TIE-TC 116: GA Ronin vs. Rogues

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 4
Release date: 1999-09-28
Last updated: 2003-09-10

AD Pel

Average rating 1.9
Reviews: 13
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 334
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

It starts well and gets progressively worse. The creator was very lazy both in the briefing and in the battle itself. Waste of time really, and yet flying it was better than a lot of other mediocre battles, go figure! It's a shame, because, with a bit more effort and a bit more testing, it would have been a good battle worthy of a 4.

A fairly straightforward plot and battle. As mentioned several other times, the battle is marred by the capitals having fighter orders - which makes the last battle challenging as you're trying not to get rammed by a Mon Cal cruiser!

I played on Easy with cheats enabled. I can't really speak to much on this battle except that it's very fast. If you want a battle that's extremely quick and gets you points, this one is for you.

This is a quick and easy one, but be sure to change the loadout to rockets and not the missiles. You'll be doing capital ship damage and that can be done a lot quicker with rockets. Always love a mission where you have to defend the GA stuck in a shuttle.

Simple and Poor battle, havent bugs but poor design in made Capital ships act as fighters, In easy level the battle is very easy cause a T/D havent match except a T/A. But simple is good and at least have fun flying it

Very simple, straightforward missions. There was very little 'gravity' or real setup to the idea of why you're caught up with the NR's two best squadrons. Feels like the names were really just there to attract attention. It's basically the battle version of a bunch of missions that just randomly have Rogue in them. :P

The battle seems to be fixed. No bugs found in 2017.
Too simple battle, easy and short.
Capships with fighter orders are always bad.

Five years later, this battle remains poor. I doubt even Ronin would be happy to see his name on a battle like this. It seems to me that the mission creator just wanted to make a free mission and then decided to add three missions and make it a battle, because only the first mission seems somewhat interesting.

Nice, average.

8-( This battle should be rebuilded.

A well made battle, but not the best, or most enjoyable, but nice and bug-free.

This battle is pretty short, four missions. Pretty good plot, and I believe one breifing is missing.

Short easy battle, difficult not to complete. fun but lacking.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Battle Total: 168,092 CPT Devlin
Mission 1: 45,271 CM Elvaron Starfire
Mission 2: 65,154 COL Fireclaw
Mission 3: 43,493 CPT Devlin
Mission 4: 98,819 COL Fireclaw

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 140,388 RA Genie 2022-07-01
2 135,234 COL Rau Aznable 2005-04-20
3 133,892 AD Impulse 2017-01-10
4 127,124 VA Philo 2002-11-16
5 116,996 CM Infamus 2003-01-31
6 111,815 LC Repulsor 2002-12-04
7 100,807 COL George 2005-03-09
8 95,266 LCM Aleksey Chugunov 2003-12-16
9 86,387 CM Kahooli 2005-04-12
10 82,983 LCM Tyr Kenaz 2003-10-19

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 271 pilots a total of 330 times.

GN Aardvark - 2021-10-29

GN Abel Malik - 2005-01-21



LC Ace Hobbes

LC Ace Pilot

CPT Adam Szydlowski

CM Agace

CPT Ahkliat


MAJ Aldaric - 2018-06-02

LCM Aleksey Chugunov - 2003-12-16

LCM Alexey Kolouboff

MAJ Algaron Xerves

LC Ambar Kilick

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 10 times, last on 2021-07-21

LT Andreev Anton

COL Angel - 2004-05-31

AD Apophis Kuma - 2005-01-29

LC Ardeth Mordor

AD Arthak Rhade

CM Arti

MAJ Artyis

CM Aryn Deek

COL Asaf

COL Astarosta

CPT Atmos Myremod - 2003-09-02

CPT Aval - 2022-08-19

CPT Avantar

LC Azazel

CPT Backfire

COL Beef

COL Bilbo

CM Blade

LCM Bob-Fett

LC Brandon

CPT Bret K'thraz

COL Brucmack

FA Brukhar - 2005-02-03

COL Calias

MAJ Caltin Doros

MAJ Calvin Senzin

COL Carl Lost

LCM Charlie X - 2020-09-04

COL Chei-Ras

LCM Chris

LT Ciara

SA Compton

GN Coranel Both - 2 times, last on 2023-09-03

SL Corran Horn

CM Cracoucas

COL CrimsonFury - 2004-08-08

CPT Crovax

LC Curtis

LC Daisuke Airyu

LCM Dall Star

LCM Damien Warchild

COL Dan Malaktos

MAJ Daniel Klivian


RA Darklord

AD Darksaber

CPT Darkstar

CPT Darkstar

CPT Darky - 2003-12-04

Darth Vader

LCM Dash Riprock

COL Dave

GN Dax Corrin - 2005-01-23

CPT Deamon

CPT Death Angel

CM Death Knight

MAJ Deleted Member - 2002-12-29

LC Delplancq

CPT Demon Yoda

LC Dengar March

CPT Derek Dan

GN Devin

MAJ Devin Taralis - 2003-01-31

CPT Devlin

LC Diaboli

COL Dirty Vader - 2005-02-05

LC Drake Jensen - 2003-01-06

COL Dras Hempor

LCM Drax Remlinger - 2003-01-13

COL Duncan Idaho

COL E. Tarkin

CM Elvaron Starfire

GN Elwood the Brave - 6 times, last on 2023-09-13

CM Epicedion - 2020-09-14

CM Eric

CM Esm'ael Rasxus

COL Fireclaw

CPT Firzam Coldsteel

MAJ Flelm - 2 times, last on 2015-06-05

SL Fondor

GN Ford Prefect

RA fr0Zen - 2023-09-02

CPT Frenchie6 - 2 times, last on 2021-05-09

HA Frodo March - 3 times, last on 2015-06-17

COL Gallows

LCM Gambit

LC Gen Es'mith

RA Genie - 2022-07-01

COL George - 2005-03-09

AD Gidda - 2003-01-06

GN Gilad Pelleaon - 5 times, last on 2018-06-28

GN Golbez Harvey - 2015-06-30

LC Guthwulf

COL Gyssler - 2003-04-10

AD Hav Antiel - 2017-06-08

COL Hawkins

CPT Hello

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2021-03-25

MAJ Hev Randrowan

FA Howlader - 2009-11-28

LCM Hubert - 2003-01-28

MAJ Hunter

LC Iceman - 2003-05-12

AD Impulse - 2017-01-10

CM Infamus - 2003-01-31

COL Ixion Deathbringer

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2024-09-14

CM Jamiek

GN Jarek La’an - 4 times, last on 2020-09-25

MAJ Javelin

LT Jay Terrel

AD Jeff 'Tiger' Loruss

ACO JetMech - 2020-09-10

FA John T. Clark - 2015-06-30

COL Jon Doyle-Strathaven

SL Jonathan

MAJ Jonathan

CPT Julian Clary

LCM Kadath L'Hoon

CM Kahooli - 2005-04-12

VA Kane Reese - 2002-12-04

CPT Kaneda Pellail

MAJ Kazraran - 2023-04-24

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-04-16

HA Keiran Idanian

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-09-10

VA Keldorn Cochrane

LC Kenath Zoron - 2002-08-10

COL Kermee

FA Khadgar

AD Khaine

Khameir Sarin - 2003-01-09

LC Kodiak Kereban

MAJ Koriel

CPT Kou Taiki

VA Ky Terrak - 2003-04-01

MAJ Landon Cruise - 2014-02-16

CM Lassiter

COL Lenvik

LC Linkan

LCM Lo Mar - 2020-09-06

VA Locke Setzer - 2 times, last on 2024-09-04

COL Loor

MAJ Mairin Astoris

FA Manesh

FA Marcin Szydlowski

COL Marconius

GN Mark Schueler - 7 times, last on 2021-10-07

GN Master - 2 times, last on 2015-06-12

CPT Matu Vonnegut

MAJ Mauser

CM Miackus

MAJ Michael

LC Michael Emrys

COL Moagim Daar

COL Mobiles

LC Monaghan

CPT Morth

CM Nashaa KamBuel

COL Nightmare - 2003-08-17


CPT ObiVader

CPT Onwai Starborne


FA Pellaeon

HA Pete Mitchell - 2 times, last on 2020-09-12

COL Phalk Sturm

VA Philo - 2002-11-16

AD Phoenix Berkana - 2022-10-03

FA Pickled Yoda - 10 times, last on 2022-10-18

HA Plif - 5 times, last on 2018-06-03

CPT Predator

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

MAJ Prophet

CPT Quicksilver

GN Rancorous

LC randyrumrnr - 2020-09-12

AD Ranthier Khaen

COL Rau Aznable - 2005-04-20

LT Raven Arestar

LCM Razor

LT Razor

AD Reaper

CPT Red Fox

MAJ RedTaz - 2021-11-05

CM Regis Knox

LC Repulsor - 2002-12-04

LCM Rian Tolock

GN Ric Hunter

COL Ricardo

LCM Rinuchu Stealth - 2002-08-07

CM Roger Duncan

CPT Rogue

LCM Rurinix - 2 times, last on 2024-09-02

CPT Saadam

MAJ Sanj

LC Savageaz - 2003-08-12

CM Schitzo

COL Scoser

CM Scud

CM Sergeyli - 2009-08-31

COL Shae Kitane

MAJ Shakur

GN Silwar Naiilo - 2022-06-13

LC Solohan50 - 2021-10-24

CPT Soontir Fel

LC Spade - 2003-06-07

CM Spearhawk

LC Steve Strangelove

HA Striker

COL Stuart - 2003-03-01

COL Styles

CPT Syntroth - 2022-10-03

COL Talons Pryde

LC Tempest

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2 times, last on 2023-09-02

CM Thomas Solo

LT Thrawn

CPT Tiamat - 2004-10-15

CM TK-9780 - 2005-05-16

COL Todbringer

Tomaas Banys

COL Torres

CPT Trideo Arkson

GN Triji Boliv - 2022-10-19

AD Troutrooper

LC Turr Phennir

CPT Tvan'Oris

LCM Tyr Kenaz - 2003-10-19

COL Ulrich Drachen - 2016-06-08

LC Vapen Van’an - 2022-10-18

SL Vexan

CPT Viper

FA Viper Pred

CPT Von Predator - 2004-07-25

CPT Vuffi Raa

CPT Wap Eal - 2003-02-16

COL Wes Janson

GN Wil Striker

COL William Waffennass

LCM Wilq Fastclaw

CPT Witchblade - 4 times, last on 2024-09-12

VA Wlodek

COL Wolly

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 4 times, last on 2024-09-09

COL Woobee

COL Wraithdog - 3 times, last on 2016-06-01

CM Yarik Kelve

COL Yoman

COL Zeth Durron - 2010-05-25

COL Zippy Hawk

COL Zorn Starn

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar

Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle


Emperor's Hammer Battle Center - http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/ 
Corrected by Project Phoenix (Dec 27, 1999) 
-Added installation.txt
by CMDR/CPT Monaghan/Nun/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign 
by CA:TAC/AD Striker/CA-3/SSSD Sovereign