XWA-F 13: Protect the Vanguard

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2000-07-05
Last updated: 2003-09-10

CM Bip

Average rating 3.2
Reviews: 11
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 270
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Non-mission critical bug, too easy, but a serviceable dogfight/destroy mission

Pretty standard mission really - concentrate on the fighters which warp in, and let your wing-men do the heavy lifting with the initial convoy attack, and you should be fine.

A pretty good, mostly defense-based mission. It was fairly short, and its goals were straightforward. If you work with your wingmen the convoy can be taken out so quickly that you've got about 30 seconds to idle around. After that, it's mostly about getting the cruiser to withdraw and making sure the Vanguard isn't being attacked by too many ships, or boarded.

Good mission about interdiction and destruction of a convoy, that turns into a desperate defense of your SD against a rebel cruiser and her complement of fighters and transports. Worth a try and some easy FCHG point in this one.

For a single mission (i.e. free type) this is excellent. This is what free missions should be about. Briefing was clear, the mission itself was clear. Some nice touches as well and the inflight messaging kept you informed about what was going on. You also have to use your speed from time to time, which is always nice to have. Will not provide any spoilers, but there was enough variation to make things interesting. The only issue is that the AI was a bit too strong, meaning you actually have to race ahead of them if you want a piece of the action. Possible high-score chaser for the future.

It was quite a fun and pleasurable mission to fly. I needed a few attempts to get the grasp of what's going on when. It wasn't extreemely challenging, still a solid mission.

It was ok. Easy yes. But interestingly the Vangaurd would seemingly self destruct if I went away from it to combat the new rebel craft after I had attempted to kill the CRV Death from kamikazing. every time i flew away from it five seconds later mission fail. There were no enemy craft nearby either...i'm perplexed. So i just flew by my ship the whole time and let the AI kill stuff. got me to win the mission at least.

All in all a good dog fight but, if you were to check the role of Echo squadron its V.I.P. escort not short range assault. It would also help if the corvette would plow through the ISD then rather stop right on top of the Vanguard. And its kinda strange when the corvette flys trough the Vanguard comes out and turns back into the ship.

Surprising plotline , well designed . This mission was fun to fly

It was an original idea (the ramming of the Vanguard) but I agree, it is a little easy :)

Kinda boring, I had no problems even on hard.. hell, i didn't even need to be there, the ai did everything.

Battle Bug Reports

CPT Jagged Fell III


CRV Death hypers directly into the Vanguard and is instantly destroyed

High Scores

Mission: 9,948 COL Deimos

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 9,146 CM Vanguard88 2023-07-28
2 9,134 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-08-08
3 8,996 LC Brandon 2003-08-31
4 8,698 FA Pickled Yoda 2021-04-03
5 4,178 MAJ Nuno 2002-08-16
6 3,612 MAJ David 2003-01-08
7 3,452 COL Angel 2003-08-07
8 3,382 CM Orion Diamante 2002-11-26
9 3,311 COL Rau Aznable 2002-11-20
10 3,260 COL Jer Stryker 2004-09-28

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 266 pilots a total of 268 times.

COL A. C. Badlands

GN Abel Malik


CM Ace

LC Ace Hobbes

CPT Achim Schwarick

AD Adren Silvori

COL Adrenaline

MAJ Aeolus

CPT Ahkliat

FA Aiden Cantor Karias

CPT Alexander Anderson - 2004-08-31

CPT Alsdyr - 2003-10-26

LCM Altar

HA Anahorn Dempsey

LCM Andre Parafonte

LT Andreev Anton

CM Andros Rok - 2003-06-22

COL Angel - 2003-08-07

COL Archangel - 2003-07-18

LC Archon

CM Argos Staneth

HA Ari

COL Arso Slyth

AD Arthak Rhade

LCM Athy

CM Atican

Autoris Maximus

MAJ Aven Kronn

LC Azazel

CPT Badger

CM Banger

COL Beef

LT Ben Holland

CM Blade

MAJ Blair Vallyn

LT Blitz Degal

LCM BoroKnight

LC Brandon - 2003-08-31

CPT Bret K'thraz

COL BubbaX - 2022-10-20

CPT Cal Sinis

MAJ Calvin Senzin

CPT Carren "Angel" Hiles

LCM Chrome - 2014-06-05

LT Chrusos Ichthys

CPT Con Selar

MAJ Cray Mikalen

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-01-14

MAJ Crix Talra

CPT Crovax

COL Crsepe


GA Cyric


CM Dakar Romson - 2003-04-05

LT Dalreth

CPT Damarcus

CPT Damon Kast

LC Daniel Kamprath

AD Daniel Licinius Trajanus

LCM Dargor - 2004-07-06

COL Dark Angel

LT Dark Iceman

COL DarkC - 2003-01-19

LC DarkHawk

LCM Darkheart

AD Darksaber

Darth Vader

MAJ David - 2003-01-08

GN Dax Corrin

COL Deimos

COL Den Darkhill

VA Dolza - 2003-01-12

COL Drak - 2004-08-02

LC Drake Jensen

COL Dras Hempor

LCM Drax Remlinger

LCM Drefan - 2005-02-25

LCM Dufar Jabar

LCM Dufar Jabar

GN Dunta Polo - 2010-04-21

COL E. Tarkin

CPT Egg'Foo

GN Elwood the Brave

LCM Emon

Enahropes Teriad Entar

CM Eric - 2003-04-12

MAJ Erryc Lasitter

CPT EXE - 2005-05-04

LCM Flagellant

SL Fondor

MAJ Frankie - 2003-04-29

LC Frey Gallandro

COL Gallows

COL Garik Hizad

LC Gen Es'mith

RA Genie - 2020-09-07

AD Gidda

LCM Godo Nurok

LCM Gold Leader

VA Gord Darkonian

CPT Grimlock

COL Gyssler

LCM Herman

MAJ Hermann

LCM Hiram Tolwyn

FA Howlader - 2010-01-17

MAJ Hunter

LC Iceman

COL Ixion Deathbringer - 2004-09-04

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2024-01-02

CM Jan Schneider

GN Jarek La’an - 2013-03-17

LC Jargon Grim

LCM Jari

CPT Jarion Renalds - 2020-07-03

CPT Jaster Sadista

LC Jdf1984

COL Jer Stryker - 2004-09-28

ACO JetMech - 2021-09-05

CM Jodo Kast

MAJ Johann Glorick

CM Jorg Silsti

COL Josh Popelka

CPT Julian Clary

GN Kaisin Mirtez

CM Kakihara

SA Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz

VA Kane Reese

CPT Karrad Entar

LCM Kat Lyons - 2003-02-09

SA Kawolski

LC Kayle Bayron - 2003-03-12

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2005-06-02

COL Kermee

SL Ketan-Shej

Khameir Sarin

LT Kweeky

CPT Kyral Retsam - 2003-07-04

COL Lenvik - 2003-08-24

SL Linoge

CPT Lito Rendal

COL Loor

CM LQC-75-3 - 2 times, last on 2022-07-14

LT M. v. Richthofen

LCM Malus Bloodmoon

COL Marc

CPT Marc Kendoran

CPT Marcin Kaczynski

FA Marcin Szydlowski

LCM Marek Jaros

LCM Marek Ny`Irfa - 2020-08-08

LC Mark

CPT Mark Stephenson

GN Master - 2003-05-10

CM Matthew Weeks - 2004-08-15

MAJ Mawy

Mayk Wolverine

LT Melvar

CPT Menedas Haredem - 2004-07-14

CPT Michael Gutt

CM Michael K Starburst - 2004-06-09

LCM Mike Fett

LCM Mithrandir

MAJ Mitth'raw'nuruodo

CM Mycroft

CPT Nakata

LCM Narnil

CM Nicolas

LC Nile Rosenau

LCM Nir Fallas - 2003-11-23

CM Nova Discordia - 2023-06-25

MAJ Nuno - 2002-08-16

COL Nurel Turr

CPT Optimus

CM Orion Diamante - 2002-11-26

CPT Paco - 2004-09-28

CM Pat Dowling

CM Patrick Blastfire

HA Pete Mitchell

COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-25

LT Philledume

FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2021-04-03

MAJ Praetorian - 2003-04-23

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

MAJ Prophet

LCM Raistlin

CPT Raistlin

COL Raith Sienar

GN Rancorous

LCM Ranger

AD Ranthier Khaen

COL Rau Aznable - 2002-11-20

MAJ Raxis Krieger

LCM Razor

MAJ RedTaz

VA Rejili Holthaus - 2004-09-24


CPT Ric Gravin

GN Ric Hunter

CM Riccardo Grazioli

CPT Rogue

COL RogueWing

LCM Rollins

MAJ Roth Jalis

CM Rothmans

MAJ Sanj

COL Sauron

COL Scoser

LC Sequoh Marden

COL Shae Kitane - 2003-02-08

CM Shinobi - 2004-11-02

CM Shivor Dahr - 2005-01-23

LT Slayer

GN Smitrock

CPT Soontir Fel

CPT Soontir Fel

CM Spearhawk

VA Starrett - 2002-11-09

Steele Brightsaber

LC Strahd

HA Striker

LT Tail Vyast

LC Tethys

CM Thom Shveed'oo

LC Tissaya Argat

AD TK-2107

COL TK-7764 - 2002-11-17

LCM TK-8148

LT Torak

COL Torres

LCM Treb Helfest

GN Triji Boliv

MAJ Tuba - 2011-01-22

LCM Turbo

CPT Tvan'Oris


CM Vanguard88 - 2023-07-28

CM Var Zoraan

CM Varik Kassal - 2023-06-30

COL Varth Nader

CPT Vertigo

MAJ VinDoros

COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-03-14

CPT Von Predator

CPT Werdna Elbee

COL Westric Davalorn - 2023-06-06

GN Wil Striker

CM Wisal Pol-Jo - 2004-01-02

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-05-28

CM Xanatos Screed

AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor

LCM Yilana - 2002-12-21

CM Yun

LT Zacarias - 2003-06-05

LCM Zbyl

CM Zekk Thyne

LCM Zero Pain

COL Zeth Durron

LT Zev Zuggs

COL Zippy Hawk

COL Zorn Starn

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar

Title: Protect the Vanguard
Missions: 1
Game Platform: X-wing Alliance
Author: FL/CM Bip Delekhan/Echo 3-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard (darkstar3001@yahoo.com)

Installation Instructions:

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.


The Vanguard will be attacking a small undefended Rebel convoy.  Echo Squadron will launch and quickly destroy the convoy.  A Rebel task force is in the area but we expect to be gone by the time it arrives.

As Echo Squadron returns from destroying the convoy, a corvette comes out of hyperspace and rams the Vanguard.  Several squadrons of Rebel fighters and a CRL emmerge from hyperspace and Echo Squadron must hold off the attacking force until the VSD Aggressor arrives.

Note:  This mission contains hidden objectives for realism as a pilot would not know that the Vanguard would fall under attack at the start of the mission.


FL/CM Bip Delekhan/Echo 3-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard