XWA-DB 4: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 4
Release date: 2003-04-17
Last updated: 2003-09-09

Darth Vader

Average rating 3.8
Reviews: 8
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 180
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

I struggled with to give this a 4 or 5 because I liked the battle and found it fun with a decent story, but it was a little weird reading about the events of the mission in the post flight briefing as they did not always fully match the events as they played out for me.

Great battle and story but needs a few tweaks to the orders to be truly amazing.

I think it's a terrific "Battle #1" for a Dark Brotherhood member. I'm tempted to rank it even higher, there's just a couple bugs and minor quibbles from stopping me from doing so. But a great battle, well worth playing!

The first mission is a tough nut to crack. It is one of these: you have to find out what to do exactly at the right moment in the right order or you will be to late and fail. The other three missions after that are easy peasy in comparison.

An interesting battle. The first mission is certainly tricky and you have to find your 'own' way to beat it. The rest of the missions are fairly simpler, inspect, dogfight and bombing runs. I enjoyed it a lot, especially after I made passed the first mission. Recommendable

Finally a battle that's actually easy on easy :)

Very good battle, with some missions that push your skill. Only mission I didn't like was the first one.

Overall a good battle, the only thing was that You Don't have a Command Ship to fly home to. but have to push the Q to exit the mission.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Throughout: No commander briefings. Mission 3: Rebel capital ships arrive virtually on top of each other and the platform, causing collisions (especially when they launch their starfighters). Mission 4: Friendly fighter squadrons disengage before all targets are destroyed.

GN Dunta Polo


No commander briefings.

Mission 3: G/Ps need starship orders.

High Scores

Battle Total: 122,745 CPT Von Predator
Mission 1: 105,738 CPT Von Predator
Mission 2: 11,652 LC Brandon
Mission 3: 14,526 AD Gidda
Mission 4: 19,085 COL Rau Aznable

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 122,745 CPT Von Predator 2004-06-18
2 118,072 AD Gidda 2003-07-26
3 116,884 MAJ VinDoros 2003-07-16
4 115,681 COL Deimos 2003-07-16
5 114,056 MAJ Artyis 2003-07-16
6 105,263 LCM Drax Remlinger 2003-07-17
7 104,352 COL Ixion Deathbringer 2003-07-16
8 102,774 COL TK-7764 2003-05-24
9 102,246 LC Brandon 2003-07-16
10 100,250 COL Rau Aznable 2003-07-16

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 166 pilots a total of 178 times.

GN Abel Malik


CM Ace - 2003-04-26

LC Ace Hobbes

SL Airamags - 2003-08-27

LCM Alan Makhlar

LC Alec Qarni - 2003-06-24

CPT Alexander Shrike - 2003-12-14

CPT Alexi Stukov - 2003-05-06

CPT Alsdyr - 2003-10-23

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2013-12-13

LC andr3 - 2022-06-15

COL Angel - 2003-08-05

COL Archangel - 2003-07-04

CM Armagon - 2003-12-30

COL Arso Slyth - 2003-07-19

MAJ Artyis - 2003-07-16

LC Azazel - 2003-06-17

LCM Beignet - 2003-09-12

LC Big Poppa K

LC Brandon - 2003-07-16

LC Brin Chaser

COL BubbaX - 2003-06-16

COL Carl Lost - 2003-06-18

LT Cauldron Hawke - 2004-06-02

LC Chris Cox - 2003-09-27

MAJ Cray Mikalen - 2003-12-05

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-07-15

CPT Damarcus

LCM Dargor

COL Dark Angel


AD Darksaber - 2003-08-01

Darth Vader

LCM Das Oberon - 2023-09-26

CM Dash Rendar - 2003-07-25

GN Dax Corrin - 2003-08-24

COL Deimos - 2003-07-16

MAJ Deleted Member - 2003-09-06

CPT Derek Dan - 2003-07-16

CM Dierdre Varn - 2003-07-20

LC Dolsar Saris - 2003-04-26

CPT Draiff Stryker - 2003-08-18

GN Drake

LCM Drax Remlinger - 2003-07-17

GN Dunta Polo - 3 times, last on 2013-09-13

COL E. Tarkin - 2003-06-22

GN Earnim Branet

LT Eifel - 2005-01-18

GN Elwood the Brave - 2 times, last on 2013-09-08

MAJ Eugene - 2003-10-06

GN Exar Kit - 2003-06-11

CM Fahrer

CPT Fox - 2004-07-02

MAJ Frankie - 2004-07-25

LC Frey Gallandro - 2003-09-25

HA Frodo March - 2003-07-17

FA Gelton Torr

CM Ghorg - 2005-01-27

AD Gidda - 2003-07-26

FA Giovanni Palermo

COL Gyssler - 2 times, last on 2013-09-12

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2020-09-10

SL Hirikka

CM Hox Reek

MAJ Hunter

COL Ixion Deathbringer - 2003-07-16

MAJ Jack Stone - 2003-06-01

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2 times, last on 2024-07-19

CM Jason Dehner

LCM Jer - 2003-09-06

LCM Josef Hassan - 2004-11-14

LT Kal J'qan

VA Kane Reese - 2003-06-18

MAJ Kazraran - 2023-02-24

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2 times, last on 2024-02-24

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-06-30

LC Kenath Zoron - 2005-01-21

SL Ketan-Shej - 2004-06-17

FA Khadgar - 2003-07-17

LCM KramCola

CPT Krayt - 2003-09-09

VA Ky Terrak - 2003-09-27

COL Lenvik - 2003-08-31

VA Locke Setzer - 2023-09-12

CM Lonestar - 2003-11-30

FA Marcin Szydlowski

LC Mark - 2003-04-26

GN Master - 2023-09-17

CM Matthew Weeks - 2 times, last on 2013-09-12

COL Moagim Daar

COL Mosh - 2004-09-08

COL Mouse Droid - 2005-01-30

CM Nick Chi'Cath - 2003-07-15

COL Nightmare - 2005-01-17

MAJ Nuno - 2003-07-23

COL Nurel Turr - 2003-12-12

CPT Paco - 2003-05-24

HA Pete Mitchell - 2003-05-17

COL Phalk Sturm - 2020-12-26

COL Phantom - 2003-06-08

FA Pickled Yoda - 2003-10-31

MAJ Powerslave - 2003-04-27

MAJ Praetorian - 2003-04-26

CPT Predator

CM Predator

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

AD Proton - 2003-06-19

LCM Raistlin - 2003-07-14

COL Raith Sienar - 2004-09-17

GN Rancorous - 2 times, last on 2009-05-21

LC Rando - 2 times, last on 2020-09-08

COL Rau Aznable - 2003-07-16

VA Rejili Holthaus - 2005-04-30

CM Renoshi Bespin - 2003-12-28

LCM Rhace - 2014-04-27

GN Ric Hunter

CPT Roger - 2003-05-10

MAJ Ryan Chi'Cath - 2003-06-22

LCM Ryke - 2003-07-27

MAJ Sandor Clegane - 2005-05-17

GN Sasquatch - 2003-07-14

LC Savageaz - 2004-07-25

LC Scuslem - 2004-05-30

LC Seth Crimson - 2003-10-13

LCM Sev'rance Tann - 2003-10-06

COL Shae Kitane - 2003-05-13

LCM Shark - 2004-11-26

GN Sickman - 2003-07-17

CM Sirik Xirok - 2003-07-10

CPT SL8c8 - 2020-09-12

CPT Solaris Darthinian

Steele Brightsaber

COL Styles

MAJ Tek Selkirk - 2003-07-15

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2024-02-18

VA Thomas Nitecki

LC Tiger - 2003-06-23

AD TK-2107 - 2003-06-20

COL TK-7764 - 2003-05-24

CM TK-9780

CM Todar - 2004-06-01

COL Todbringer - 2003-04-30

CM Torrance Darkcrest - 2005-01-31

COL Torres - 2004-08-11

GN Triji Boliv - 2003-09-16

MAJ Tuba - 2010-05-24

CPT Tvan'Oris - 2003-07-15

CM Tycho Celchu - 2003-10-12

CPT Ulath

CPT Vertigo

MAJ VinDoros - 2003-07-16

CPT Viper - 2004-11-28

COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-04-26

CPT Von Predator - 2004-06-18

CPT Voort SaBinring - 2004-07-17

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-23

CM Xanatos Screed

CPT Xander Drax - 2003-06-21

COL Yoman - 2003-07-14

LT Zacarias - 2003-06-05

COL Zeth Durron

MAJ Zhaim Jifarr

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj - 2 times, last on 2009-09-23

COL Zystem Fryar

Title: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury
Missions: 4
Medal: N/A
Game Platform: X-Wing Alliance
Author: FM/COL Darth Vader/Shield 1-2/Wing IX/ISD Relentless - TCPIN #718 - quentinj@nmt.edu

Installation Instructions: 

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.

Crest Files
fronttxt.txt       ---> \XWingAlliance
squad5.cbm      ---->\XWingAlliance\frontres\tour

Description:  (for a detailed description, see plotline.doc in the XvT version of "The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury"

Mission 1: Rudimentary Maneuvers
An Apprentice of the Brotherhood, you are sent on a basic training exercise turned bad.
Illicit cargo is discovered and a rebel patrol shows up. Fight your way through the force to survive
while you cover the boarding operation of the "special" craft.

Mission 2: Furtive Reconnaissance
Having caught the eye of your masters, you have been assigned to a recon mission, alone. A DB patrol discovered
the rebel base associated with their SCT and M/CRV from the last mission. Inspect the base, and leave. This
should be easy and very straightforward. Look out for suspicious activity.

Mission 3: Shadow Academy Assault
The rebel fleet has launched an assault force from their base to take out the Shadow Academy.
Protect the base at all costs. Support our bombers and destroy their fighter force. Brotherhood
reinforcements should arrive soon. Hold out until then!

Mission 4: Strike at Rebel Headquarters
Revenge! Now, it's our turn. Under the Imperial Star Destroyer II Dominance, do the bidding of Battlelord Pyralis.
Destroy the rebel fleet and base. Don't let anyone escape. This must be quick. Support the bombers with your own
heavy rockets or if necessary, escort by destroying any fighter force. Good luck!