Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Benji Tandor (#56481)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 123
Reviewed: 2023-02-04
It is unfortunate that the writing is poor as the battle is otherwise well made. Good plot and missions that are quite easy but nonetheless enjoyable.

My twenty-third battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-03
The plot is coherent and flows together well. Missions are competently designed but writing needs polish.

My twenty-second battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-03
The plot flows together well and the missions are competently designed. Finally an IW battle that gives you at least one mission with the Y-Wing !

My twenty-first battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-03
This is a very good battle with a solid plot that flows together well and missions that are competently designed and with a fair level of challenge. The final mission is very lengthy but does a splendid job of representing control of an area of space.

My twentieth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-02-01
I would have liked to give this battle a five for its particularly well written briefings and excitingly hectic missions but too often does the battle have you wait on very slow ships for long periods of time.

My nineteenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-30
Reviewed: 2023-01-30
Flying an unshielded TIE Fighter can be frustrating, especially when you see friendlies having the time of their life in various rebel starfighters, but it makes for an interesting challenge ! This is a battle with solid mission design, a strong plot, good writing and a fair amount of difficulty. What's not to love ?

My eighteenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
The plot is incoherent and the whole battle suffers from a critical lack of polish : blank names for capital ships, dreadful spelling throughout and unengaging missions.

My seventeenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
In this battle, you take on a rebel fleet and dismantle it gradually. Mission design is competent but very repetitive.

My sixteenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
This battle is defective. You are meant to be flying an "Ares-class X-Wing", instead you are in a regular, unshielded TIE Fighter. This battle would have been fine in an X-Wing, as is it's stupid and supremely tedious.

My fifteenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
Reviewed: 2023-01-29
This battle is a simple scenario : you are to take out a small rebel fleet of a few capital ships along with their shieldless starfighters. You'll do it four times, every subsequent mission being the exact same thing but in a different craft.

My fourteenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-28
Reviewed: 2023-01-28
The plot is simple but enjoyable : you are dealing with the same rebel fleet over six missions, gradually whittling down their capital ships and fighters. The missions flow into each other well and are solidly designed.

My thirteenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-28
Reviewed: 2023-01-28
The missions have a fair amount of challenge and plenty of depth thanks to a generous helping of bonus goals throughout the battle.

My twelfth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-27
Reviewed: 2023-01-27
This is a straightforward, short battle with little plot.

My eleventh battle with the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-27
This is a very good battle : the plot is well written and flows together smoothly. The missions are fairly quick and easy but well put together. The variety of craft that you fly (a different one each mission !) is a plus.

This was my tenth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-22
Reviewed: 2023-01-22
The plot is coherent and well delivered. Mission design is varied and well crafted with a pleasant level of challenge and no tedium. This is a very good battle !

My ninth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-21
Reviewed: 2023-01-21
This battle has a coherent plot throughout - it's unfortunate that the ending is contrived. Massive space battles make up the majority of the campaign, they are enjoyable without falling into tedium.

My eighth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-21
Reviewed: 2023-01-21
The plot is mediocre, the script is riddled with spelling mistakes and fundamentally inappropriate language. "LOL ! Seeya" from the secret order agent, really ?

The missions are repetitive but the A9 is pleasant to fly.

My seventh battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-21
Reviewed: 2023-01-21
The plot is solid and well-written and the missions were well designed. Flying new craft is always fun ! This is a short but sweet battle.

My sixth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-20
Reviewed: 2023-01-20
The plot doesn't make sense within the game's story, mission design isn't noteworthy.

The final mission is an interesting (and hectic) change of pace and it gets leniency for having been the first TIE Corps custom battle against which others may be compared.

My fifth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-20
Reviewed: 2023-01-20
A coherent plotline with healthy mission design. Flying new craft is always fun !

My fourth battle in the TIE Corps.
Reviewed: 2023-01-16
Reviewed: 2023-01-16
My third battle in the TIE Corps.

Serviceable plot with a reasonable level of challenge and fun final mission flying the TIE Dragon, unfortunately the fourth mission is bogged down by tedium.
Reviewed: 2023-01-12
Reviewed: 2023-01-12
This was my first mission with the TIE Praetor and the second ever in the TIE Corps.

I really enjoyed how the first mission had you taking down a CR90 along with a few rebel fighters, all on your own (if you bothered to send your wingman home for extra points, at least) in a measly, standard TIE Fighter !

But more importantly, across its next five missions it was a nice showcase of the TIE Praetor's ludicrous power while keeping a modicum of challenge throughout, all with a simple if perfectly functional storyline that manages to tie in nicely with the gameplay experience.
Reviewed: 2023-01-12
Reviewed: 2023-01-12
The branching paths within the battle's storyline are splendid.
As for the actual gameplay, it holds up a reasonable challenge while being thematically appropriate !

This was the first custom battle I completed since I joined the TIE Corps and it certainly set a high bar.

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