LCM Rurinix
Reviewer's rating profile
The first mission is pretty tricky, because it makes you think that you are soft-locked before you can do anything about it. It could have done without that. The last mission is super long. Aside from that fairly straight-forward and moderately challenging missions—nothing too crazy hard but not super easy either. I got pretty close to the top-10. Too bad I’ll have to wait a year before trying again.
CM Von Goosington
Reviewer's rating profile
XvTTC 07
Interesting concept, with little to no errors, but could do with some deeper thought into enemy reactions (i.e. the supply convoy sitting static on wait orders instead of trying to run). Loses a mark for breaking Rogue Sqdn out of their cloning cylinders again.
LT Ezekiel Solomon
Reviewer's rating profile
2nd mission in, never ending waves of enemies and if one of your wingmen die (who you can't even give orders to), you fail the mission. Hard pass.
CPT Nova Discordia
Reviewer's rating profile
Great set of missions! Really enjoyable and thought out background story, and lots of interesting tasks to complete. An excellent flying experience!
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana
Reviewer's rating profile
Fairly easy missions as a Tie Advanced that can be fun to fly. None of it was all that special, but the first mission did throw me with a curveball and I really thought I messed up. Interesting design behind it while at the same time being pretty standard throughout. I miss flying battles because you can see obvious progression through the missions. Enjoyable.
RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
I liked the way it started. It had the hallmarks of somebody who thinks the way his mission plays out a bit more carefully. But as the missions went on, it seemed to get more and more stale.
LC Solohan50
Reviewer's rating profile
I played on Easy. The first mission is definitely not what you expect, I appreciate that. Other than that, though, most of these missions are just okay and pretty easy. The final mission has a lot of targets to kill, but it's still not too bad.
MAJ Jaxx Nassin
Reviewer's rating profile
A fun outing behind the wheel of some T/As. The premise for the first few missions is neat, but if you're like me, you'll repeat mission 1 a few times thinking you've done something wrong. Otherwise, the missions are pretty straight forward and a good use of the TIE Advanced
COL Phalk Sturm
Reviewer's rating profile
Simple, yet effective. This battle has almost everything done in the TIE Advanced, which is a formidable death machine. Missions are easy and straightforward. Last mission is about bombing a rebel convoy, and player can take advantage of choosing either the T/A or the venerable war mule, aka the Assault Gunboat. Good to fly and recommended for some careless fun and killing rebels.
LC andr3
Reviewer's rating profile
Interesting scenario: stranded w/ a couple of T/A, trying to save these craft and initially a little different missions. That's a plus. Towards the end it gets to the usual kill waves and waves of fighters. And then things like after 28min of shooting down countless fighters the last freighter you're supposed to destroy hypers out at 9% - mission lost.
LC randyrumrnr
Reviewer's rating profile
A fairly standard run of the mill battle. About 3 of the missions can be completed in under 3-4 minutes fairly easily. There were no bugs to report on this battle.
LT Crane Baxa
Reviewer's rating profile
This was rough...really rough. I only could do this on Medium and for the first two, if you lose even one ship of the Avengers, you lose. This can be particularly infuriating later on as you realize a majority of the AI is not bright enough to do most of the objectives and with waves of fighters, there is barely enough time to manage kill the major objectives in the last mission, resorting to getting into a gunboat and having to play it safe. Overall, it has good intentions but it is sore with some good jokes in between.
LCM Danel
Reviewer's rating profile
Good battle, mission 4th particulary difficult in hard mainly for the so bad perfomance of the wingmans.Really a very fast masacre for the GUNs.For the details, well,I dont like the parameters "Infinite Warheads"or "Double Missiles" and as always: ISD dont had Concussion Missiles Launchers.Only(speaking about Imperial destroyers)the SSD and the VSD I had Concussion Missiles Launchers.
LC Big Poppa K
Reviewer's rating profile
Last battle was a bit hard, 1st battle I won with my controller in one hand and feeding my 2-month old in with the other hand! (a bit easy)
SL Jagged Fel
Reviewer's rating profile
Too easy, its just too easy! The only mission I even got hit on was the last one. If you could increase the difficulty and numbers of the Rebels on Missions 1-4, it would be great. I did like the idea of having a few stranded fighters, but Tie Advanced! Make it more challenging, use Tie Interceptors.
HA Ender mBind
Reviewer's rating profile
Even tho not perfect (didn't see a single EH ship:P), a very nice battle to fly... Might even be better as a full 4 player co-op battle, as that's what you're playing mostly... Another thing that's not really perfect is the amount of bombers (guns) in the last mission, its pretty boring to have to destroy a platform and some caps with lasers only. Might also be solved by giving the available bombers double warheadloads. Still a nice battle overall:)
CM Zack Amberam
Reviewer's rating profile
Fun battle, especially the last mission.
LCM Leon Mehoff
Reviewer's rating profile
I had alot of fun with this battle nice job
AD Alex Foley
Reviewer's rating profile
Great battle for all. I encourage everyone to play it.
COL Klick Sabre
Reviewer's rating profile
Nice job, i liked this battle. Very well made.
CPT DarkAlpha
Reviewer's rating profile
Good job!
LCM Keiran Bastra
Reviewer's rating profile
Pretty good battle. Mission four was probably the best one, lots of enemies and very few friendlies...kept me busy awhile. Good JoB!!
GA Cyric
Reviewer's rating profile
Not a bad Battle. A little too much enemies to battle which makes for a Long battle, but all in all, fun.
LCM MadDog
Reviewer's rating profile
Great battle
FA Marcin Szydlowski
Reviewer's rating profile
Entire battle is pretty cool, especially mission 4. Try it on hard difficulty if you want real challenge.
COL Brucmack
Reviewer's rating profile
The missions were kinda fun, but got a little rough by the end. A simple case of too many enemies and not enough friendlies. Mission 4 is really two separate missions in one: a task force arrives after you kill a convoy. It takes a while to beat. Some of the missions have like 50+ enemy Ys, Xs, and As too. Time-consuming :P
Two bugs: in mission 2, the "all imperials must survive" bonus goal completes on mission starts, and in mission 5 GUN Beta 2- has no orders.
Battle Total: | 467,520 | COL Brucmack | |
Mission 1: | 34,240 | CM William McArthur | |
Mission 2: | 60,316 | LCM Danel | |
Mission 3: | 51,515 | LCM Danel | |
Mission 4: | 126,532 | COL Brucmack | |
Mission 5: | 170,408 | COL Brucmack |
(of available records)
1 | 372,529 | CM Xanatos Screed | 2003-04-01 |
2 | 315,978 | CM BlackHellKnight | 2002-09-07 |
3 | 267,221 | LCM Danel | 2005-06-07 |
4 | 223,024 | COL Carl Lost | 2002-11-25 |
5 | 177,673 | AD TK-2107 | 2002-12-09 |
6 | 175,221 | LT Jay Pliskin | 2003-07-30 |
7 | 164,683 | LC Brin Chaser | 2004-07-05 |
8 | 157,031 | GN Golbez Harvey | 2019-11-29 |
9 | 154,782 | LT Crane Baxa | 2019-04-29 |
10 | 150,914 | LT Kedirak Sith | 2003-03-06 |
This battle has been flown by 461 pilots a total of 475 times.
MAJ Aft Skylek - 2003-07-08
CPT Alexander Shrike - 2003-12-21
LC Ambar Kilick - 2003-10-27
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 9 times, last on 2021-01-02
LC andr3 - 2021-09-08
COL Andrijas - 2003-11-22
GN Andrzej Mezynski - 2005-02-12
AD Apophis Kuma - 2003-01-27
CM Aragorn - 2003-01-05
CM Arcanix - 2003-08-21
LT Arden Kane - 2003-12-31
MAJ Arid Foxtrot - 2003-01-01
CM Armagon - 2004-12-15
LCM Artur Knight - 2003-01-27
COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan - 2004-08-04
LC Big Poppa K - 2003-12-20
LT Birch Sullivan - 2003-03-05
LCM Bizkit - 2005-03-25
CM BlackHellKnight - 2002-09-07
LC Brin Chaser - 2004-07-05
MAJ Bryan - 2004-07-14
LT Cadoo Toca - 2003-02-01
COL Carl Lost - 2002-11-25
LT Castor Troy - 2002-12-06
LC Chris Cox - 2002-08-10
RA Colo Delste - 2021-10-07
SL Condar Freed - 2004-06-21
LT Condar Sovar - 2024-02-17
FA Conker Blackwood - 2009-09-08
MAJ Coremy Jertese - 2019-10-03
LT Crane Baxa - 2019-04-29
COL CrimsonFury - 2003-03-15
LC Curtis - 2003-08-15
CPT Damarcus - 2004-06-17
LCM Danel - 2005-06-07
CM Daniel Russell - 2005-05-30
VA Darwin Matir - 2003-09-08
LT Dav Aosiz - 2009-08-03
COL Davi Anthol - 2003-07-25
COL Drak - 2002-08-16
CPT Drake Starfire - 2017-02-20
CM Duken - 2002-11-23
CM Dukimar - 2003-10-18
GN Dunta Polo - 2 times, last on 2013-10-16
GN Earnim Branet - 2004-10-10
LT Eifel - 2005-03-16
CM El Guapo - 2004-07-06
MAJ Eugene - 2003-11-07
GN Exar Kit - 2003-07-07
CM Faliaj Shai - 2003-01-16
LCM Felix Anthraxson - 2002-12-28
RA fr0Zen - 2021-04-17
RA Genie - 2021-10-24
LT Glauron - 2003-08-27
GN Golbez Harvey - 2019-11-29
COL Gyssler - 2011-08-02
AD Hav Antiel - 2018-07-31
MAJ Hermann - 3 times, last on 2021-10-15
CPT Hunterwolf - 2003-12-05
CPT Jan Pieter - 2003-12-02
CPT Jaques Landeux - 2005-05-23
LCM Jason Kotare - 2018-10-05
MAJ Jaxx Nassin - 2021-10-13
LT Jay Pliskin - 2003-07-30
COL Jer Stryker - 2002-11-30
LT Jeremiah Quenzer - 2005-05-08
FA John T. Clark - 2009-04-08
LC Kadon Beir - 2005-02-12
MAJ Kalve Ryder - 2021-10-21
MAJ Kazraran - 2023-01-14
MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2022-10-01
LT Kedirak Sith - 2003-03-06
MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-11-10
LT Klaus Wowereit - 2002-08-11
CM Kysar Xero - 2004-06-07
LT Lance Menu - 2003-09-26
CPT Lanidet Tobri - 2003-08-17
LT Lindor - 2003-09-09
SL Linoge - 2002-12-16
LCM Lone Starr - 2003-10-17
CM LQC-75-3 - 2022-06-14
LCM Luca Fett - 2003-03-10
COL Mad Hatter - 2003-01-02
COL Malidir - 2 times, last on 2009-02-08
GN Mark Schueler - 2015-06-20
GN Master - 2009-05-17
Mayk Wolverine - 2003-04-19
LCM Meanman - 2003-10-31
LCM Mel Aani S'ger - 2004-06-14
CM Michael K Starburst - 2003-05-05
COL Moagim Daar - 2005-04-18
LCM Naar Treib - 2003-05-09
LT Nathan Cole - 2017-01-05
CM Nicolas - 2002-09-05
CPT Nova Discordia - 2022-07-29
CM Odin Strongheart - 2022-09-09
HA Pete Mitchell - 2017-04-28
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-04
FA Pickled Yoda - 2003-04-16
LC randyrumrnr - 2021-04-11
CM Rayn - 2004-06-29
MAJ RichyV - 2010-01-29
LT Rifkin - 2005-06-11
LCM Rosh Nyine - 2024-06-08
LT Rowland - 2003-02-11
LCM Rurinix - 2024-08-16
CPT S 4patas - 2004-06-19
CM Sabbath - 2002-12-11
LC Savageaz - 2003-01-29
LT Sevrian - 2005-02-04
CM Sid_amos - 2024-05-25
LC Solohan50 - 2021-10-22
LC Spade - 2003-09-04
LC Steve Strangelove - 2005-06-08
MAJ Tek Selkirk - 2003-05-09
CM Thomas Solo - 2002-11-16
Thorin Oakenshield - 2003-02-05
CPT Tiamat - 2003-11-02
AD TK-2107 - 2002-12-09
CM TK-9780 - 2003-02-18
MAJ Tuba - 2011-06-11
LC Turr Phennir - 2003-02-22
LCM Tyrian - 2009-02-08
CPT Ulath - 2004-07-05
LCM Valjean - 2003-08-19
LCM Viet - 2003-01-21
MAJ VinDoros - 2002-09-15
COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-04-21
CM Von Goosington - 2024-08-12
CM Wisal Pol-Jo - 2002-09-01
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 3 times, last on 2023-09-03
CM Xanatos Screed - 2003-04-01
CM Yukito - 2002-12-04
MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk - 2002-12-16
LT Zantor - 2004-09-12
MAJ Zhaim Jifarr - 2004-10-13
LCM Zhil - 2002-08-24
COL Zystem Fryar - 2002-11-18
Title:The Resupply Missions:5 Game Platform:XvT Author: FL/LT The_Z/Cobra 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid PC/ISM/LoC/OV {IWATS-M/1/2} david.munoz.lundgren@swipnet.se Required patches ---------------- none Installation instructions -------------------------- 1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle 2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 3] Press the X-wing vs TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game 4] Create a new pilot and fly the Imperial training missions Description: The ISD Vengance is about to get 4 T/A's from Alpha (you) when something unexpected happens. Four flights of six Y-wings jumps in, destroys the Vengance, and jumps out. Some X-wings jump in, and you have to desrtoy them all. Since the hyperdrives of the new T/A's haven't been installed yet, they get stranded. Avenger (T/A) and Rho (GUN) arrives to protect the stranded crafts until a cap ship arrives, when some more rebel forces arrives. They have to protect Alpha (you) at every cost, none of the new crafts (Alpha) are allowed to be destroyed. The ISD Terror arrives to pick up the stranded crafts, with Avenger and Rho watching over them, when suddenly a rebel convoy arrives. They destroy the convoy, and when they investigate where they where heading, they find yet another convoy. When they have destroyed the second convoy, a rebel cap ship suddenly arrives, responding to the distress signal the convoy sent out. The ISD Terror has to call in some GUN's from Rho, which manages to desrtoy the Mon-cal cruiser. Following the rebel convoys hyper vector, they discover a rebel cargo station, and engages it... THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. FL/LT The_Z/Cobra 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid PC/ISM/LoC/OV {IWATS-M/1/2} Corrected for Operation: Sweeping Corners by CA:TAC/VA Marcin Szydlowski -Orders adjusted (missions 1 and 2) -Mothership added (mission 1)