping do the voices for this battle too.

Please Post A Review! Only way I can improve as a mission designer and check out the battle images in the Combat Simulator too.
Reviewed: 2024-08-09

For months I resisted the idea of having others help do the audio for my battles, but when I heard HOW BAD the AI Darth Vader voices were and how they dragged down this battle I finally gave in a reached out for help, and I am SO glad I did. The Vader voice from DigitalViking is 1,000% better than the AI's attempt and it caused me to switch all "spoken" lines to human generated ones, rather than Text-To-Speech. You can check the readme to see who all contributed voices to this battle and I am deeply grateful to each and everyone of them. I now cannot go back to making battles with Text-To-Speech for the dialogue as it sounds so much better with human performances, even my bad attempts at acting.

As for the missions themselves, I chose to remaster this battle as I really enjoyed the story and combat of the missions and I hope you do to.

Please Post A Review and also check out the battle images in the combat simulator if you want.
Reviewed: 2024-08-09
Reviewed: 2024-08-09

Ok, I may be biased, but I think this is a great battle. It originally was supposed to be combined with TFTC-IW 1, but I decided that EVERY TFTC battle can't be 9+ missions long, so I split the two. TFTC-IW 1 suffered because of this as it has all the setup and very little of the payoff, but its loss is this battle's gain.

I am very proud of what I did with Mission 1 in this battle, and I am happy with the more standard battle missions of 2 through 4 as well.

Please if you play it, post a review or send me a DM with your thoughts. I can only get better as a mission designer with feedback.
Reviewed: 2024-07-30
This battle didn't really grip me and I felt the story was weaker than the others so far
Reviewed: 2024-07-26
The story is good and the action fun, but the highly specific way you must approach the final mission has to knock this down to at least a 4
Reviewed: 2024-07-25
Great story, good balance to the action, only wish that the shields were set to full at the start of the missions.
Reviewed: 2024-07-24
Reviewed: 2024-07-24
This is a relatively fast battle to play and it has a decent story, it just isn't amazing like I would expect from Frodo.
Reviewed: 2024-07-24
Reviewed: 2024-07-24
The story didn't grip me as much as I hoped it would but it is well made, except for that mine field too many mines, destroyed them all and it still only said 88% which makes me think it is over the object limit for the mission.
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
As a mission designer, the triggers and mission flow of this battle is amazing. As a player, that first mission SUCKS! I like the story tying it all together. But that first mission is just too brutal for me to give a top score. Note to self: Don't fly this again
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
I am torn on this battle. The story is great and I love the twists and how that is reflected in the missions. But most of the missions, at least on easy, have half their mission time consumed by waiting after the enemy is all dead. Also, in m4 a friendly, mission critical craft is marked as an enemy (the idea is that it is under cover, but why would OUR IFF show them as hostile?). For those two reasons I have to knock this down to a 4. With any weaker of a story, I would have scored it even lower due to my EXTREME dislike of wasting a player's time with waiting.
Reviewed: 2024-07-21
Reviewed: 2024-07-21
This is really a 4.5 as the story is a bit weaker than Gidda's other battles but still a fun battle.
Reviewed: 2024-07-19
I struggled with to give this a 4 or 5 because I liked the battle and found it fun with a decent story, but it was a little weird reading about the events of the mission in the post flight briefing as they did not always fully match the events as they played out for me.
Reviewed: 2024-07-19
Reviewed: 2024-07-19
Easy 5. Amazing story that builds on XWA-DB 1 marvelously. The backdrops are great (for vanilla XWA) and the mission layout was awesome. One tip, on the last mission if you are having trouble at the start, it might be best to play on Medium.
Reviewed: 2024-07-16

This battle is very special to me, it is how I have gotten my wife into the EH storyline :-)

And I think the sheer variety of missions is great and I think they are super fun, enjoy.
Reviewed: 2024-07-16

This battle and its follow on are very special to me. I also think that they are a fun set of missions celebrating a great squadron.

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